Commit d9ba45ec authored by Éloi Rivard's avatar Éloi Rivard

Fixed internal links

parent e58f76a4
......@@ -106,3 +106,7 @@ Utilities
.. automethod:: __call__
.. automodule:: BTrees.check
......@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ arbitrary objects as values.
The four data structures provide by each module are a BTree, a Bucket, a
TreeSet, and a Set. The BTree and Bucket types are mappings and support
all the usual mapping methods, e.g. :func:`update` and :func:`keys`. The
all the usual mapping methods, e.g. :func:`~BTrees.Interfaces.ISetMutable.update` and :func:`~BTrees.Interfaces.IKeyed.keys`. The
TreeSet and Set types are similar to mappings but they have no values; they
support the methods that make sense for a mapping with no keys, e.g.
:func:`keys` but not :func:`items`. The Bucket and Set types are the
:func:`~BTrees.Interfaces.IKeyed.keys` but not :func:`~BTrees.Interfaces.IMinimalDictionary.items`. The Bucket and Set types are the
individual building blocks for BTrees and TreeSets, respectively. A Bucket
or Set can be used when you are sure that it will have few elements. If
the data structure will grow large, you should use a BTree or TreeSet. Like
......@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ are multi-level tree structures with much better (logarithmic) worst- case
time bounds, and the tree structure is built out of multiple objects, which
ZODB can load individually as needed.
The five modules are named :mod:`OOBTree`, :mod:`IOBTree`, :mod:`OIBTree`,
:mod:`IIBTree`, and (new in ZODB 3.4) :mod:`IFBTree`. The two letter
prefixes are repeated in the data types names. The :mod:`BTrees.OOBTree`
module defines the following types: :class:`OOBTree`, :class:`OOBucket`,
:class:`OOSet`, and :class:`OOTreeSet`. Similarly, the other four modules
The five modules are named :mod:`~BTrees.OOBTree`, :mod:`~BTrees.IOBTree`, :mod:`~BTrees.OIBTree`,
:mod:`~BTrees.IIBTree`, and (new in ZODB 3.4) :mod:`~BTrees.IFBTree`. The two letter
prefixes are repeated in the data types names. The :mod:`~BTrees.OOBTree`
module defines the following types: :class:`~BTrees.OOBTree.OOBTree`, :class:`~BTrees.OOBTree.OOBucket`,
:class:`~BTrees.OOBTree.OOSet`, and :class:`~BTrees.OOBTree.OOTreeSet`. Similarly, the other four modules
each define their own variants of those four types.
The :func:`keys`, :func:`values`, and :func:`items` methods on BTree and
......@@ -140,17 +140,17 @@ exclusive of the range's endpoints.
Each of the modules also defines some functions that operate on BTrees --
:func:`difference`, :func:`union`, and :func:`intersection`. The
:func:`difference` function returns a Bucket, while the other two methods return
:func:`~BTrees._base.difference`, :func:`~BTrees._base.union`, and :func:`~BTrees._base.intersection`. The
:func:`~BTrees._base.difference` function returns a Bucket, while the other two methods return
a Set. If the keys are integers, then the module also defines
:func:`multiunion`. If the values are integers or floats, then the module also
defines :func:`weightedIntersection` and :func:`weightedUnion`. The function
:func:`~BTrees._base.multiunion`. If the values are integers or floats, then the module also
defines :func:`~BTrees._base.weightedIntersection` and :func:`~BTrees._base.weightedUnion`. The function
doc strings describe each function briefly.
.. % XXX I'm not sure all of the following is actually correct. The
.. % XXX set functions have complicated behavior.
``BTrees/`` defines the operations, and is the official
:mod:`~BTrees.Interfaces` defines the operations, and is the official
documentation. Note that the interfaces don't define the concrete types
returned by most operations, and you shouldn't rely on the concrete types that
happen to be returned: stick to operations guaranteed by the interface. In
......@@ -309,8 +309,8 @@ great care:
Any part of a comparison implementation that relies (explicitly or implicitly)
on an address-based comparison result will eventually cause serious failure.
#. Do not use :class:`Persistent` objects as keys, or objects of a subclass of
#. Do not use :class:`~persistent.Persistent` objects as keys, or objects of a subclass of
That last item may be surprising. It stems from details of how conflict
resolution is implemented: the states passed to conflict resolution do not
......@@ -318,15 +318,15 @@ materialize persistent subobjects (if a persistent object P is a key in a BTree,
then P is a subobject of the bucket containing P). Instead, if an object O
references a persistent subobject P directly, and O is involved in a conflict,
the states passed to conflict resolution contain an instance of an internal
:class:`PersistentReference` stub class everywhere O references P. Two
:class:`PersistentReference` instances compare equal if and only if they
:class:`~persistent.PersistentReference` stub class everywhere O references P. Two
:class:`~persistent.PersistentReference` instances compare equal if and only if they
"represent" the same persistent object; when they're not equal, they compare by
memory address, and, as explained before, memory-based comparison must never
happen in a sane persistent BTree. Note that it doesn't help in this case if
your :class:`Persistent` subclass defines a sane :meth:`__cmp__` method:
your :class:`~persistent.Persistent` subclass defines a sane :meth:`__cmp__` method:
conflict resolution doesn't know about your class, and so also doesn't know
about its :meth:`__cmp__` method. It only sees instances of the internal
:class:`PersistentReference` stub class.
:class:`~persistent.PersistentReference` stub class.
Iteration and Mutation
......@@ -419,17 +419,17 @@ size nodes, connected in multiple ways via three distinct kinds of C pointers.
There are some tools available to help check internal consistency of a BTree as
a whole.
Most generally useful is the :mod:`BTrees.check` module. The
:func:`check.check` function examines a BTree (or Bucket, Set, or TreeSet) for
Most generally useful is the :mod:`~BTrees.check` module. The
:func:`~BTrees.check.check` function examines a BTree (or Bucket, Set, or TreeSet) for
value-based consistency, such as that the keys are in strictly increasing order.
See the function docstring for details. The :func:`check.display` function
See the function docstring for details. The :func:`~BTrees.check.display` function
displays the internal structure of a BTree.
BTrees and TreeSets also have a :meth:`_check` method. This verifies that the
(possibly many) internal pointers in a BTree or TreeSet are mutually consistent,
and raises :exc:`AssertionError` if they're not.
If a :func:`check.check` or :meth:`_check` call fails, it may point to a bug in
If a :func:`~BTrees.check.check` or :meth:`_check` call fails, it may point to a bug in
the implementation of BTrees or conflict resolution, or may point to database
......@@ -451,12 +451,9 @@ usually suffices. If object identity needs to be preserved,
does the same, but leaves ** bound to the same object.
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`
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