Commit 4e4b6445 authored by Jason R. Coombs's avatar Jason R. Coombs Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1008 from JGoutin/patch-2

Fixes for Visual Studio 2017
parents 3b18e072 4489bc18
* #1008: In MSVC support, use always the last version available for Windows SDK and UCRT SDK.
* #1008: In MSVC support, fix "vcruntime140.dll" returned path with Visual Studio 2017.
......@@ -8,8 +14,7 @@ v34.4.1
* #995: In MSVC support, add support for Microsoft
Build Tools 2017.
* #995: In MSVC support, add support for "Microsoft Visual Studio 2017" and "Microsoft Visual Studio Build Tools 2017".
* #999 via #1007: Extend support for declarative package
config in a setup.cfg file to include the options
......@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@ Improved support for Microsoft Visual C++ compilers.
Known supported compilers:
Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0:
Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 (x86, amd64);
Microsoft Windows SDK 7.0 (x86, x64, ia64);
Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 (x86, amd64)
Microsoft Windows SDK 6.1 (x86, x64, ia64)
Microsoft Windows SDK 7.0 (x86, x64, ia64)
Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0:
Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 (x86, x64, ia64)
Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0:
Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 (x86, x64, arm)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (x86, x64, arm, arm64)
Microsoft Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 (x86, x64, arm, arm64)
......@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ def msvc9_find_vcvarsall(version):
def msvc9_query_vcvarsall(ver, arch='x86', *args, **kwargs):
Patched "distutils.msvc9compiler.query_vcvarsall" for support standalones
Patched "distutils.msvc9compiler.query_vcvarsall" for support extra
Set environment without use of "vcvarsall.bat".
......@@ -104,9 +105,9 @@ def msvc9_query_vcvarsall(ver, arch='x86', *args, **kwargs):
Known supported compilers
Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0:
Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 (x86, amd64);
Microsoft Windows SDK 7.0 (x86, x64, ia64);
Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 (x86, amd64)
Microsoft Windows SDK 6.1 (x86, x64, ia64)
Microsoft Windows SDK 7.0 (x86, x64, ia64)
Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0:
Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 (x86, x64, ia64)
......@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ def msvc9_query_vcvarsall(ver, arch='x86', *args, **kwargs):
def msvc14_get_vc_env(plat_spec):
Patched "distutils._msvccompiler._get_vc_env" for support standalones
Patched "distutils._msvccompiler._get_vc_env" for support extra
Set environment without use of "vcvarsall.bat".
......@@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ def msvc14_get_vc_env(plat_spec):
Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0:
Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 (x86, x64, arm)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (x86, x64, arm, arm64)
Microsoft Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 (x86, x64, arm, arm64)
......@@ -553,7 +555,6 @@ class SystemInfo:
Locate Visual C for 2017
if self.vc_ver <= 14.0:
......@@ -576,9 +577,8 @@ class SystemInfo:
def WindowsSdkVersion(self):
Microsoft Windows SDK versions.
Microsoft Windows SDK versions for specified MSVC++ version.
# Set Windows SDK versions for specified MSVC++ version
if self.vc_ver <= 9.0:
return ('7.0', '6.1', '6.0a')
elif self.vc_ver == 10.0:
......@@ -590,6 +590,14 @@ class SystemInfo:
elif self.vc_ver >= 14.0:
return ('10.0', '8.1')
def WindowsSdkLastVersion(self):
Microsoft Windows SDK last version
return self._use_last_dir_name(os.path.join(
self.WindowsSdkDir, 'lib'))
def WindowsSdkDir(self):
......@@ -687,6 +695,14 @@ class SystemInfo:
return sdkdir or ''
def UniversalCRTSdkLastVersion(self):
Microsoft Universal C Runtime SDK last version
return self._use_last_dir_name(os.path.join(
self.UniversalCRTSdkDir, 'lib'))
def NetFxSdkVersion(self):
......@@ -746,7 +762,7 @@ class SystemInfo:
return self._find_dot_net_versions(64)
def _find_dot_net_versions(self, bits=32):
def _find_dot_net_versions(self, bits):
Find Microsoft .NET Framework versions.
......@@ -758,7 +774,7 @@ class SystemInfo:
# Find actual .NET version in registry
reg_ver = self.ri.lookup(, 'frameworkver%d' % bits)
dot_net_dir = getattr(self, 'FrameworkDir%d' % bits)
ver = reg_ver or self._find_dot_net_in(dot_net_dir) or ''
ver = reg_ver or self._use_last_dir_name(dot_net_dir, 'v') or ''
# Set .NET versions for specified MSVC++ version
if self.vc_ver >= 12.0:
......@@ -772,17 +788,24 @@ class SystemInfo:
frameworkver = ('v3.0', 'v2.0.50727')
return frameworkver
def _find_dot_net_in(self, dot_net_dir):
def _use_last_dir_name(self, path, prefix=''):
Find .Net in the Framework folder
Return name of the last dir in path or '' if no dir found.
path: str
Use dirs in this path
prefix: str
Use only dirs startings by this prefix
matching_dirs = (
for dir_name in reversed(os.listdir(dot_net_dir))
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dot_net_dir, dir_name))
and dir_name.startswith('v')
for dir_name in reversed(os.listdir(path))
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, dir_name)) and
return next(matching_dirs, None)
return next(matching_dirs, None) or ''
class EnvironmentInfo:
......@@ -917,8 +940,8 @@ class EnvironmentInfo:
arch_subdir = self.pi.target_dir(x64=True)
lib = os.path.join(, 'lib')
libver = self._get_content_dirname(lib)
return [os.path.join(lib, '%sum%s' % (libver, arch_subdir))]
libver = self._sdk_subdir
return [os.path.join(lib, '%sum%s' % (libver , arch_subdir))]
def OSIncludes(self):
......@@ -932,7 +955,7 @@ class EnvironmentInfo:
if self.vc_ver >= 14.0:
sdkver = self._get_content_dirname(include)
sdkver = self._sdk_subdir
sdkver = ''
return [os.path.join(include, '%sshared' % sdkver),
......@@ -992,6 +1015,9 @@ class EnvironmentInfo:
return list(self._sdk_tools())
def _sdk_tools(self):
Microsoft Windows SDK Tools paths generator
if self.vc_ver < 15.0:
bin_dir = 'Bin' if self.vc_ver <= 11.0 else r'Bin\x86'
yield os.path.join(, bin_dir)
......@@ -1012,12 +1038,20 @@ class EnvironmentInfo:
elif self.vc_ver >= 15.0:
path = os.path.join(, 'Bin')
arch_subdir = self.pi.current_dir(x64=True)
sdkver = self._get_content_dirname(path).rstrip('\\')
sdkver =
yield os.path.join(path, '%s%s' % (sdkver, arch_subdir))
def _sdk_subdir(self):
Microsoft Windows SDK version subdir
ucrtver =
return ('%s\\' % ucrtver) if ucrtver else ''
def SdkSetup(self):
......@@ -1116,27 +1150,34 @@ class EnvironmentInfo:
def UCRTLibraries(self):
Microsoft Universal CRT Libraries
Microsoft Universal C Runtime SDK Libraries
if self.vc_ver < 14.0:
return []
arch_subdir = self.pi.target_dir(x64=True)
lib = os.path.join(, 'lib')
ucrtver = self._get_content_dirname(lib)
ucrtver = self._ucrt_subdir
return [os.path.join(lib, '%sucrt%s' % (ucrtver, arch_subdir))]
def UCRTIncludes(self):
Microsoft Universal CRT Include
Microsoft Universal C Runtime SDK Include
if self.vc_ver < 14.0:
return []
include = os.path.join(, 'include')
ucrtver = self._get_content_dirname(include)
return [os.path.join(include, '%sucrt' % ucrtver)]
return [os.path.join(include, '%sucrt' % self._ucrt_subdir)]
def _ucrt_subdir(self):
Microsoft Universal C Runtime SDK version subdir
ucrtver =
return ('%s\\' % ucrtver) if ucrtver else ''
def FSharp(self):
......@@ -1154,9 +1195,18 @@ class EnvironmentInfo:
Microsoft Visual C++ runtime redistribuable dll
arch_subdir = self.pi.target_dir(x64=True)
vcruntime = 'redist%s\\Microsoft.VC%d0.CRT\\vcruntime%d0.dll'
vcruntime = vcruntime % (arch_subdir, self.vc_ver, self.vc_ver)
return os.path.join(, vcruntime)
if self.vc_ver < 15:
redist_path =
vcruntime = 'redist%s\\Microsoft.VC%d0.CRT\\vcruntime%d0.dll'
redist_path ='\\Tools', '\\Redist')
vcruntime = 'onecore%s\\Microsoft.VC%d0.CRT\\vcruntime%d0.dll'
# Visual Studio 2017 is still Visual C++ 14.0
dll_ver = 14.0 if self.vc_ver == 15 else self.vc_ver
vcruntime = vcruntime % (arch_subdir, self.vc_ver, dll_ver)
return os.path.join(redist_path, vcruntime)
def return_env(self, exists=True):
......@@ -1244,25 +1294,3 @@ class EnvironmentInfo:
if k not in seen:
yield element
def _get_content_dirname(self, path):
Return name of the first dir in path or '' if no dir found.
path: str
Path where search dir.
foldername: str
"name\" or ""
name = os.listdir(path)
if name:
return '%s\\' % name[0]
return ''
except (OSError, IOError):
return ''
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