Commit d620d4e1 authored by rico Andrei's avatar rico Andrei

Fix an issue with Generic Setup and non-ascii chars in workflow definition

parent 1881ce5d
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ Products.DCWorkflow Changelog
2.2.4 (unreleased)
- Fixed issue with non-ascii chars in workflow definitions
- Don't crash worklist's ``manage_main`` if variables are Expression objects.
......@@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ class DCWorkflowDefinitionBodyAdapter(BodyAdapterBase):
"""Export the object as a file body.
wfdc = WorkflowDefinitionConfigurator(self.context)
return wfdc.__of__(self.context).generateWorkflowXML()
body = wfdc.__of__(self.context).generateWorkflowXML()
body = body.encode('utf-8')
return body
def _importBody(self, body):
"""Import the object from the file body.
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2004 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
......@@ -16,6 +17,8 @@
import unittest
import Testing
from StringIO import StringIO
from Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript import PythonScript
from Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod import ExternalMethod
......@@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ from Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions import TRIGGER_USER_ACTION
from Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions import TRIGGER_AUTOMATIC
from Products.GenericSetup.tests.common import DummyExportContext
from Products.GenericSetup.tests.common import DummyImportContext
from Products.GenericSetup.tests.common import TarballTester
class _GuardChecker:
......@@ -1978,6 +1982,47 @@ class Test_exportWorkflow(_WorkflowSetup, _GuardChecker):
self.assertEqual( text, _AFTER_CLOSE_SCRIPT)
self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/plain' )
class Test_exportUTFWorkflow(Test_exportWorkflow,TarballTester):
layer = ExportImportZCMLLayer
def test_utf_strings( self ):
from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import exportWorkflowTool
from Products.GenericSetup.context import TarballExportContext
WF_ID_DC = 'workflow'
WF_TITLE_DC = u'A workflow with special chars like è é'
WF_DESCRIPTION_DC = u'A workflow with lots of special chars ç'
site = self._initSite()
dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID_DC )
dcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_DC
dcworkflow.description = WF_DESCRIPTION_DC
dcworkflow.initial_state = WF_INITIAL_STATE
dcworkflow.permissions = _WF_PERMISSIONS
self._initVariables( dcworkflow )
self._initStates( dcworkflow )
self._initTransitions( dcworkflow )
self._initWorklists( dcworkflow )
ctx = TarballExportContext(site)
context = DummyExportContext( site )
exportWorkflowTool( context )
self.assertEqual( len( context._wrote ), 2 )
for filename, text, content_type in context._wrote:
ctx.writeDataFile( filename, text, content_type)
fileish = StringIO( ctx.getArchive() )
self._verifyTarballContents( fileish,
['workflows/workflow', 'workflows',
self._verifyTarballEntry( fileish, 'workflows.xml',
context._wrote[0][1] )
self._verifyTarballEntry( fileish, 'workflows/workflow/definition.xml',
context._wrote[1][1] )
class Test_importWorkflow(_WorkflowSetup, _GuardChecker):
......@@ -2552,5 +2597,6 @@ def test_suite():
return unittest.TestSuite((
unittest.makeSuite( WorkflowDefinitionConfiguratorTests ),
unittest.makeSuite( Test_exportWorkflow ),
unittest.makeSuite( Test_exportUTFWorkflow),
unittest.makeSuite( Test_importWorkflow ),
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