Commit 8d09363e authored by Jason R. Coombs's avatar Jason R. Coombs

Name variable for clarity

extra : rebase_source : 6787fb9e99b28fa2d9504d18018878ccf193d521
parent 1c7102c9
......@@ -1842,7 +1842,8 @@ class WindowsScriptWriter(ScriptWriter):
hdr = new_header
hdr = header
yield (name+ext, hdr+script_text, 't', [name+x for x in old])
blockers = [name+x for x in old]
yield (name+ext, hdr+script_text, 't', blockers)
yield (
name+'.exe', get_win_launcher(launcher_type),
'b' # write in binary mode
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