Commit bd276aa8 authored by Florent Guillaume's avatar Florent Guillaume

To be used with Five efge-1.3-event-work branch.

Changed deprecation strategy a bit, for maximum compatibility.

This fixes a bug, seen in the expanded tests in Five/tests/event.txt,
about "compatibility" recursion for old classes.
parent 26992b40
......@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class CopyContainer(ExtensionClass.Base):
ob._postCopy(self, op=0)
OFS.subscribers.maybeCallDeprecated('manage_afterClone', ob)
OFS.subscribers.compatibilityCall('manage_afterClone', ob, ob)
......@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ class CopyContainer(ExtensionClass.Base):
ob._postCopy(self, op=0)
OFS.subscribers.maybeCallDeprecated('manage_afterClone', ob)
OFS.subscribers.compatibilityCall('manage_afterClone', ob, ob)
......@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ from OFS.event import ObjectWillBeAddedEvent
from OFS.event import ObjectWillBeRemovedEvent
import OFS.subscribers
# the name BadRequestException is relied upon by 3rd-party code
BadRequestException = BadRequest
......@@ -315,35 +314,23 @@ class ObjectManager(
if not suppress_events:
notify(ObjectAddedEvent(ob, self, id))
OFS.subscribers.maybeCallDeprecated('manage_afterAdd', ob, self)
OFS.subscribers.compatibilityCall('manage_afterAdd', ob, ob, self)
return id
def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container):
# Don't do recursion anymore, a subscriber does that.
"%s.manage_afterAdd is deprecated and will be removed in "
"Zope 2.11, you should use an IObjectAddedEvent "
"subscriber instead." % self.__class__.__name__,
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
manage_afterAdd.__five_method__ = True
def manage_afterClone(self, item):
# Don't do recursion anymore, a subscriber does that.
"%s.manage_afterClone is deprecated and will be removed in "
"Zope 2.11, you should use an IObjectClonedEvent "
"subscriber instead." % self.__class__.__name__,
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
manage_afterClone.__five_method__ = True
def manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container):
# Don't do recursion anymore, a subscriber does that.
"%s.manage_beforeDelete is deprecated and will be removed in "
"Zope 2.11, you should use an IObjectWillBeRemovedEvent "
"subscriber instead." % self.__class__.__name__,
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
manage_beforeDelete.__five_method__ = True
def _delObject(self, id, dp=1, suppress_events=False):
......@@ -353,7 +340,7 @@ class ObjectManager(
ob = self._getOb(id)
OFS.subscribers.maybeCallDeprecated('manage_beforeDelete', ob, self)
OFS.subscribers.compatibilityCall('manage_beforeDelete', ob, ob, self)
if not suppress_events:
notify(ObjectWillBeRemovedEvent(ob, self, id))
......@@ -61,27 +61,15 @@ class Item(Base, Resource, CopySource, App.Management.Tabs, Traversable,
def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container):
"%s.manage_afterAdd is deprecated and will be removed in "
"Zope 2.11, you should use an IObjectAddedEvent "
"subscriber instead." % self.__class__.__name__,
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
manage_afterAdd.__five_method__ = True
def manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container):
"%s.manage_beforeDelete is deprecated and will be removed in "
"Zope 2.11, you should use an IObjectWillBeRemovedEvent "
"subscriber instead." % self.__class__.__name__,
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
manage_beforeDelete.__five_method__ = True
def manage_afterClone(self, item):
"%s.manage_afterClone is deprecated and will be removed in "
"Zope 2.11, you should use an IObjectClonedEvent "
"subscriber instead." % self.__class__.__name__,
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
manage_afterClone.__five_method__ = True
# Direct use of the 'id' attribute is deprecated - use getId()
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import warnings
import sys
from zLOG import LOG, ERROR
from Acquisition import aq_base
from App.config import getConfiguration
from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
......@@ -35,36 +36,42 @@ from import ISublocations
deprecatedManageAddDeleteClasses = []
def hasDeprecatedMethods(ob):
"""Do we need to call the deprecated methods?
for class_ in deprecatedManageAddDeleteClasses:
if isinstance(ob, class_):
return True
return False
def compatibilityCall(method_name, *args):
"""Call a method if events have not been setup yet.
def maybeCallDeprecated(method_name, ob, *args):
"""Call a deprecated method, if the framework doesn't call it already.
This is the case for some unit tests that have not been converted to
use the component architecture.
if deprecatedManageAddDeleteClasses:
# Events initialized, don't do compatibility call
if method_name == 'manage_afterAdd':
elif method_name == 'manage_beforeDelete':
def maybeWarnDeprecated(ob, method_name):
"""Send a warning if a method is deprecated.
if hasDeprecatedMethods(ob):
if not deprecatedManageAddDeleteClasses:
# Directives not fully loaded
for cls in deprecatedManageAddDeleteClasses:
if isinstance(ob, cls):
# Already deprecated through zcml
method = getattr(ob, method_name)
if getattr(method, '__five_method__', False):
if getattr(getattr(ob, method_name), '__five_method__', False):
# Method knows it's deprecated
if deprecatedManageAddDeleteClasses:
# Not deprecated through zcml and directives fully loaded
class_ = ob.__class__
"Calling %s.%s.%s is deprecated when using Five, "
"instead use event subscribers or "
"%s.%s.%s is deprecated and will be removed in Zope 2.11, "
"you should use event subscribers instead, and meanwhile "
"mark the class with <five:deprecatedManageAddDelete/>"
% (class_.__module__, class_.__name__, method_name),
# Note that calling the method can lead to incorrect behavior
# but in the most common case that's better than not calling it.
method(ob, *args)
......@@ -98,16 +105,13 @@ def dispatchObjectWillBeMovedEvent(ob, event):
if OFS.interfaces.IObjectManager.providedBy(ob):
dispatchToSublocations(ob, event)
# Next, do the manage_beforeDelete dance
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
if hasDeprecatedMethods(ob):
callManageBeforeDelete(ob, event)
callManageBeforeDelete(ob, event.object, event.oldParent)
def dispatchObjectMovedEvent(ob, event):
"""Multi-subscriber for IItem + IObjectMovedEvent.
# First, do the manage_afterAdd dance
if hasDeprecatedMethods(ob):
callManageAfterAdd(ob, event)
callManageAfterAdd(ob, event.object, event.newParent)
# Next, dispatch to sublocations
if OFS.interfaces.IObjectManager.providedBy(ob):
dispatchToSublocations(ob, event)
......@@ -116,32 +120,33 @@ def dispatchObjectClonedEvent(ob, event):
"""Multi-subscriber for IItem + IObjectClonedEvent.
# First, do the manage_afterClone dance
if hasDeprecatedMethods(ob):
callManageAfterClone(ob, event)
callManageAfterClone(ob, event.object)
# Next, dispatch to sublocations
if OFS.interfaces.IObjectManager.providedBy(ob):
dispatchToSublocations(ob, event)
def callManageAfterAdd(ob, event):
def callManageAfterAdd(ob, item, container):
"""Compatibility subscriber for manage_afterAdd.
container = event.newParent
if container is None:
# this is a remove
ob.manage_afterAdd(event.object, container)
if getattr(aq_base(ob), 'manage_afterAdd', None) is None:
maybeWarnDeprecated(ob, 'manage_afterAdd')
ob.manage_afterAdd(item, container)
def callManageBeforeDelete(ob, event):
def callManageBeforeDelete(ob, item, container):
"""Compatibility subscriber for manage_beforeDelete.
import OFS.ObjectManager # avoid circular imports
container = event.oldParent
if getattr(aq_base(ob), 'manage_beforeDelete', None) is None:
if container is None:
# this is an add
import OFS.ObjectManager # avoid circular imports
maybeWarnDeprecated(ob, 'manage_beforeDelete')
ob.manage_beforeDelete(event.object, container)
ob.manage_beforeDelete(item, container)
except OFS.ObjectManager.BeforeDeleteException:
except ConflictError:
......@@ -153,7 +158,10 @@ def callManageBeforeDelete(ob, event):
if not getSecurityManager().getUser().has_role('Manager'):
def callManageAfterClone(ob, event):
def callManageAfterClone(ob, item):
"""Compatibility subscriber for manage_afterClone.
if getattr(aq_base(ob), 'manage_afterClone', None) is None:
maybeWarnDeprecated(ob, 'manage_afterClone')
......@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ class BTreeFolder2Base (Persistent):
if not suppress_events:
notify(ObjectAddedEvent(ob, self, id))
OFS.subscribers.maybeCallDeprecated('manage_afterAdd', ob, self)
OFS.subscribers.compatibilityCall('manage_afterAdd', ob, ob, self)
return id
......@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ class BTreeFolder2Base (Persistent):
def _delObject(self, id, dp=1, suppress_events=False):
ob = self._getOb(id)
OFS.subscribers.maybeCallDeprecated('manage_beforeDelete', ob, self)
OFS.subscribers.compatibilityCall('manage_beforeDelete', ob, ob, self)
if not suppress_events:
notify(ObjectWillBeRemovedEvent(ob, self, id))
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