Commit 55485d69 authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver

Document making a release from the version-range-based 2.13 branch.

parent 56b6790d
Makeing a 2.13.x Release
Make a branch for release prepration.
We need to make a number of changes for the release which we do *not* want
checked in on the ``2.13`` branch. Therefore, create a release-preparation
branch, based on the ``2.13`` branch, as the locus for those changes:
.. code-block:: bash
$ git checkout -b 2.13.23-prep 2.13
Update the release version in ````
Set the new release version, and commit:
.. code-block:: bash
$ vim
$ git commit -m "Update version for 2.13.23 release"
Pin versions in ``buildout.cfg``
For a release, we want to switch away from the range-based version constraints
we use for the development branch, and pin the specific versions.
First, re-run the buildout, which will dump the currently-selected versions
on standard output. E.g.:
.. code-block:: bash
$ bin/buildout
AccessControl = 2.13.13
Acquisition = 2.13.9
setuptools = 18.0.1
Next, update the ``buildout.cfg`` settings as follows:
- Copy the ``[versions]`` section from the buildout run at the bottom.
- In the ``[buildout]`` secttion, remove ``show-picked-verions = true``,
add ``allow-picked-versions = false``, and remove the ``version_ranges``
from the ``extends``.
.. code-block:: bash
$ vim buildout.cfg
Re-run the buildout and test:
.. code-block:: bash
$ rm -rf bin/ develop-eggs/ eggs/ include/ lib/
$ /opt/Python-2.7.9/bin/virtualenv .
$ bin/python && bin/buildout && bin/alltest --all
Pin versions in a ``pip`` requirements file
Copy the version pins from the ``[versions]`` section of ``buildout.cfg``
into a ``requirements.txt`` file, to enalbe ``pip`` users to install
without buildout.
.. code-block:: bash
$ vim requirements.txt
$ git add requirements.txt
$ git commit -m "Pin versoins for 2.13.23 release" buildout.cfg requirements.txt
Review / update the changelog
Add today's date to the current release.
.. code-block:: bash
$ vim doc/CHANGES.rst
$ git commit -m "Finalize changelog 2.13.23 release" doc/CHANGES.rst
.. note::
Keep track of the hash for this commit: you will want to cherry-pick
it to the ``2.13`` branch later.
Tag the release
.. code-block:: bash
$ git tag -sm "Tag 2.13.23 release" 2.13.23
.. note::
The ``-s`` signs the tag using PGP.
Register and upload the release to PyPI
.. code-block:: bash
$ bin/python sdist register upload --sign
.. note::
The ``upload --sign`` signs the sdist using PGP and uploads the signature
to PyPI along with the distribution file.
Push the git release artefacts
.. code-block:: bash
$ git push origin 2.13.23-prep && git push --tags
Update the ``2.13`` branch for the next release
.. code-block:: bash
$ git checkout 2.13
Cherry-pick the changelog update from above:
.. code-block:: bash
$ git cherry-pick -x <hash from commit above>^..<hash from commit above>
Add the next release to the changelog, with "(unreleased)" as its release
date and a "TBD" bullet, and update the next development release in
.. code-block:: bash
$ vim doc/CHANGES.rst
$ vim
$ git commit -m svb doc/CHANGES.rst
$ git push origin 2.13
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