Commit 7e8f32ff authored by tarek's avatar tarek

adding the distribute marker here too

branch : distribute
extra : rebase_source : 3278ed8e7f622b6ece09190ba704832cb23480e9
parent 1571d34a
......@@ -25,6 +25,15 @@ from os import utime, rename, unlink, mkdir
from os import open as os_open
from os.path import isdir, split
# This marker is used to simplify the process that checks is the
# setuptools package was installed by the Setuptools project
# or by the Distribute project, in case Setuptools creates
# a distribution with the same version.
# The ez_setup script for instance, will check if this
# attribute is present to decide wether to reinstall the package
_distribute = True
def _bypass_ensure_directory(name, mode=0777):
# Sandbox-bypassing version of ensure_directory()
dirname, filename = split(name)
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