Note that the literal `2` above is the value of the enum `AF_INET`, and `10` would indicate `AF_INET6` once supported, as per `include/linux/socket.h`.
A less trivial example of this usage, tracing tcp outbound connections, and printing the destination address:
And initiate a connection to this (or any) address in another terminal:
# Map Functions
# Map Functions
Maps are special BPF data types that can be used to store counts, statistics, and histograms. They are also used for some variable types as discussed in the previous section, whenever `@` is used: [globals](#21-global), [per thread variables](#22-per-thread), and [associative arrays](#3--associative-arrays).
Maps are special BPF data types that can be used to store counts, statistics, and histograms. They are also used for some variable types as discussed in the previous section, whenever `@` is used: [globals](#21-global), [per thread variables](#22-per-thread), and [associative arrays](#3--associative-arrays).