Commit 58279136 authored by chris's avatar chris

Initial version

parent f9ffaa76
# $What$
__doc__='''Simple Inverted Indexer
This module provides simple tools for creating and maintaining
inverted indexes. An inverted index indexes a collection of
objects on words in their textual representation.
$Id:,v 1.1 1996/11/15 17:41:37 chris Exp $'''
# Copyright
# Copyright 1996 Digital Creations, L.C., 910 Princess Anne
# Street, Suite 300, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 U.S.A. All
# rights reserved. Copyright in this software is owned by DCLC,
# unless otherwise indicated. Permission to use, copy and
# distribute this software is hereby granted, provided that the
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# copyright notice and this permission notice appear. Note that
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# (540) 371-6909
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.1 1996/11/15 17:41:37 chris
# Initial version
__version__='$Revision: 1.1 $'[11:-2]
import regex, regsub, string, PickleDictionary, marshal
import SingleThreadedTransaction
class ResultList:
This object holds the list of frequency/key pairs for a word
in an inverted index.
def __init__(self, freq_key_pairs = None):
if (freq_key_pairs is None):
self._list = []
self._list = freq_key_pairs
def addentry(self, freq, key):
'''Add a frequency/key pair to this object'''
self._list.append((freq, key))
def __str__(self):
return `self._list`
def __len__(self):
return len(self._list)
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self._list[i]
def __getslice__(self, i, j):
return self._list[i : j]
def __and__(self, x):
'''Allows intersection of two ResultList objects using the & operator.
When ResultLists are combined in this way, frequencies are combined
by calculating the geometric mean of two, corresponding frequencies.'''
result = []
d = {}
for entry in self._list:
d[entry[1]] = entry[0]
for entry in x._list:
result.append((pow(d[entry[1]] * entry[0], 0.5), entry[1]))
return ResultList(result)
def __or__(self, x):
'''Allows union of two ResultList objects using the | operator.
When ResultLists are combined in thie way, frequencies are
combined by calculating the sum of two, corresponding frequencies.'''
result = []
d = {}
for entry in self._list:
d[entry[1]] = entry[0]
for entry in x._list:
d[entry[1]] = d[entry[1]] + entry[0]
d[entry[1]] = entry[0]
for key in d.keys():
result.append((d[key], key))
return ResultList(result)
def Not(self, index):
'''Perform a "not" operation on a ResultList object.
Not() returns the union of all ResultLists in the index that do
not contain a link to a document that is found in "self".
This method should be passed the Index object that returned the
ResultList instance.'''
index = index._index_object
exclude = {}
for item in self._list:
exclude[item[1]] = 1
for key in index.keys():
for item in index[key]._list:
if (not exclude.has_key(item[1])):
res = res | ResultList([item])
res = ResultList([item])
return res
return ResultList()
def __sub__(self, x):
def __add__(self, x):
return ResultList(self._list + x[:])
def sort(self):
'''Sort the frequency/key pairs in the ResultList by highest to lowest
StringType = type('')
RegexType = type(regex.compile(''))
class Index:
An inverted index.
list_class = ResultList
def __init__(self, index_dictionary = None):
'Create an inverted index'
def set_index(self, index_dictionary = None):
'Change the index dictionary for the index.'
if (index_dictionary is None):
index_dictionary = {}
self._index_object = index_dictionary
def split_words(self, s):
'split a string into separate words'
return regsub.split(s, '[^a-zA-Z]+')
def index(self, src, srckey):
Update the index by indexing the words in src to the key, srckey
The source object, src, will be converted to a string and the
words in the string will be used as indexes to retrieve the objects
key, srckey. For simple objects, the srckey may be the object itself,
or it may be a key into some other data structure, such as a table.
import math
List = self.list_class
index = self._index_object
src = regsub.gsub('-[ \t]*\n[ \t]*', '', str(src)) # de-hyphenate
src = self.split_words(src)
while (1):
except ValueError:
if (len(src) < 2):
src = map(string.lower, src)
nwords = math.log(len(src))
i = {}
for s in src:
stopword_flag = 0
while (not stopword_flag):
index_val = index[s]
except KeyError:
if (index_val is None):
stopword_flag = 1
elif (type(index_val) != StringType):
s = index_val
else: # s is a stopword
i[s] = i[s] + 1
i[s] = 1
for s in i.keys():
index[s].addentry(i[s] / nwords, srckey)
index[s] = List([(i[s] / nwords, srckey)])
def __getitem__(self, key):
Get the ResultList objects for the inverted key, key, sorted by frequency
The key may be a regular expression, in which case a regular
expression match is done.
The key may be a string, in which case an case-insensitive
match is done.
index = self._index_object
if (type(key) == RegexType):
dict = {}
for k in index.keys():
if ( >= 0):
print 'matched', k
while (type(index[k]) == StringType):
k = index[k]
except KeyError:
if (index[k] is None):
dict[index[k]] = 1
ResultLists = dict.keys()
if (not len(ResultLists)):
raise KeyError
return reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, ResultLists)
key = string.lower(key)
while (type(index[key]) == type('')):
key = index[key]
if (index[key] is None):
raise KeyError
return index[key]
def keys(self):
return self._index_object.keys()
def __len__(self):
return len(self._index_object)
def get_stopwords(self):
index = self._index_object
stopwords = []
for word in index.keys():
if (index[word] is None):
return stopwords
def get_synonyms(self):
index = self._index_object
synonyms = {}
for word in index.keys():
if (type(index[word]) == type('')):
synonyms[word] = index[word]
return synonyms
class PersistentResultList(ResultList, PickleDictionary.Persistent):
def __getstate__(self):
return marshal.dumps(self._list)
def __setstate__(self, marshaled_state):
self._list = marshal.loads(marshaled_state)
def addentry(self, freq, key):
'''Add a frequency/key pair to this object'''
self._list.append((freq, key))
class STPResultList(ResultList, SingleThreadedTransaction.Persistent):
def __getstate__(self):
return marshal.dumps(self._list)
def __setstate__(self, marshaled_state):
self._list = marshal.loads(marshaled_state)
def addentry(self, freq, key):
'''Add a frequency/key pair to this object'''
self._list.append((freq, key))
class Persistent(Index):
list_class = PersistentResultList
def __init__(self, picklefile, index_dictionary = None, create = None,
cache_size = 100):
pickledict = PickleDictionary.PickleDictionary(
picklefile, create, cache_size = cache_size)
if (index_dictionary is not None):
for key in index_dictionary.keys():
pickledict[key] = index_dictionary[key]
Index.__init__(self, pickledict)
class Transactional(Index):
list_class = STPResultList
def __init__(self, picklefile, index_dictionary = None, create = None,
cache_size = 100):
self.picklefile = picklefile
pickledict = SingleThreadedTransaction.PickleDictionary(
picklefile, create, cache_size = cache_size)
if (index_dictionary is not None):
for key in index_dictionary.keys():
pickledict[key] = index_dictionary[key]
Index.__init__(self, pickledict)
def __getinitargs__(self):
return (self.picklefile,)
def __getstate__(self):
def __setstate__(self,arg):
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