Commit 0235b749 authored by Mark Hammond's avatar Mark Hammond

Test for fix to bug #110673: os.abspatth() now always returns os.getcwd() on...

Test for fix to bug #110673: os.abspatth() now always returns os.getcwd() on Windows, if an empty path is specified.  It previously did not if an empty path was delegated to win32api.GetFullPathName())
parent 094c7afc
import ntpath
import string
import os
errors = 0
......@@ -34,6 +35,10 @@ tester('ntpath.isabs("\\\\conky\\mountpoint\\")', 1)
tester('ntpath.isabs("\\foo")', 1)
tester('ntpath.isabs("\\foo\\bar")', 1)
tester('ntpath.abspath("C:\\")', "C:\\")
tester('ntpath.abspath("")', os.getcwd())
if errors:
print str(errors) + " errors."
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