Commit 0901cbc9 authored by Nick Coghlan's avatar Nick Coghlan

Close #19403: make contextlib.redirect_stdout reentrant

parent c4c3c6b1
......@@ -651,22 +651,33 @@ managers can not only be used in multiple :keyword:`with` statements,
but may also be used *inside* a :keyword:`with` statement that is already
using the same context manager.
:class:`threading.RLock` is an example of a reentrant context manager, as is
:func:`suppress`. Here's a toy example of reentrant use (real world
examples of reentrancy are more likely to occur with objects like recursive
locks and are likely to be far more complicated than this example)::
>>> from contextlib import suppress
>>> ignore_raised_exception = suppress(ZeroDivisionError)
>>> with ignore_raised_exception:
... with ignore_raised_exception:
... 1/0
... print("This line runs")
... 1/0
... print("This is skipped")
:class:`threading.RLock` is an example of a reentrant context manager, as are
:func:`suppress` and :func:`redirect_stdout`. Here's a very simple example of
reentrant use::
>>> from contextlib import redirect_stdout
>>> from io import StringIO
>>> stream = StringIO()
>>> write_to_stream = redirect_stdout(stream)
>>> with write_to_stream:
... print("This is written to the stream rather than stdout")
... with write_to_stream:
... print("This is also written to the stream")
This line runs
>>> # The second exception is also suppressed
>>> print("This is written directly to stdout")
This is written directly to stdout
>>> print(stream.getvalue())
This is written to the stream rather than stdout
This is also written to the stream
Real world examples of reentrancy are more likely to involve multiple
functions calling each other and hence be far more complicated than this
Note also that being reentrant is *not* the same thing as being thread safe.
:func:`redirect_stdout`, for example, is definitely not thread safe, as it
makes a global modification to the system state by binding :data:`sys.stdout`
to a different stream.
.. _reusable-cms:
......@@ -681,32 +692,58 @@ reusable). These context managers support being used multiple times, but
will fail (or otherwise not work correctly) if the specific context manager
instance has already been used in a containing with statement.
An example of a reusable context manager is :func:`redirect_stdout`::
:class:`threading.Lock` is an example of a reusable, but not reentrant,
context manager (for a reentrant lock, it is necessary to use
:class:`threading.RLock` instead).
>>> from contextlib import redirect_stdout
>>> from io import StringIO
>>> f = StringIO()
>>> collect_output = redirect_stdout(f)
>>> with collect_output:
... print("Collected")
Another example of a reusable, but not reentrant, context manager is
:class:`ExitStack`, as it invokes *all* currently registered callbacks
when leaving any with statement, regardless of where those callbacks
were added::
>>> from contextlib import ExitStack
>>> stack = ExitStack()
>>> with stack:
... stack.callback(print, "Callback: from first context")
... print("Leaving first context")
>>> print("Not collected")
Not collected
>>> with collect_output:
... print("Also collected")
Leaving first context
Callback: from first context
>>> with stack:
... stack.callback(print, "Callback: from second context")
... print("Leaving second context")
>>> print(f.getvalue())
Also collected
However, this context manager is not reentrant, so attempting to reuse it
within a containing with statement fails:
>>> with collect_output:
... # Nested reuse is not permitted
... with collect_output:
... pass
Leaving second context
Callback: from second context
>>> with stack:
... stack.callback(print, "Callback: from outer context")
... with stack:
... stack.callback(print, "Callback: from inner context")
... print("Leaving inner context")
... print("Leaving outer context")
Traceback (most recent call last):
Leaving inner context
Callback: from inner context
Callback: from outer context
Leaving outer context
As the output from the example shows, reusing a single stack object across
multiple with statements works correctly, but attempting to nest them
will cause the stack to be cleared at the end of the innermost with
statement, which is unlikely to be desirable behaviour.
Using separate :class:`ExitStack` instances instead of reusing a single
instance avoids that problem::
>>> from contextlib import ExitStack
>>> with ExitStack() as outer_stack:
... outer_stack.callback(print, "Callback: from outer context")
... with ExitStack() as inner_stack:
... inner_stack.callback(print, "Callback: from inner context")
... print("Leaving inner context")
... print("Leaving outer context")
RuntimeError: Cannot reenter <...>
Leaving inner context
Callback: from inner context
Leaving outer context
Callback: from outer context
......@@ -166,20 +166,16 @@ class redirect_stdout:
def __init__(self, new_target):
self._new_target = new_target
self._old_target = self._sentinel = object()
# We use a list of old targets to make this CM re-entrant
self._old_targets = []
def __enter__(self):
if self._old_target is not self._sentinel:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot reenter {!r}".format(self))
self._old_target = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = self._new_target
return self._new_target
def __exit__(self, exctype, excinst, exctb):
restore_stdout = self._old_target
self._old_target = self._sentinel
sys.stdout = restore_stdout
sys.stdout = self._old_targets.pop()
class suppress:
......@@ -666,11 +666,18 @@ class TestRedirectStdout(unittest.TestCase):
obj = redirect_stdout(None)
self.assertEqual(obj.__doc__, cm_docstring)
def test_no_redirect_in_init(self):
orig_stdout = sys.stdout
self.assertIs(sys.stdout, orig_stdout)
def test_redirect_to_string_io(self):
f = io.StringIO()
msg = "Consider an API like help(), which prints directly to stdout"
orig_stdout = sys.stdout
with redirect_stdout(f):
self.assertIs(sys.stdout, orig_stdout)
s = f.getvalue().strip()
self.assertEqual(s, msg)
......@@ -682,23 +689,26 @@ class TestRedirectStdout(unittest.TestCase):
def test_cm_is_reusable(self):
f = io.StringIO()
write_to_f = redirect_stdout(f)
orig_stdout = sys.stdout
with write_to_f:
print("Hello", end=" ")
with write_to_f:
self.assertIs(sys.stdout, orig_stdout)
s = f.getvalue()
self.assertEqual(s, "Hello World!\n")
# If this is ever made reentrant, update the reusable-but-not-reentrant
# example at the end of the contextlib docs accordingly.
def test_nested_reentry_fails(self):
def test_cm_is_reentrant(self):
f = io.StringIO()
write_to_f = redirect_stdout(f)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "Cannot reenter"):
orig_stdout = sys.stdout
with write_to_f:
print("Hello", end=" ")
with write_to_f:
self.assertIs(sys.stdout, orig_stdout)
s = f.getvalue()
self.assertEqual(s, "Hello World!\n")
class TestSuppress(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #19403: contextlib.redirect_stdout is now reentrant
- Issue #19286: Directories in ``package_data`` are no longer added to
the filelist, preventing failure outlined in the ticket.
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