Commit 0f910594 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

vm.install-debian: fixes/improvements

- No more limit on the number of preseed parameters, by placing a preseed.cfg
  file inside the initrd, instead of passing them all via the command line.
  The kernel is usually limited to 32 parameters and it panics when there are
  too many.

- Dist-specific options.

- Recognize preseed aliases.

- late-command is run with '/bin/sh -e' and it must exit with EX_OK (0),
  otherwise the installer stops.
parent f632799c
......@@ -641,6 +641,7 @@ arch
List of VMs to build: each token refers to a buildout section name that
describes the ISOs to use. See `ISO sections`_ below.
Tokens can't contain `'.'` characters.
Size of the VM image. This must be an integer, optionally followed by a
......@@ -649,28 +650,31 @@ size
Default: 256
Set the <preseed> value for the installation. The recipe has many default
preseed values: you can see the list in the ``InstallDebianRecipe.preseed``
class attribute (file ``slapos/recipe/``). Note however that:
class attribute (file ``slapos/recipe/``). Aliases are recognized
(but the recipe includes a mapping that may be out-of-date.).
Any value except ``passwd/*`` can optionally be prefixed so that they only
apply for a particular VM.
- aliases are not recognized so you must check this list if you want to
override any default value;
- all values are passed via the kernel command line, so beware complex
values (double-quotes are automatically added when there are spaces).
List of debconf value for <owner> (usually a package name),
each line with 2 whitespace-separated parts: <key> <value>.
Like for preseed.* values, they can be specific to <dist>.
Shell commands to execute at the end of the installation. They are run
inside the target system. This is a reliable alternative to the
``preseed.preseed/late_command`` option.
``preseed.preseed/late_command`` option. The ``DIST`` shell variable is
set to the VM being built.
Extra packages to install.
Like for `late-command`, do not use ``preseed.pkgsel/include``.
If you want to install packages only for some specific <dist>, you can do
it in ``late-command``, by testing ``$DIST`` and using
``apt-get install -y``.
Boolean value that is `true` by default, to configure the VM for use with
......@@ -730,9 +734,9 @@ Example
debconf/frontend noninteractive
debconf/priority critical
# minimal size
preseed.apt-setup/enable-source-repositories = false
preseed.recommends = false
preseed.tasks =
packages = localepurge
x86_64.iso = debian-amd64-netinst.iso
......@@ -754,6 +758,12 @@ modified).
``${buildout:directory}`` is always mounted as `/mnt/buildout` inside the VM.
Mount points use the 9p file-system. Make sure that:
- QEMU is built with --enable-virtfs;
- the VM runs a kernel that is recent enough (Debian Squeeze kernel 2.6.32 is
known to fail, and you'd have to use the one from squeeze-backports).
......@@ -25,8 +25,10 @@
import base64, os, select, shutil, socket
import base64, gzip, os, select, shutil, socket, stat
import subprocess, sys, tempfile, threading, time
from cStringIO import StringIO
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from os.path import join
from slapos.recipe import EnvironMixin, generatePassword, logger, rmtree
......@@ -61,6 +63,38 @@ class Popen(subprocess.Popen):
return r
class CPIO(object):
ino = 1
def __init__(self):
self.buf = StringIO()
self.mtime = int(time.time())
def _add(self, path, mode, data='',
_header="070701" + "%08x" * 13):
size = len(data)
path_len = len(path)
write = self.buf.write
write(_header % (self.ino, mode, 0, 0, 1,
self.mtime, size, 0, 0, 0, 0, path_len + 1, 0))
write(path + '\0' * (4 - (path_len + 2) % 4))
write(data + '\0' * ((4 - size) % 4))
self.ino += 1
def add_file(self, path, data, mode=0644):
self._add(path, mode | stat.S_IFREG, data)
def close(self):
self.ino = self.mtime = 0
self._add("TRAILER!!!", 0)
self.buf.write('\0' * ((512 - self.buf.tell()) % 512))
return self.buf
class BaseRecipe(EnvironMixin):
def __init__(self, buildout, name, options, allow_none=True):
......@@ -114,7 +148,6 @@ class InstallDebianRecipe(BaseRecipe):
partman/confirm_nooverwrite = true
grub-installer/bootdev = default
finish-install/reboot_in_progress = note
preseed/url = file:///dev/null
clock-setup/ntp = false
time/zone = UTC
......@@ -127,6 +160,29 @@ class InstallDebianRecipe(BaseRecipe):
partman-auto/expert_recipe = : 1 1 -1 ext4 $primary{ } $bootable{ } method{ format } format{ } use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext4 } mountpoint{ / } options/discard{ } options/noatime{ } .
# XXX: The mapping should be automatically computed from the
# /etc/preseed_aliases in the initrd.
_alias = (lambda alias: staticmethod(lambda x: alias(x, x)))({
'auto': 'auto-install/enable',
'classes': 'auto-install/classes',
'country': 'debian-installer/country',
'desktop': ('tasksel', 'tasksel/desktop'),
'dmraid': 'disk-detect/dmraid/enable',
'domain': 'netcfg/get_domain',
'fb': 'debian-installer/framebuffer',
'hostname': 'netcfg/get_hostname',
'interface': 'netcfg/choose_interface',
'keymap': 'keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap',
'language': 'debian-installer/language',
'locale': 'debian-installer/locale',
'modules': 'anna/choose_modules',
'priority': 'debconf/priority',
'protocol': 'mirror/protocol',
'recommends': 'base-installer/install-recommends',
'suite': 'mirror/suite',
'tasks': ('tasksel', 'tasksel/first'),
def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
BaseRecipe.__init__(self, buildout, name, options)
self.vm = options['location']
......@@ -140,8 +196,6 @@ class InstallDebianRecipe(BaseRecipe):
dist[arch + '.kernel'],
dist[arch + '.initrd']))
if 'preseed.preseed/late_command' in options:
raise UserError("use 'late-command' recipe option instead")
late_command = (options.get('late-command') or '').strip()
self.late_command = [late_command] if late_command else []
......@@ -156,44 +210,60 @@ class InstallDebianRecipe(BaseRecipe):
def install(self):
options = self.options
cmdline = {}
for preseed in self.preseed.splitlines():
preseed = preseed.strip()
if preseed and preseed[0] != '#':
k, v = preseed.split('=', 1)
cmdline[k.strip()] = v.strip()
preseed = defaultdict(dict)
common = preseed[None]
for p in self.preseed.splitlines():
p = p.strip()
if p and p[0] != '#':
k, v = p.split('=', 1)
common[self._alias(k.strip())] = v.strip()
for k, v in options.iteritems():
if k.startswith('preseed.'):
cmdline[k[8:]] = v.strip()
elif k.startswith('debconf.'):
owner = k[8:] + ':'
for k in v.splitlines():
k, v = k.split(None, 1)
p, k = k.split('.', 1)
p = p.rsplit('/', 1)
x = ('preseed', 'debconf').index(p.pop())
except ValueError:
p = preseed[p[0]] if p else common
if x:
for x in v.splitlines():
x, v = x.split(None, 1)
except ValueError:
if not k:
if not x:
v = ''
cmdline[owner + k] = v
p[(k, x)] = v
k = self._alias(k)
if isinstance(k, str):
if k in ('preseed/late_command', 'pkgsel/include'):
raise UserError('Use the recipe-specific option instead of %s.' % k)
if k in ('preseed/url', 'preseed/file', 'preseed/file/checksum'):
# We could extend a provided preseed file.
raise NotImplementedError
if k.startswith('passwd/') and p is not common:
raise NotImplementedError
p[k] = v.strip()
vm_run = is_true(options.get('', 'true'))
packages = ['ssh', 'sudo'] if vm_run else []
packages += options.get('packages', '').split()
if packages:
cmdline['pkgsel/include'] = ','.join(packages)
common['pkgsel/include'] = ','.join(packages)
generated = []
for x, p in (('root', 'passwd/root-login'),
('user', 'passwd/make-user')):
if is_true(cmdline[p]):
if is_true(common[p]):
p = 'passwd/%s-password' % x
if x == 'user':
x = cmdline.get('passwd/username')
x = common.get('passwd/username')
if not x:
raise UserError('passwd/username is empty')
cmdline.setdefault('passwd/user-fullname', '')
if not (cmdline.get(p) or cmdline.get(p + '-crypted')):
cmdline[p] = cmdline[p + '-again'] = passwd = generatePassword()
common.setdefault('passwd/user-fullname', '')
if not (common.get(p) or common.get(p + '-crypted')):
common[p] = common[p + '-again'] = passwd = generatePassword()
generated.append((x, passwd))
env = self.environ
......@@ -208,14 +278,23 @@ class InstallDebianRecipe(BaseRecipe):
key =
"mkdir -m 0700 ~/.ssh && echo %s > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" % key)
"mkdir -m 0700 ~/.ssh\necho %s > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" % key)
for dist, iso, kernel, initrd in self.dists:
cpio = CPIO()
p = common.copy()
p.update(preseed.get(dist, ()))
if self.late_command:
cmdline['preseed/late_command'] = (
'cd /target && echo %s|usr/bin/base64 -d|chroot . sh'
% base64.standard_b64encode(
'export HOME=/root\n' + '\n'.join(self.late_command)))
p['preseed/late_command'] = ('set -e; unset DEBCONF_REDIR'
' cd /target; cp /late-command .; exec chroot . /late-command')
cpio.add_file('late-command', '#!/bin/sh -e\nrm $0\n'
'export HOME=/root; DIST=%s\n%s\n'
% (dist, '\n'.join(self.late_command)), 0755)
cpio.add_file('preseed.cfg', ''.join(sorted(
"%s string %s\n" % ('%s %s' % k if type(k) is tuple else
'd-i ' + k, v)
for k, v in p.iteritems())))
for dist, iso, kernel, initrd in self.dists:
vm = join(location, dist + '.img')
args = self.getQemuBasicArgs(dist, 256, unsafe=True)
open_flags = os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_WRONLY
......@@ -228,13 +307,14 @@ class InstallDebianRecipe(BaseRecipe):
subprocess.check_call(('7z', 'x', iso, kernel, initrd),
cwd=tmp, env=env)
initrd = join(tmp, initrd)
with, 'ab') as f:
args += (
'-vnc', join('unix:' + tmp, 'vnc.sock'), # for debugging purpose
'-cdrom', iso, '-no-reboot',
'-kernel', join(tmp, kernel),
'-initrd', join(tmp, initrd),
'-append', ' '.join(k + '=' + ('"' + v + '"' if ' ' in v else v)
for k, v in cmdline.iteritems()))
'-initrd', initrd)
subprocess.check_call(args, env=env)
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