Commit 7516a324 authored by Julien Jerphanion's avatar Julien Jerphanion

[WIP] KDTree implementation

parent 85f51247
# distutils: language = c++
from cython.view cimport array as cvarray
import numpy as np
from libcythonplus.list cimport cyplist
from runtime.runtime cimport BatchMailBox, NullResult, Scheduler
from libc.stdio cimport (
fprintf, fopen, fclose, fread,
fwrite, FILE, stdout, printf, ferror
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
from stdlib.stat cimport Stat, dev_t
from stdlib.fmt cimport sprintf
from stdlib.string cimport string
......@@ -19,57 +24,85 @@ cdef lock Scheduler scheduler
cdef cypclass Node activable:
"""A KDTree Node"""
cyplist[int] point
active Node left_child
active Node right_child
double[:] point
active Node left
active Node right
self._active_result_class = NullResult
self._active_queue_class = consume BatchMailBox(scheduler)
self.left_child = NULL
self.right_child = NULL
void build_node(self, lock cyplist[cyplist[int]] points, int depth):
self.left = NULL
self.right = NULL
void build_node(
double * points,
int n,
int depth,
int dims,
int dim_for_split
cdef int i
if (depth < 0):
printf("Depth %d\n", depth)
self.left_child = activate(consume Node())
self.right_child = activate(consume Node())
printf("Dim %d\n", dim_for_split)
for i in range(n):
printf("X[%d, %d] = %f\n",
i, dim_for_split,
self.left_child.build_node(NULL, consume points, depth - 1)
self.right_child.build_node(NULL, consume points, depth - 1)
# TODO: find a way to partitions indices here
self.left = activate(consume Node())
self.right = activate(consume Node())
cdef int start(string path) nogil:
global scheduler
scheduler = Scheduler()
points = cyplist[cyplist[int]]()
self.left.build_node(NULL, points, depth - 1, n, dims, (dim_for_split +
% dims)
self.right.build_node(NULL, points, depth - 1, n, dims, (dim_for_split
+ 1
# TODO: integrate here
# [7, 2],
# [5, 4],
# [9, 6],
# [4, 7],
# [8, 1],
# [2, 3]
cdef int start() nogil:
global scheduler
scheduler = Scheduler()
cdef int i
cdef int n = 12
cdef int d = 2
# TODO: use memory view for convenience
# cdef double p[12][2]
# cdef double [:, ::1] points_views = p
# Use Golden Spiral for the layout
cdef double golden_ratio = (1 + 5**0.5)/2
cdef double * points = <double *> malloc(n * d * sizeof(double))
for i in range(n):
points[i * d] = (i / golden_ratio) % 1
points[i *d +1] = i / n
node = consume Node()
if node is NULL:
return -1
root = activate(consume node)
root.build_node(NULL, consume points, 4)
root.build_node(NULL, points, n, 5, d, 0)
del scheduler
return 0
cdef public int main() nogil:
return start(<char*>'.')
return start()
def python_main():
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