Commit f82cbe49 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov Committed by Kazuhiko Shiozaki

blob/auth: Teach it to handle HTTP Basic Auth too

There are cases when using user:password for /raw/... access is handy:

- when using query for auth (private_token) is not convenient for some
  reason (e.g. client processing software does not handle queries well
  when generating URLs)

- when we do not want to organize many artificial users and use their
  tokens, but instead just use per-project automatically setup

    gitlab-ci-token : <ci-token>

  artificial user & "password" which are already handled by auth backend
  for `git fetch` requests.

Handling is easy: if main auth backend rejects access, and there is
user:password in original request, we retry asking auth backend the way
as `git fetch` would do.

Access is granted if any of two ways to ask auth backend succeeds. This
way both private tokens / cookies and HTTP auth are supported.
parent ee8f936b
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ type AuthCacheEntry struct {
// Entries are keyed by project + credentials
type AuthCacheKey struct {
project string
userinfo string // user[:password] or ""
query string // e.g. with passing in private_token=...
header string // request header url-encoded, e.g. PRIVATE-TOKEN=...
......@@ -63,7 +64,13 @@ func NewAuthCache(a *API) *AuthCache {
// Verify that download access is ok or not.
// first we try to use the cache; if information is not there -> ask auth backend
// download is ok if AuthReply.RepoPath != ""
func (c *AuthCache) VerifyDownloadAccess(project string, query string, header http.Header) AuthReply {
func (c *AuthCache) VerifyDownloadAccess(project string, userinfo *url.Userinfo, query string, header http.Header) AuthReply {
// In addition to userinfo:
u := ""
if userinfo != nil {
u = userinfo.String()
// Use only tokens from query/header and selected cookies to minimize cache and avoid
// creating redundant cache entries because of e.g. unrelated headers.
queryValues, _ := url.ParseQuery(query) // this is what URL.Query() does
......@@ -95,7 +102,7 @@ func (c *AuthCache) VerifyDownloadAccess(project string, query string, header ht
h["Cookie"] = []string{hc}
key := AuthCacheKey{project, q.Encode(), h.Encode()}
key := AuthCacheKey{project, u, q.Encode(), h.Encode()}
return c.verifyDownloadAccess(key)
......@@ -194,6 +201,20 @@ func (c *AuthCache) refreshEntry(auth *AuthCacheEntry, key AuthCacheKey) {
// Ask auth backend about cache key
func (c *AuthCache) askAuthBackend(key AuthCacheKey) AuthReply {
// key.userinfo -> url.Userinfo
var user *url.Userinfo
if key.userinfo != "" {
u, err := url.Parse("http://" + key.userinfo + "@/")
// url prepared-to-parse userinfo must be valid
if err != nil {
if u.User == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("userinfo parse: `%s` -> empty", key.userinfo))
user = u.User
// key.header -> url.Values -> http.Header
hv, err := url.ParseQuery(key.header)
if err != nil {
......@@ -206,7 +227,7 @@ func (c *AuthCache) askAuthBackend(key AuthCacheKey) AuthReply {
header[k] = v
return c.a.verifyDownloadAccess(key.project, key.query, header)
return c.a.verifyDownloadAccess(key.project, user, key.query, header)
// Ask auth backend about whether download is ok for a project.
......@@ -215,11 +236,17 @@ func (c *AuthCache) askAuthBackend(key AuthCacheKey) AuthReply {
// Replies from authentication backend are cached for 30 seconds as each
// request to Rails code is heavy and slow.
func (a *API) VerifyDownloadAccess(project, query string, header http.Header) AuthReply {
return a.authCache.VerifyDownloadAccess(project, query, header)
func (a *API) VerifyDownloadAccess(project string, user *url.Userinfo, query string, header http.Header) AuthReply {
return a.authCache.VerifyDownloadAccess(project, user, query, header)
// like Userinfo.Password(), "" if unset
func xpassword(user *url.Userinfo) string {
password, _ := user.Password()
return password
func (a *API) verifyDownloadAccess(project, query string, header http.Header) AuthReply {
func (a *API) verifyDownloadAccess(project string, user *url.Userinfo, query string, header http.Header) AuthReply {
authReply := AuthReply{
RawReply: httptest.NewRecorder(),
......@@ -229,7 +256,6 @@ func (a *API) verifyDownloadAccess(project, query string, header http.Header) Au
// side this supports only basic auth, not private token.
// - that's why we auth backend to authenticate as if it was request to
// get repo archive and propagate request query and header.
// url := project + ".git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack"
url := project + "/repository/"
if query != "" {
url += "?" + query
......@@ -239,6 +265,10 @@ func (a *API) verifyDownloadAccess(project, query string, header http.Header) Au
helper.Fail500(authReply.RawReply, fmt.Errorf("GET git-upload-pack: %v", err))
return authReply
if user != nil {
// just in case - Rails does not support HTTP Basic Auth for usual requests
reqDownloadAccess.SetBasicAuth(user.Username(), xpassword(user))
for k, v := range header {
reqDownloadAccess.Header[k] = v
......@@ -250,5 +280,36 @@ func (a *API) verifyDownloadAccess(project, query string, header http.Header) Au
authReply.Response = *resp
}, "").ServeHTTP(authReply.RawReply, reqDownloadAccess)
// If not successful and userinfo is provided without query, retry
// authenticating as `git fetch` would do.
// The reason we want to do this second try is that HTTP auth is
// handled by upstream auth backend for git requests only, and we might
// want to use e.g. https://gitlab-ci-token:token@/.../raw/...
if authReply.RepoPath != "" || user == nil || query != "" {
return authReply
url = project + ".git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack"
reqFetchAccess, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
if err != nil {
helper.Fail500(authReply.RawReply, fmt.Errorf("GET git-upload-pack: %v", err))
return authReply
reqFetchAccess.SetBasicAuth(user.Username(), xpassword(user))
for k, v := range header {
reqFetchAccess.Header[k] = v
// reset RawReply - if failed we will return to client what this latter -
// - request to auth backend as `git fetch` - replies.
authReply.RawReply = httptest.NewRecorder()
func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, resp *Response) {
// if we ever get to this point - auth handler approved
// access and thus it is ok to download
authReply.Response = *resp
}, "").ServeHTTP(authReply.RawReply, reqFetchAccess)
return authReply
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import (
......@@ -39,8 +40,15 @@ func handleGetBlobRaw(a *api.API, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
project := u.Path[:rawLoc[0]]
refpath := u.Path[rawLoc[1]:]
// Prepare userinfo
var user *url.Userinfo
username, password, ok := r.BasicAuth()
if ok {
user = url.UserPassword(username, password)
// Query download access auth for this project
authReply := a.VerifyDownloadAccess(project, u.RawQuery, r.Header)
authReply := a.VerifyDownloadAccess(project, user, u.RawQuery, r.Header)
if authReply.RepoPath == "" {
// access denied - copy auth reply to client in full -
// there are HTTP code and other headers / body relevant for
......@@ -725,11 +725,14 @@ func sha1s(data []byte) string {
// download an URL
func download(t *testing.T, url string, h http.Header) (*http.Response, []byte) {
func download(t *testing.T, url, username, password string, h http.Header) (*http.Response, []byte) {
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
if err != nil {
if !(username == "" && password == "") {
req.SetBasicAuth(username, password)
// copy header to request
for k, v := range h {
req.Header[k] = v
......@@ -752,15 +755,17 @@ type DownloadContext struct {
t *testing.T
urlPrefix string
Header http.Header
username string
password string
func NewDownloadContext(t *testing.T, urlPrefix string) *DownloadContext {
h := make(http.Header)
return &DownloadContext{t, urlPrefix, h}
return &DownloadContext{t, urlPrefix, h, "", ""}
func (dl DownloadContext) download(path string) (*http.Response, []byte) {
return download(dl.t, dl.urlPrefix+path, dl.Header)
return download(dl.t, dl.urlPrefix+path, dl.username, dl.password, dl.Header)
// download `path` and expect content sha1 to be `expectSha1`
......@@ -826,7 +831,14 @@ func TestPrivateBlobDownload(t *testing.T) {
token_ok2 := r.Header.Get("BBB-TOKEN") == "TOKEN-4BBB"
cookie, _ := r.Cookie("_gitlab_session")
cookie_ok3 := (cookie != nil && cookie.Value == "COOKIE-CCC")
if !(token_ok1 || token_ok2 || cookie_ok3) {
username, password, user_ok4 := r.BasicAuth()
if user_ok4 {
// user:password only accepted for `git fetch` requests
user_ok4 = (strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, "/info/refs") &&
r.URL.RawQuery == "service=git-upload-pack" &&
username == "user-ddd" && password == "password-eee")
if !(token_ok1 || token_ok2 || cookie_ok3 || user_ok4) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Access denied")
......@@ -865,4 +877,15 @@ func TestPrivateBlobDownload(t *testing.T) {
dl.Header.Set("Cookie", "alpha=1; _gitlab_session=COOKIE-CCC; beta=2")
dl.ExpectCode("/5f923865/", 200)
dl.ExpectSha1("/5f923865/", "5f7af35c185a9e5face2f4afb6d7c4f00328d04c")
dl.Header = make(http.Header) // clear
dl.ExpectCode("/5f923865/", 403)
dl.username = "user-aaa"
dl.password = "password-bbb"
dl.ExpectCode("/5f923865/", 403)
dl.username = "user-ddd"
dl.password = "password-eee"
dl.ExpectCode("/5f923865/", 403)
dl.ExpectCode("/5f923865/", 200)
dl.ExpectSha1("/5f923865/", "5f7af35c185a9e5face2f4afb6d7c4f00328d04c")
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