Commit cb9aa89d authored by Chris McDonough's avatar Chris McDonough

Document path and environment directives.

parent f8cde89a
......@@ -39,10 +39,28 @@ instancehome $INSTANCE
# clienthome /home/chrism/projects/sessions/var
# Directive: products
# Directive: path
# Description:
# Name of a directory which should be inserted into the
# the beginning of Python's module search path. This directive
# may be specified as many times as needed to insert additional
# directories. The set of directories specified is inserted into the
# beginning of the module search path in the order which they are specified
# here. Note that the processing of this directive may happen too late
# under some circumstances; it is recommended that you use the PYTHONPATH
# environment variable if using this directive doesn't work for you.
# Default: $INSTANCE/lib/python
# Example:
# path $INSTANCE/mypymodules
# Directive: products
# Description:
# Name of a directory that contains additional Product packages. This
# directive may be used as many times as needed to add additional
# collections of products. Each directory identified will be
......@@ -61,6 +79,22 @@ instancehome $INSTANCE
# products /home/chrism/projects/myproducts
# Directive: environment
# Description:
# A section which can be used to define arbitrary key-value pairs
# for use as environment variables during Zope's run cycle. It
# is not recommended to set system-related environment variables such as
# PYTHONPATH within this section.
# Default: unset
# Example:
# <environment>
# </environment>
# Directive: debug-mode
# Description:
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