Commit b907b6dd authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

One step towards refactoring for reuse of the code generation in the

HTML TAL parser.  This moves the "fixing" of the attributes (really
changing them from "<namespace> name" to "<prefix>:name") to the same
loop over the attributes where the presence of unrecognized attributes
is reported, simplifying life later.
parent e353be51
......@@ -89,21 +89,6 @@ Parse XML and compile to TALInterpreter intermediate code.
import string
from XMLParser import XMLParser
from TALDefs import *
_metal = ZOPE_METAL_NS + " "
METAL_DEFINE_MACRO = _metal + "define-macro"
METAL_USE_MACRO = _metal + "use-macro"
METAL_DEFINE_SLOT = _metal + "define-slot"
METAL_FILL_SLOT = _metal + "fill-slot"
_tal = ZOPE_TAL_NS + " "
TAL_DEFINE = _tal + "define"
TAL_CONDITION = _tal + "condition"
TAL_INSERT = _tal + "insert"
TAL_REPLACE = _tal + "replace"
TAL_REPEAT = _tal + "repeat"
TAL_ATTRIBUTES = _tal + "attributes"
from TALGenerator import TALGenerator
class TALParser(XMLParser):
......@@ -140,30 +125,27 @@ class TALParser(XMLParser):
def StartElementHandler(self, name, attrs):
if self.ordered_attributes:
# attrs is a list of alternating names and values
attrdict = {}
attrlist = []
for i in range(0, len(attrs), 2):
key = attrs[i]
value = attrs[i+1]
attrdict[key] = value
attrlist.append((key, value))
# attrs is a dict of {name: value}
attrdict = attrs
attrlist = attrs.items()
attrlist.sort() # For definiteness
attrlist, taldict, metaldict = self.extractattrs(attrlist)
todo = {}
defineMacro = attrdict.get(METAL_DEFINE_MACRO)
useMacro = attrdict.get(METAL_USE_MACRO)
defineSlot = attrdict.get(METAL_DEFINE_SLOT)
fillSlot = attrdict.get(METAL_FILL_SLOT)
defines = attrdict.get(TAL_DEFINE)
condition = attrdict.get(TAL_CONDITION)
insert = attrdict.get(TAL_INSERT)
replace = attrdict.get(TAL_REPLACE)
repeat = attrdict.get(TAL_REPEAT)
attrsubst = attrdict.get(TAL_ATTRIBUTES)
defineMacro = metaldict.get("define-macro")
useMacro = metaldict.get("use-macro")
defineSlot = metaldict.get("define-slot")
fillSlot = metaldict.get("fill-slot")
defines = taldict.get("define")
condition = taldict.get("condition")
insert = taldict.get("insert")
replace = taldict.get("replace")
repeat = taldict.get("repeat")
attrsubst = taldict.get("attributes")
n = 0
if defineMacro: n = n+1
if useMacro: n = n+1
......@@ -217,31 +199,47 @@ class TALParser(XMLParser):
repldict = {}
self.fixattrs(attrlist, repldict))
self.replattrs(attrlist, repldict))
if insert:
def checkattrs(self, attrlist):
talprefix = _tal
def extractattrs(self, attrlist):
talprefix = ZOPE_TAL_NS + " "
ntal = len(talprefix)
metalprefix = _metal
metalprefix = ZOPE_METAL_NS + " "
nmetal = len(metalprefix)
taldict = {}
metaldict = {}
fixedattrlist = []
for key, value in attrlist:
item = self.fixname(key), value
if key[:nmetal] == metalprefix:
if key[nmetal:] not in KNOWN_METAL_ATTRIBUTES:
self.attrerror(key, "METAL")
metaldict[key[nmetal:]] = value
if key[nmetal:] == "define-macro":
item = item + ("macroHack",)
elif key[:ntal] == talprefix:
if key[ntal:] not in KNOWN_TAL_ATTRIBUTES:
self.attrerror(key, "TAL")
taldict[key[ntal:]] = value
return fixedattrlist, taldict, metaldict
def attrerror(self, key, mode):
if mode == "METAL":
raise METALError(
"bad METAL attribute: %s;\nallowed are: %s" %
elif key[:ntal] == talprefix:
if key[ntal:] not in KNOWN_TAL_ATTRIBUTES:
if mode == "TAL":
raise TALError(
"bad TAL attribute: %s;\nallowed are: %s" %
def fixattrs(self, attrlist, repldict):
def replattrs(self, attrlist, repldict):
newlist = []
for prefix, uri in self.nsNew:
if prefix:
......@@ -249,15 +247,13 @@ class TALParser(XMLParser):
newlist.append(("xmlns", uri))
self.nsNew = []
for fullkey, value in attrlist:
key = self.fixname(fullkey)
if not repldict:
return newlist + attrlist
for item in attrlist:
key = item[0]
if repldict.has_key(key):
item = (key, value, "replace", repldict[key])
item = item[:2] + ("replace", repldict[key])
del repldict[key]
elif fullkey == METAL_DEFINE_MACRO:
item = (key, value, "macroHack")
item = (key, value)
for key, value in repldict.items(): # Add dynamic-only attributes
item = (key, "", "replace", value)
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