Commit a7dde4cb authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent f9c4ebde
......@@ -671,15 +671,27 @@ def test_wcfs():
# checkSetupWatch verifies setting up new watch for zf@at.
def checkSetupWatch(zf, at):
print('check setup watch f<%s> @%s' % (h(zf._p_oid), h(at)))
print('C: check setup watch f%s @%s' % (h(zf._p_oid), h(at)))
# all changes to zf
vdf = [_.byfile[zf] for _ in t.dFtail if zf in t.dFtail.byfile]
# changes to zf after at
vdfpost = [_ for _ in vdf if _.rev > at]
vdf = [_.byfile[zf] for _ in t.dFtail if zf in _.byfile]
# {} blk -> at that have to be pinned
# XXX also check that head/file[blk] is in cache - else no need to pin
pinok = {}
for df in [_ for _ in vdf if _.rev > at]:
for blk in df.ddata:
if blk in pinok:
# history of blk changes <= at
blkhistoryat = [_.rev for _ in vdf if blk in _.ddata and _.rev <= at]
if len(blkhistoryat) == 0:
pinrev = 0 # was hole XXX -> h64
pinrev = max(blkhistoryat)
pinok[blk] = pinrev
# XXX ...
print('# pinok: %s' % pinok)
# open watch, send watch request and check that we receive pins for
# in-cache blocks changed > at.
......@@ -687,7 +699,7 @@ def test_wcfs():
ctx, cancel = context.with_cancel(bg)
wg = sync.WorkGroup(ctx)
def _(ctx):
pinv = w.expectPin(ctx, zf, {}) # XXX expect=?
pinv = w.expectPin(ctx, zf, pinok)
for p in pinv:
......@@ -697,8 +709,9 @@ def test_wcfs():
for i in range(len(t.dFtail)):
for dF in t.dFtail:
for zf in dF.byfile:
checkSetupWatch(zf, dF.rev)
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