Commit 07ba14cb authored by Hirokazu Yamamoto's avatar Hirokazu Yamamoto

Blocked revisions 85047,85316,85689 via svnmerge

  r85047 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2010-09-28 16:03:40 +0900 | 1 line

  Updated VS8.0 bz2.vcproj with PCBuild/
  r85316 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2010-10-08 17:46:30 +0900 | 1 line

  Follows Python/fileutils.c addition.
  r85689 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2010-10-18 21:13:18 +0900 | 3 lines

  Issue #5117: Case normalization was needed on ntpath.relpath(). And
  fixed root directory issue on posixpath.relpath(). (Ported working fixes
  from ntpath)
parent 8596ef70
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