Commit 050650f2 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 7ce1eb75
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ type btTpool struct{ sync.Pool }
func (p *btTpool) get(cmp Cmp) *Tree {
x := p.Get().(*Tree)
x.cmp = cmp
//x.hitIdx = -1
//x.hitDi = -1
//x.hitPi = -1
//x.hitMinKMInf = true
//x.hitMaxKInf = true
......@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ type (
// last data page which Set/Put/Delete/XXX recheck modified
// XXX naming
hit *d
hitIdx int
hitD *d
hitDi int
hitKmin xkey
hitKmax xkey
......@@ -128,15 +128,15 @@ type (
x [2*kx + 2]xe
xkey struct { // key + whether value is present
xkey struct { // key + whether value is present at all
k interface {} /*K*/
kset bool // if not set - k not present
keyrange struct { // key range [kmin, kmax)
kmin xkey // if not set = -∞
kmax xkey // if not set = +∞
//keyrange struct { // key range [kmin, kmax)
// kmin xkey // if not set = -∞
// kmax xkey // if not set = +∞
var ( // R/O zero values
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ func (t *Tree) Clear() {
t.c, t.first, t.last, t.r = 0, nil, nil, nil
// TODO reset .hit
// TODO reset .hitD
......@@ -446,15 +446,15 @@ func (t *Tree) find2(d *d, k interface{} /*K*/, l, h int) (i int, ok bool) {
// hitFind returns whether k belongs to previosly hit data page XXX text
// if no -1, false is returned
// if yes returned are:
// - i: index corresponding to data entry in t.hit with min(k' : k' >= k)
// - i: index corresponding to data entry in t.hitD with min(k' : k' >= k)
// - ok: whether k' == k
func (t *Tree) hitFind(k interface{} /*K*/) (i int, ok bool) {
hit := t.hit
hit := t.hitD
if hit == nil {
return -1, false
i = t.hitIdx
i = t.hitDi
//p := t.hitP
//pi := t.hitPi
......@@ -546,8 +546,8 @@ func (t *Tree) insert(q *d, i int, k interface{} /*K*/, v interface{} /*V*/) *d
q.c = c
q.d[i].k, q.d[i].v = k, v
t.hit = q
t.hitIdx = i
t.hitD = q
t.hitDi = i
return q
......@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ func (t *Tree) SeekLast() (e *Enumerator, err error) {
// Set sets the value associated with k.
func (t *Tree) Set(k interface{} /*K*/, v interface{} /*V*/) {
//dbg("--- PRE Set(%v, %v)\t(%v @%d, [%v, %v))\n%s", k, v, t.hit, t.hitIdx, t.hitKmin, t.hitKmax, t.dump())
//dbg("--- PRE Set(%v, %v)\t(%v @%d, [%v, %v))\n%s", k, v, t.hitD, t.hitDi, t.hitKmin, t.hitKmax, t.dump())
//defer func() {
// //if r := recover(); r != nil {
// // panic(r)
......@@ -682,14 +682,14 @@ func (t *Tree) Set(k interface{} /*K*/, v interface{} /*V*/) {
i, ok := t.hitFind(k)
if i >= 0 {
//dbg("hit found\t-> %d, %v", i, ok)
//dd, p, pi := t.hit, t.hitP, t.hitPi
dd := t.hit
//dd, p, pi := t.hitD, t.hitP, t.hitPi
dd := t.hitD
switch {
case ok:
dd.d[i].v = v
t.hitIdx = i
t.hitDi = i
case dd.c < 2*kd:
......@@ -697,6 +697,7 @@ func (t *Tree) Set(k interface{} /*K*/, v interface{} /*V*/) {
t.insert(dd, i, k, v)
// XXX reenable overflow here
//case p == nil || p.c <= 2*kx:
// dbg("overflow'")
// t.overflow(p, dd, pi, i, k, v)
......@@ -712,7 +713,6 @@ func (t *Tree) Set(k interface{} /*K*/, v interface{} /*V*/) {
pi := -1
var p *x
q := t.r
if q == nil {
z := t.insert(btDPool.Get().(*d), 0, k, v) // XXX update hit
......@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ func (t *Tree) Set(k interface{} /*K*/, v interface{} /*V*/) {
case ok:
x.d[i].v = v
t.hit, t.hitIdx = x, i
t.hitD, t.hitDi = x, i
case x.c < 2*kd:
......@@ -782,7 +782,6 @@ func (t *Tree) Set(k interface{} /*K*/, v interface{} /*V*/) {
// Put combines Get and Set in a more efficient way where the tree is walked
......@@ -814,7 +813,7 @@ func (t *Tree) Put(k interface{} /*K*/, upd func(oldV interface{} /*V*/, exists
// TODO handle t.hit
// TODO handle t.hitD
for {
i, ok := t.find(q, k)
......@@ -978,14 +977,14 @@ func (t *Tree) underflow(p *x, q *d, pi int) {
if l != nil && l.c+q.c >= 2*kd {
l.mvR(q, 1)
// TODO update t.hit = q @ i
// TODO update t.hitD = q @ i
p.x[pi-1].k = q.d[0].k
if r != nil && q.c+r.c >= 2*kd {
q.mvL(r, 1)
// TODO update t.hit = q @ i
// TODO update t.hitD = q @ i
p.x[pi].k = r.d[0].k
r.d[r.c] = zde // GC
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