Commit ddb01266 authored by Jason R. Coombs's avatar Jason R. Coombs

Split out ContextualVersionConflict

parent 23d5e4a8
......@@ -322,11 +322,12 @@ class VersionConflict(ResolutionError):
An already-installed version conflicts with the requested version.
Should be initialized with the installed Distribution, the requested
Requirement, and optionally a list of dists that required the installed
Should be initialized with the installed Distribution and the requested
_template = "{self.dist} is installed but {self.req} is required"
def dist(self):
return self.args[0]
......@@ -335,15 +336,21 @@ class VersionConflict(ResolutionError):
def req(self):
return self.args[1]
def report(self):
return self._template.format(**locals())
class ContextualVersionConflict(VersionConflict):
A VersionConflict that accepts a third parameter, the list of the
requirements that required the installed Distribution.
_template = VersionConflict._template + ' by {self.required_by}'
def required_by(self):
return self.args[2] if len(self.args) > 2 else []
def report(self):
template = "{self.dist} is installed but {self.req} is required"
if self.required_by:
template += " by {self.required_by}"
return template.format(**locals())
return self.args[2]
class DistributionNotFound(ResolutionError):
......@@ -790,7 +797,7 @@ class WorkingSet(object):
if dist not in req:
# Oops, the "best" so far conflicts with a dependency
dependent_req = list(required_by.get(req, []))
raise VersionConflict(dist, req, dependent_req)
raise ContextualVersionConflict(dist, req, dependent_req)
# push the new requirements onto the stack
new_requirements = dist.requires(req.extras)[::-1]
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