Commit 744a61f1 authored by Vinay Sajip's avatar Vinay Sajip

Misc. updates following 2to3 checks.

branch : single-codebase
parent c003c86f
......@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ source_suffix = '.txt'
master_doc = 'index'
# General information about the project.
project = u'Setuptools'
copyright = u'2009-2013, The fellowship of the packaging'
project = 'Setuptools'
copyright = '2009-2013, The fellowship of the packaging'
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
......@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ htmlhelp_basename = 'Setuptoolsdoc'
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]).
latex_documents = [
('index', 'Setuptools.tex', ur'Setuptools Documentation',
ur'The fellowship of the packaging', 'manual'),
('index', 'Setuptools.tex', 'Setuptools Documentation',
'The fellowship of the packaging', 'manual'),
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
......@@ -2492,7 +2492,8 @@ class Distribution(object):
if path is sys.path:
map(declare_namespace, self._get_metadata('namespace_packages.txt'))
def egg_name(self):
......@@ -17,6 +17,15 @@ import collections
import itertools
import re
from urllib2 import urlopen, Request, HTTPError
from itertools import izip_longest
except ImportError:
from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
from urllib.error import HTTPError
raw_input = input
from itertools import zip_longest as izip_longest
import keyring
except Exception:
......@@ -99,11 +108,11 @@ def add_milestone_and_version(version):
for type in 'milestones', 'versions':
url = (base + '/1.0/repositories/{repo}/issues/{type}'
.format(repo = get_repo_name(), type=type))
req = urllib2.Request(url = url, headers = headers,
req = Request(url = url, headers = headers,
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
except HTTPError as e:
def bump_versions(target_ver):
......@@ -225,7 +234,7 @@ def _linkified_text(rst_content):
anchors = []
linkified_parts = [_linkified_part(part, anchors)
for part in plain_text_parts]
pairs = itertools.izip_longest(
pairs = izip_longest(
easy_install = setuptools.command.easy_install:main
easy_install-3.3 = setuptools.command.easy_install:main
namespace_packages = setuptools.dist:check_nsp
use_2to3_exclude_fixers = setuptools.dist:assert_string_list
package_data = setuptools.dist:check_package_data
use_2to3 = setuptools.dist:assert_bool
install_requires = setuptools.dist:check_requirements
entry_points = setuptools.dist:check_entry_points
convert_2to3_doctests = setuptools.dist:assert_string_list
dependency_links = setuptools.dist:assert_string_list
test_suite = setuptools.dist:check_test_suite
test_loader = setuptools.dist:check_importable
tests_require = setuptools.dist:check_requirements
packages = setuptools.dist:check_packages
use_2to3_fixers = setuptools.dist:assert_string_list
extras_require = setuptools.dist:check_extras
include_package_data = setuptools.dist:assert_bool
eager_resources = setuptools.dist:assert_string_list
exclude_package_data = setuptools.dist:check_package_data
zip_safe = setuptools.dist:assert_bool
bdist_rpm = setuptools.command.bdist_rpm:bdist_rpm
rotate = setuptools.command.rotate:rotate
develop = setuptools.command.develop:develop
bdist_wininst = setuptools.command.bdist_wininst:bdist_wininst
test = setuptools.command.test:test
easy_install = setuptools.command.easy_install:easy_install
install_egg_info = setuptools.command.install_egg_info:install_egg_info
upload_docs = setuptools.command.upload_docs:upload_docs
setopt = setuptools.command.setopt:setopt
build_py = setuptools.command.build_py:build_py
install = setuptools.command.install:install
bdist_egg = setuptools.command.bdist_egg:bdist_egg
alias = setuptools.command.alias:alias
saveopts = setuptools.command.saveopts:saveopts
egg_info = setuptools.command.egg_info:egg_info
sdist = setuptools.command.sdist:sdist
rotate = setuptools.command.rotate:rotate
develop = setuptools.command.develop:develop
install_lib = setuptools.command.install_lib:install_lib
register = setuptools.command.register:register
upload_docs = setuptools.command.upload_docs:upload_docs
install_egg_info = setuptools.command.install_egg_info:install_egg_info
alias = setuptools.command.alias:alias
easy_install = setuptools.command.easy_install:easy_install
build_py = setuptools.command.build_py:build_py
install_scripts = setuptools.command.install_scripts:install_scripts
bdist_wininst = setuptools.command.bdist_wininst:bdist_wininst
bdist_egg = setuptools.command.bdist_egg:bdist_egg
install = setuptools.command.install:install
test = setuptools.command.test:test
install_lib = setuptools.command.install_lib:install_lib
bdist_rpm = setuptools.command.bdist_rpm:bdist_rpm
egg_info = setuptools.command.egg_info:egg_info
build_ext = setuptools.command.build_ext:build_ext
sdist = setuptools.command.sdist:sdist
svn_cvs = setuptools.command.sdist:_default_revctrl
dependency_links.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:overwrite_arg
requires.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:write_requirements
PKG-INFO = setuptools.command.egg_info:write_pkg_info
eager_resources.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:overwrite_arg
top_level.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:write_toplevel_names
namespace_packages.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:overwrite_arg
entry_points.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:write_entries
top_level.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:write_toplevel_names
depends.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:warn_depends_obsolete
easy_install = setuptools.command.easy_install:main
easy_install-2.7 = setuptools.command.easy_install:main
svn_cvs = setuptools.command.sdist:_default_revctrl
dependency_links = setuptools.dist:assert_string_list
entry_points = setuptools.dist:check_entry_points
extras_require = setuptools.dist:check_extras
use_2to3_exclude_fixers = setuptools.dist:assert_string_list
package_data = setuptools.dist:check_package_data
install_requires = setuptools.dist:check_requirements
use_2to3 = setuptools.dist:assert_bool
use_2to3_fixers = setuptools.dist:assert_string_list
include_package_data = setuptools.dist:assert_bool
exclude_package_data = setuptools.dist:check_package_data
namespace_packages = setuptools.dist:check_nsp
test_suite = setuptools.dist:check_test_suite
eager_resources = setuptools.dist:assert_string_list
zip_safe = setuptools.dist:assert_bool
test_loader = setuptools.dist:check_importable
packages = setuptools.dist:check_packages
convert_2to3_doctests = setuptools.dist:assert_string_list
tests_require = setuptools.dist:check_requirements
PKG-INFO = setuptools.command.egg_info:write_pkg_info
eager_resources.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:overwrite_arg
dependency_links.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:overwrite_arg
eggsecutable = setuptools.command.easy_install:bootstrap
[ssl:python_version in '2.4, 2.5']
......@@ -285,6 +285,8 @@ class easy_install(Command):
self.script_dir = self.install_scripts
# default --record from the install command
self.set_undefined_options('install', ('record', 'record'))
# Should this be moved to the if statement below? It's not used
# elsewhere
normpath = map(normalize_path, sys.path)
self.all_site_dirs = get_site_dirs()
if self.site_dirs is not None:
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ class egg_info(Command):
dirs[:] = []
data = map(str.splitlines,data.split('\n\x0c\n'))
data = list(map(str.splitlines,data.split('\n\x0c\n')))
del data[0][0] # get rid of the '8' or '9' or '10'
dirurl = data[0][3]
localrev = max([int(d[9]) for d in data if len(d)>9 and d[9]]+[0])
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ class test(Command):
for name in sys.modules:
if name.startswith(module):
map(sys.modules.__delitem__, del_modules)
list(map(sys.modules.__delitem__, del_modules))
loader_ep = EntryPoint.parse("x="+self.test_loader)
loader_class = loader_ep.load(require=False)
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ try:
except ImportError:
from md5 import md5
import os
import sys
import socket
import platform
import base64
......@@ -167,7 +168,8 @@ class upload(Command):
http.putheader('Authorization', auth)
except socket.error, e:
except socket.error:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
self.announce(str(e), log.ERROR)
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ try:
except ImportError:
from setuptools.command.upload import upload
from setuptools.compat import httplib, urlparse
from setuptools.compat import httplib, urlparse, unicode, iteritems
if sys.version_info >= (3,):
errors = 'surrogateescape'
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class upload_docs(upload):
sep_boundary = b('\n--') + b(boundary)
end_boundary = sep_boundary + b('--')
body = []
for key, values in data.iteritems():
for key, values in iteritems(data):
title = '\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % key
# handle multiple entries for the same name
if type(values) != type([]):
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class Extension(_Extension):
if source.endswith('.pyx'):
source = source[:-4] + '.c'
return source
self.sources = map(pyx_to_c, self.sources)
self.sources = list(map(pyx_to_c, self.sources))
class Library(Extension):
"""Just like a regular Extension, but built as a library instead"""
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ def find_external_links(url, page):
for match in REL.finditer(page):
tag, rel = match.groups()
rels = map(str.strip, rel.lower().split(','))
rels = set(map(str.strip, rel.lower().split(',')))
if 'homepage' in rels or 'download' in rels:
for match in HREF.finditer(tag):
yield urljoin(url, htmldecode(
......@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ class PackageIndex(Environment):
scheme, netloc, path, p, q, f = urlparse(url)
if not netloc and path.startswith('//') and '/' in path[2:]:
netloc, path = path[2:].split('/',1)
auth, host = urllib.splituser(netloc)
auth, host = splituser(netloc)
if auth:
if ':' in auth:
user, pw = auth.split(':',1)
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ def run_setup(setup_script, args):
# exclude any encodings modules. See #285
and not mod_name.startswith('encodings.')
map(sys.modules.__delitem__, del_modules)
list(map(sys.modules.__delitem__, del_modules))
sys.path[:] = save_path
sys.argv[:] = save_argv
......@@ -3,4 +3,7 @@ __requires__ = """%(spec)r"""
from pkg_resources import require; require("""%(spec)r""")
del require
__file__ = """%(dev_path)r"""
except NameError:
exec(compile(open(__file__).read(), __file__, 'exec'))
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import sys
import os
import unittest
import doctest
from setuptools.tests import doctest
import distutils.core
import distutils.cmd
from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError, DistutilsPlatformError
......@@ -27,7 +27,10 @@ class TestSetup(unittest.TestCase):
"--dist-dir", "%s" % self.tmpdir)
tarball = os.listdir(self.tmpdir)[0]
self.tarball = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, tarball)
import urllib2
except ImportError:
import urllib.request as urllib2
urllib2.urlopen = self.urlopen
def tearDown(self):
......@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ import zipfile
import pkg_resources
except NameError:
unicode = str
class EggRemover(unicode):
def __call__(self):
if self in sys.path:
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