Commit c3550a55 authored by Cédric Le Ninivin's avatar Cédric Le Ninivin

Add support for optional 'SameSite' cookie attribute

As described in the definition document by the ietf:

"The 'SameSite' attribute allows servers to assert that a cookie
ought not to be sent along with cross-site requests. This assertion
allows user agents to mitigate the risk of cross-origin information
leakage, and provides some protection against cross-site request
forgery attacks."
parent 99a37fec
......@@ -903,6 +903,8 @@ class HTTPResponse(BaseResponse):
# and block read/write access via JavaScript
elif name == 'http_only' and v:
cookie = '%s; HTTPOnly' % cookie
elif name == 'same_site':
cookie = '%s; SameSite=%s' % (cookie, v)
cookie_list.append(('Set-Cookie', cookie))
# Should really check size of cookies here!
......@@ -319,6 +319,19 @@ class HTTPResponseTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(len(cookie_list), 1)
self.assertEqual(cookie_list[0], ('Set-Cookie', 'foo="bar"'))
def test_setCookie_w_same_site(self):
response = self._makeOne()
response.setCookie('foo', 'bar', same_site='Strict')
cookie = response.cookies.get('foo', None)
self.assertEqual(len(cookie), 3)
self.assertEqual(cookie.get('value'), 'bar')
self.assertEqual(cookie.get('same_site'), 'Strict')
self.assertEqual(cookie.get('quoted'), True)
cookies = response._cookie_list()
self.assertEqual(len(cookies), 1)
('Set-Cookie', 'foo="bar"; SameSite=Strict'))
def test_setCookie_unquoted(self):
response = self._makeOne()
response.setCookie('foo', 'bar', quoted=False)
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