Commit 0b312feb authored by Brett Cannon's avatar Brett Cannon

Issue #15167 (as part of #13959): imp.get_magic() is no implemented in

parent 772202bb
......@@ -172,7 +172,10 @@ Importing Modules
Return the magic number for Python bytecode files (a.k.a. :file:`.pyc` and
:file:`.pyo` files). The magic number should be present in the first four bytes
of the bytecode file, in little-endian byte order.
of the bytecode file, in little-endian byte order. Returns -1 on error.
.. versionchanged:: 3.3
Return value of -1 upon failure.
.. c:function:: const char * PyImport_GetMagicTag()
......@@ -1761,6 +1761,9 @@ Porting C code
:c:func:`PyUnicode_FromFormat()`, your code will automatically take
advantage of the new unicode representations.
* :c:func:`PyImport_GetMagicNumber` now returns -1 upon failure.
Building C extensions
......@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ from _imp import (lock_held, acquire_lock, release_lock,
load_dynamic, get_frozen_object, is_frozen_package,
init_builtin, init_frozen, is_builtin, is_frozen,
_fix_co_filename, extension_suffixes)
# Could move out of _imp, but not worth the code
from _imp import get_magic
# Directly exposed by this module
from importlib._bootstrap import new_module
from importlib._bootstrap import cache_from_source
from importlib import _bootstrap
from importlib import machinery
import os
......@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ PY_CODERESOURCE = 8
def get_magic():
"""Return the magic number for .pyc or .pyo files."""
return _bootstrap._MAGIC_BYTES
def get_tag():
"""Return the magic tag for .pyc or .pyo files."""
return sys.implementation.cache_tag
......@@ -300,6 +300,96 @@ def _lock_unlock_module(name):
# Finder/loader utility code ##################################################
"""Magic word to reject .pyc files generated by other Python versions.
It should change for each incompatible change to the bytecode.
The value of CR and LF is incorporated so if you ever read or write
a .pyc file in text mode the magic number will be wrong; also, the
Apple MPW compiler swaps their values, botching string constants.
The magic numbers must be spaced apart at least 2 values, as the
-U interpeter flag will cause MAGIC+1 being used. They have been
odd numbers for some time now.
There were a variety of old schemes for setting the magic number.
The current working scheme is to increment the previous value by
Starting with the adoption of PEP 3147 in Python 3.2, every bump in magic
number also includes a new "magic tag", i.e. a human readable string used
to represent the magic number in __pycache__ directories. When you change
the magic number, you must also set a new unique magic tag. Generally this
can be named after the Python major version of the magic number bump, but
it can really be anything, as long as it's different than anything else
that's come before. The tags are included in the following table, starting
with Python 3.2a0.
Known values:
Python 1.5: 20121
Python 1.5.1: 20121
Python 1.5.2: 20121
Python 1.6: 50428
Python 2.0: 50823
Python 2.0.1: 50823
Python 2.1: 60202
Python 2.1.1: 60202
Python 2.1.2: 60202
Python 2.2: 60717
Python 2.3a0: 62011
Python 2.3a0: 62021
Python 2.3a0: 62011 (!)
Python 2.4a0: 62041
Python 2.4a3: 62051
Python 2.4b1: 62061
Python 2.5a0: 62071
Python 2.5a0: 62081 (ast-branch)
Python 2.5a0: 62091 (with)
Python 2.5a0: 62092 (changed WITH_CLEANUP opcode)
Python 2.5b3: 62101 (fix wrong code: for x, in ...)
Python 2.5b3: 62111 (fix wrong code: x += yield)
Python 2.5c1: 62121 (fix wrong lnotab with for loops and
storing constants that should have been removed)
Python 2.5c2: 62131 (fix wrong code: for x, in ... in listcomp/genexp)
Python 2.6a0: 62151 (peephole optimizations and STORE_MAP opcode)
Python 2.6a1: 62161 (WITH_CLEANUP optimization)
Python 3000: 3000
3010 (removed UNARY_CONVERT)
3020 (added BUILD_SET)
3030 (added keyword-only parameters)
3040 (added signature annotations)
3050 (print becomes a function)
3060 (PEP 3115 metaclass syntax)
3061 (string literals become unicode)
3071 (PEP 3109 raise changes)
3081 (PEP 3137 make __file__ and __name__ unicode)
3091 (kill str8 interning)
3101 (merge from 2.6a0, see 62151)
3103 (__file__ points to source file)
Python 3.0a4: 3111 (WITH_CLEANUP optimization).
Python 3.0a5: 3131 (lexical exception stacking, including POP_EXCEPT)
Python 3.1a0: 3141 (optimize list, set and dict comprehensions:
change LIST_APPEND and SET_ADD, add MAP_ADD)
Python 3.1a0: 3151 (optimize conditional branches:
Python 3.2a0: 3160 (add SETUP_WITH)
tag: cpython-32
Python 3.2a1: 3170 (add DUP_TOP_TWO, remove DUP_TOPX and ROT_FOUR)
tag: cpython-32
Python 3.2a2 3180 (add DELETE_DEREF)
Python 3.3a0 3190 __class__ super closure changed
Python 3.3a0 3200 (__qualname__ added)
3210 (added size modulo 2**32 to the pyc header)
Python 3.3a1 3220 (changed PEP 380 implementation)
Python 3.3a4 3230 (revert changes to implicit __class__ closure)
MAGIC must change whenever the bytecode emitted by the compiler may no
longer be understood by older implementations of the eval loop (usually
due to the addition of new opcodes).
_RAW_MAGIC_NUMBER = 3230 | ord('\r') << 16 | ord('\n') << 24
_MAGIC_BYTES = bytes(_RAW_MAGIC_NUMBER >> n & 0xff for n in range(0, 25, 8))
_PYCACHE = '__pycache__'
SOURCE_SUFFIXES = ['.py'] # _setup() adds .pyw as needed.
......@@ -611,7 +701,7 @@ class _LoaderBasics:
magic = data[:4]
raw_timestamp = data[4:8]
raw_size = data[8:12]
if magic != _MAGIC_NUMBER:
if magic != _MAGIC_BYTES:
msg = 'bad magic number in {!r}: {!r}'.format(fullname, magic)
raise ImportError(msg, name=fullname, path=bytecode_path)
elif len(raw_timestamp) != 4:
......@@ -768,7 +858,7 @@ class SourceLoader(_LoaderBasics):
_verbose_message('code object from {}', source_path)
if (not sys.dont_write_bytecode and bytecode_path is not None and
source_mtime is not None):
data = bytearray(_MAGIC_NUMBER)
data = bytearray(_MAGIC_BYTES)
......@@ -1427,8 +1517,6 @@ def __import__(name, globals={}, locals={}, fromlist=[], level=0):
return _handle_fromlist(module, fromlist, _gcd_import)
_MAGIC_NUMBER = None # Set in _setup()
def _setup(sys_module, _imp_module):
"""Setup importlib by importing needed built-in modules and injecting them
......@@ -1488,7 +1576,6 @@ def _setup(sys_module, _imp_module):
setattr(self_module, 'path_separators', set(path_separators))
# Constants
setattr(self_module, '_relax_case', _make_relax_case())
setattr(self_module, '_MAGIC_NUMBER', _imp_module.get_magic())
if builtin_os == 'nt':
......@@ -27,97 +27,7 @@ typedef unsigned short mode_t;
/* Magic word to reject .pyc files generated by other Python versions.
It should change for each incompatible change to the bytecode.
The value of CR and LF is incorporated so if you ever read or write
a .pyc file in text mode the magic number will be wrong; also, the
Apple MPW compiler swaps their values, botching string constants.
The magic numbers must be spaced apart at least 2 values, as the
-U interpeter flag will cause MAGIC+1 being used. They have been
odd numbers for some time now.
There were a variety of old schemes for setting the magic number.
The current working scheme is to increment the previous value by
Starting with the adoption of PEP 3147 in Python 3.2, every bump in magic
number also includes a new "magic tag", i.e. a human readable string used
to represent the magic number in __pycache__ directories. When you change
the magic number, you must also set a new unique magic tag. Generally this
can be named after the Python major version of the magic number bump, but
it can really be anything, as long as it's different than anything else
that's come before. The tags are included in the following table, starting
with Python 3.2a0.
Known values:
Python 1.5: 20121
Python 1.5.1: 20121
Python 1.5.2: 20121
Python 1.6: 50428
Python 2.0: 50823
Python 2.0.1: 50823
Python 2.1: 60202
Python 2.1.1: 60202
Python 2.1.2: 60202
Python 2.2: 60717
Python 2.3a0: 62011
Python 2.3a0: 62021
Python 2.3a0: 62011 (!)
Python 2.4a0: 62041
Python 2.4a3: 62051
Python 2.4b1: 62061
Python 2.5a0: 62071
Python 2.5a0: 62081 (ast-branch)
Python 2.5a0: 62091 (with)
Python 2.5a0: 62092 (changed WITH_CLEANUP opcode)
Python 2.5b3: 62101 (fix wrong code: for x, in ...)
Python 2.5b3: 62111 (fix wrong code: x += yield)
Python 2.5c1: 62121 (fix wrong lnotab with for loops and
storing constants that should have been removed)
Python 2.5c2: 62131 (fix wrong code: for x, in ... in listcomp/genexp)
Python 2.6a0: 62151 (peephole optimizations and STORE_MAP opcode)
Python 2.6a1: 62161 (WITH_CLEANUP optimization)
Python 3000: 3000
3010 (removed UNARY_CONVERT)
3020 (added BUILD_SET)
3030 (added keyword-only parameters)
3040 (added signature annotations)
3050 (print becomes a function)
3060 (PEP 3115 metaclass syntax)
3061 (string literals become unicode)
3071 (PEP 3109 raise changes)
3081 (PEP 3137 make __file__ and __name__ unicode)
3091 (kill str8 interning)
3101 (merge from 2.6a0, see 62151)
3103 (__file__ points to source file)
Python 3.0a4: 3111 (WITH_CLEANUP optimization).
Python 3.0a5: 3131 (lexical exception stacking, including POP_EXCEPT)
Python 3.1a0: 3141 (optimize list, set and dict comprehensions:
change LIST_APPEND and SET_ADD, add MAP_ADD)
Python 3.1a0: 3151 (optimize conditional branches:
Python 3.2a0: 3160 (add SETUP_WITH)
tag: cpython-32
Python 3.2a1: 3170 (add DUP_TOP_TWO, remove DUP_TOPX and ROT_FOUR)
tag: cpython-32
Python 3.2a2 3180 (add DELETE_DEREF)
Python 3.3a0 3190 __class__ super closure changed
Python 3.3a0 3200 (__qualname__ added)
3210 (added size modulo 2**32 to the pyc header)
Python 3.3a1 3220 (changed PEP 380 implementation)
Python 3.3a4 3230 (revert changes to implicit __class__ closure)
/* MAGIC must change whenever the bytecode emitted by the compiler may no
longer be understood by older implementations of the eval loop (usually
due to the addition of new opcodes)
#define MAGIC (3230 | ((long)'\r'<<16) | ((long)'\n'<<24))
#define CACHEDIR "__pycache__"
/* Current magic word as global. */
static long pyc_magic = MAGIC;
/* See _PyImport_FixupExtensionObject() below */
static PyObject *extensions = NULL;
......@@ -516,7 +426,12 @@ PyImport_Cleanup(void)
return pyc_magic;
PyInterpreterState *interp = PyThreadState_Get()->interp;
PyObject *pyc_magic = PyObject_GetAttrString(interp->importlib,
if (pyc_magic == NULL)
return -1;
return PyLong_AsLong(pyc_magic);
......@@ -1879,30 +1794,6 @@ PyImport_Import(PyObject *module_name)
return r;
/* Module 'imp' provides Python access to the primitives used for
importing modules.
static PyObject *
imp_make_magic(long magic)
char buf[4];
buf[0] = (char) ((magic >> 0) & 0xff);
buf[1] = (char) ((magic >> 8) & 0xff);
buf[2] = (char) ((magic >> 16) & 0xff);
buf[3] = (char) ((magic >> 24) & 0xff);
return PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(buf, 4);
static PyObject *
imp_get_magic(PyObject *self, PyObject *noargs)
return imp_make_magic(pyc_magic);
static PyObject *
imp_extension_suffixes(PyObject *self, PyObject *noargs)
......@@ -2049,10 +1940,6 @@ imp_load_dynamic(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
"(Extremely) low-level import machinery bits as used by importlib and imp.");
"get_magic() -> string\n\
Return the magic number for .pyc or .pyo files.");
"extension_suffixes() -> list of strings\n\
Returns the list of file suffixes used to identify extension modules.");
......@@ -2075,7 +1962,6 @@ Release the interpreter's import lock.\n\
On platforms without threads, this function does nothing.");
static PyMethodDef imp_methods[] = {
{"get_magic", imp_get_magic, METH_NOARGS, doc_get_magic},
{"extension_suffixes", imp_extension_suffixes, METH_NOARGS,
{"lock_held", imp_lock_held, METH_NOARGS, doc_lock_held},
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