Commit 029ba2b8 authored by Nick Coghlan's avatar Nick Coghlan

Add unit tests for the mailcap module. Patch by Gregory Nofi (closes #6484)

parent 4ecf6cfc
# Mailcap file for test_mailcap; based on RFC 1524
# Referred to by
# This is a comment.
application/frame; showframe %s; print="cat %s | lp"
application/postscript; ps-to-terminal %s;\
application/postscript; ps-to-terminal %s; \
compose=idraw %s
application/x-dvi; xdvi %s
application/x-movie; movieplayer %s; compose=moviemaker %s; \
description="Movie"; \
application/*; echo "This is \"%t\" but \
is 50 \% Greek to me" \; cat %s; copiousoutput
audio/basic; showaudio %s; compose=audiocompose %s; edit=audiocompose %s;\
description="An audio fragment"
audio/* ; /usr/local/bin/showaudio %t
image/rgb; display %s
#image/gif; display %s
image/x-xwindowdump; display %s
# The continuation char shouldn't \
# make a difference in a comment.
message/external-body; showexternal %s %{access-type} %{name} %{site} \
%{directory} %{mode} %{server}; needsterminal; composetyped = extcompose %s; \
description="A reference to data stored in an external location"
text/richtext; shownonascii iso-8859-8 -e richtext -p %s; test=test "`echo \
%{charset} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`" = iso-8859-8; copiousoutput
video/mpeg; mpeg_play %s
video/*; animate %s
import mailcap
import os
import shutil
import unittest
# Location of mailcap file
MAILCAPFILE ="mailcap.txt")
# Dict to act as mock mailcap entry for this test
# The keys and values should match the contents of MAILCAPFILE
MAILCAPDICT = {'application/x-movie': [{'compose': 'moviemaker %s',
'x11-bitmap': '"/usr/lib/Zmail/bitmaps/movie.xbm"',
'description': '"Movie"',
'view': 'movieplayer %s'}],
'application/*': [{'copiousoutput': '',
'view': 'echo "This is \\"%t\\" but is 50 \\% Greek to me" \\; cat %s'}],
'audio/basic': [{'edit': 'audiocompose %s',
'compose': 'audiocompose %s',
'description': '"An audio fragment"',
'view': 'showaudio %s'}],
'video/mpeg': [{'view': 'mpeg_play %s'}],
'application/postscript': [{'needsterminal': '',
'view': 'ps-to-terminal %s'},
{'compose': 'idraw %s',
'view': 'ps-to-terminal %s'}],
'application/x-dvi': [{'view': 'xdvi %s'}],
'message/external-body': [{'composetyped': 'extcompose %s',
'description': '"A reference to data stored in an external location"',
'needsterminal': '',
'view': 'showexternal %s %{access-type} %{name} %{site} %{directory} %{mode} %{server}'}],
'text/richtext': [{'test': 'test "`echo %{charset} | tr \'[A-Z]\' \'[a-z]\'`" = iso-8859-8',
'copiousoutput': '',
'view': 'shownonascii iso-8859-8 -e richtext -p %s'}],
'image/x-xwindowdump': [{'view': 'display %s'}],
'audio/*': [{'view': '/usr/local/bin/showaudio %t'}],
'video/*': [{'view': 'animate %s'}],
'application/frame': [{'print': '"cat %s | lp"',
'view': 'showframe %s'}],
'image/rgb': [{'view': 'display %s'}]}
class HelperFunctionTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_listmailcapfiles(self):
# The return value for listmailcapfiles() will vary by system.
# So verify that listmailcapfiles() returns a list of strings that is of
# non-zero length.
mcfiles = mailcap.listmailcapfiles()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(mcfiles, list))
self.assertTrue(all([isinstance(m, str) for m in mcfiles]))
with as env:
# According to RFC 1524, if MAILCAPS env variable exists, use that
# and only that.
if "MAILCAPS" in env:
env_mailcaps = env["MAILCAPS"].split(os.pathsep)
env_mailcaps = ["/testdir1/.mailcap", "/testdir2/mailcap"]
env["MAILCAPS"] = os.pathsep.join(env_mailcaps)
mcfiles = mailcap.listmailcapfiles()
self.assertEqual(env_mailcaps, mcfiles)
def test_readmailcapfile(self):
# Test readmailcapfile() using test file. It should match MAILCAPDICT.
with open(MAILCAPFILE, 'r') as mcf:
d = mailcap.readmailcapfile(mcf)
self.assertDictEqual(d, MAILCAPDICT)
def test_lookup(self):
# Test without key
expected = [{'view': 'mpeg_play %s'}, {'view': 'animate %s'}]
actual = mailcap.lookup(MAILCAPDICT, 'video/mpeg')
self.assertListEqual(expected, actual)
# Test with key
key = 'compose'
expected = [{'edit': 'audiocompose %s',
'compose': 'audiocompose %s',
'description': '"An audio fragment"',
'view': 'showaudio %s'}]
actual = mailcap.lookup(MAILCAPDICT, 'audio/basic', key)
self.assertListEqual(expected, actual)
def test_subst(self):
plist = ['id=1', 'number=2', 'total=3']
# test case: ([field, MIMEtype, filename, plist=[]], <expected string>)
test_cases = [
(["", "audio/*", "foo.txt"], ""),
(["echo foo", "audio/*", "foo.txt"], "echo foo"),
(["echo %s", "audio/*", "foo.txt"], "echo foo.txt"),
(["echo %t", "audio/*", "foo.txt"], "echo audio/*"),
(["echo \%t", "audio/*", "foo.txt"], "echo %t"),
(["echo foo", "audio/*", "foo.txt", plist], "echo foo"),
(["echo %{total}", "audio/*", "foo.txt", plist], "echo 3")
for tc in test_cases:
self.assertEqual(mailcap.subst(*tc[0]), tc[1])
class GetcapsTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_mock_getcaps(self):
# Test mailcap.getcaps() using mock mailcap file in this dir.
# Temporarily override any existing system mailcap file by pointing the
# MAILCAPS environment variable to our mock file.
with as env:
caps = mailcap.getcaps()
self.assertDictEqual(caps, MAILCAPDICT)
def test_system_mailcap(self):
# Test mailcap.getcaps() with mailcap file(s) on system, if any.
caps = mailcap.getcaps()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(caps, dict))
mailcapfiles = mailcap.listmailcapfiles()
existingmcfiles = [mcf for mcf in mailcapfiles if os.path.exists(mcf)]
if existingmcfiles:
# At least 1 mailcap file exists, so test that.
for (k, v) in caps.items():
self.assertTrue(isinstance(k, str))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(v, list))
self.assertTrue(all([isinstance(e, dict) for e in v]))
# No mailcap files on system. getcaps() should return empty dict.
self.assertEqual({}, caps)
class FindmatchTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_findmatch(self):
# default findmatch arguments
fname = "foo.txt"
plist = ["access-type=default", "name=john", "",
"directory=/tmp", "mode=foo", "server=bar"]
audio_basic_entry = {'edit': 'audiocompose %s',
'compose': 'audiocompose %s',
'description': '"An audio fragment"',
'view': 'showaudio %s'}
audio_entry = {"view": "/usr/local/bin/showaudio %t"}
video_entry = {'view': 'animate %s'}
message_entry = {'composetyped': 'extcompose %s',
'description': '"A reference to data stored in an external location"', 'needsterminal': '',
'view': 'showexternal %s %{access-type} %{name} %{site} %{directory} %{mode} %{server}'}
# test case: (findmatch args, findmatch keyword args, expected output)
# positional args: caps, MIMEtype
# keyword args: key="view", filename="/dev/null", plist=[]
# output: (command line, mailcap entry)
cases = [
([{}, "video/mpeg"], {}, (None, None)),
([c, "foo/bar"], {}, (None, None)),
([c, "video/mpeg"], {}, ('mpeg_play /dev/null', {'view': 'mpeg_play %s'})),
([c, "audio/basic", "edit"], {}, ("audiocompose /dev/null", audio_basic_entry)),
([c, "audio/basic", "compose"], {}, ("audiocompose /dev/null", audio_basic_entry)),
([c, "audio/basic", "description"], {}, ('"An audio fragment"', audio_basic_entry)),
([c, "audio/basic", "foobar"], {}, (None, None)),
([c, "video/*"], {"filename": fname}, ("animate %s" % fname, video_entry)),
([c, "audio/basic", "compose"],
{"filename": fname},
("audiocompose %s" % fname, audio_basic_entry)),
([c, "audio/basic"],
{"key": "description", "filename": fname},
('"An audio fragment"', audio_basic_entry)),
([c, "audio/*"],
{"filename": fname},
("/usr/local/bin/showaudio audio/*", audio_entry)),
([c, "message/external-body"],
{"plist": plist},
("showexternal /dev/null default john /tmp foo bar", message_entry))
@unittest.skipUnless( == "posix", "Requires 'test' command on system")
def test_test(self):
# findmatch() will automatically check any "test" conditions and skip
# the entry if the check fails.
caps = {"test/pass": [{"test": "test 1 -eq 1"}],
"test/fail": [{"test": "test 1 -eq 0"}]}
# test case: (findmatch args, findmatch keyword args, expected output)
# positional args: caps, MIMEtype, key ("test")
# keyword args: N/A
# output: (command line, mailcap entry)
cases = [
# findmatch will return the mailcap entry for test/pass because it evaluates to true
([caps, "test/pass", "test"], {}, ("test 1 -eq 1", {"test": "test 1 -eq 1"})),
# findmatch will return None because test/fail evaluates to false
([caps, "test/fail", "test"], {}, (None, None))
def _run_cases(self, cases):
for c in cases:
self.assertEqual(mailcap.findmatch(*c[0], **c[1]), c[2])
def test_main():, GetcapsTest, FindmatchTest)
if __name__ == '__main__':
...@@ -1209,6 +1209,8 @@ Extension Modules ...@@ -1209,6 +1209,8 @@ Extension Modules
Tests Tests
----- -----
- Issue #6484: Add unit tests for mailcap module (patch by Gregory Nofi)
- Issue #11651: Improve the Makefile test targets to run more of the test suite - Issue #11651: Improve the Makefile test targets to run more of the test suite
more quickly. The --multiprocess option is now enabled by default, reducing more quickly. The --multiprocess option is now enabled by default, reducing
the amount of time needed to run the tests. "make test" and "make quicktest" the amount of time needed to run the tests. "make test" and "make quicktest"
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