Commit 47753fc8 authored by Christopher Petrilli's avatar Christopher Petrilli

Added <dtml-sqltest> 'op' parameter note.

parent 0541c073
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Zope Changes
Zope 2.0.1
Zope 2.x
Features Added
......@@ -87,6 +87,10 @@ Zope Changes
SQL may be entered and executed immediately through the
connection object. DTML is not supported in this tab.
- SQL Methods now support an option 'op' parameter on the DTML
method <dtml-sqltest> which allows you to choose the
operator used for comparison.
Features Changed
- ZCatalog uses subtransactions to keep memory consuption low
......@@ -121,11 +125,6 @@ Zope Changes
- ZCatalog now actually saves memory when using
subtransactions. Plugged a couple memory leaks doing this.
- Fixed a bug which allowed unauthorized options to be displayed
when adding a Folder. Now you only see options to add an
index_document and/or a user folder if you have adequate
- Added ALT text fixed nested anchor tags produced by the Tree
tag to ensure that valid HTML is produced, and fixed the
reverse option to the Tree tag.
......@@ -161,6 +160,16 @@ Zope Changes
files are changed.
Zope 2.0.1
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed a bug which allowed unauthorized options to be displayed
when adding a Folder. Now you only see options to add an
index_document and/or a user folder if you have adequate
Zope 2.0
Features Added
Markdown is supported
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