Commit d8e1ed57 authored by Jason R. Coombs's avatar Jason R. Coombs

Rewrite tests to test the actual matching rather than making assertions about...

Rewrite tests to test the actual matching rather than making assertions about the regular expressions. Fixes #1015.
parent f1a97118
......@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ matrix:
- python: 2.7
- python: nightly
# need tox and rwt to get started
- pip install tox rwt
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import itertools
from distutils import log
from distutils.errors import DistutilsTemplateError
......@@ -65,32 +66,94 @@ default_files = frozenset(map(make_local_path, [
def get_pattern(glob):
return translate_pattern(make_local_path(glob)).pattern
def test_translated_pattern_test():
l = make_local_path
assert get_pattern('foo') == r'foo\Z'
assert get_pattern(l('foo/bar')) == l(r'foo\/bar\Z')
translate_specs = [
('foo', ['foo'], ['bar', 'foobar']),
('foo/bar', ['foo/bar'], ['foo/bar/baz', './foo/bar', 'foo']),
# Glob matching
assert get_pattern('*.txt') == l(r'[^\/]*\.txt\Z')
assert get_pattern('dir/*.txt') == l(r'dir\/[^\/]*\.txt\Z')
assert get_pattern('*/*.py') == l(r'[^\/]*\/[^\/]*\.py\Z')
assert get_pattern('docs/page-?.txt') \
== l(r'docs\/page\-[^\/]\.txt\Z')
('*.txt', ['foo.txt', 'bar.txt'], ['foo/foo.txt']),
('dir/*.txt', ['dir/foo.txt', 'dir/bar.txt', 'dir/.txt'], ['notdir/foo.txt']),
('*/*.py', ['bin/'], []),
('docs/page-?.txt', ['docs/page-9.txt'], ['docs/page-10.txt']),
# Globstars change what they mean depending upon where they are
assert get_pattern(l('foo/**/bar')) == l(r'foo\/(?:[^\/]+\/)*bar\Z')
assert get_pattern(l('foo/**')) == l(r'foo\/.*\Z')
assert get_pattern(l('**')) == r'.*\Z'
['foo/bing/bar', 'foo/bing/bang/bar', 'foo/bar'],
['foo/bar/', 'foo/x'],
['x', 'abc/xyz', '@nything'],
# Character classes
assert get_pattern('pre[one]post') == r'pre[one]post\Z'
assert get_pattern('hello[!one]world') == r'hello[^one]world\Z'
assert get_pattern('[]one].txt') == r'[\]one]\.txt\Z'
assert get_pattern('foo[!]one]bar') == r'foo[^\]one]bar\Z'
['preopost', 'prenpost', 'preepost'],
['prepost', 'preonepost'],
['helloxworld', 'helloyworld'],
['hellooworld', 'helloworld', 'hellooneworld'],
['o.txt', '].txt', 'e.txt'],
['foo]bar', 'fooobar', 'fooebar'],
A spec of inputs for 'translate_pattern' and matches and mismatches
for that input.
match_params = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
zip(itertools.repeat(pattern), matches)
for pattern, matches, mismatches in translate_specs
def pattern_match(request):
return map(make_local_path, request.param)
mismatch_params = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
zip(itertools.repeat(pattern), mismatches)
for pattern, matches, mismatches in translate_specs
def pattern_mismatch(request):
return map(make_local_path, request.param)
def test_translated_pattern_match(pattern_match):
pattern, target = pattern_match
assert translate_pattern(pattern).match(target)
def test_translated_pattern_mismatch(pattern_mismatch):
pattern, target = pattern_mismatch
assert not translate_pattern(pattern).match(target)
class TempDirTestCase(object):
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