Commit 0b4dafc3 authored by Greg Ward's avatar Greg Ward

Lyle Johnson: use 'normcase()' in addition to 'normpath()' when testing if

we actually installed modules to a directory in sys.path.
parent 2e38a50d
......@@ -497,10 +497,12 @@ class install (Command):
"writing list of installed files to '%s'" %
normalized_path = map(os.path.normpath, sys.path)
sys_path = map(os.path.normpath, sys.path)
sys_path = map(os.path.normcase, sys_path)
install_lib = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(self.install_lib))
if (self.warn_dir and
not (self.path_file and self.install_path_file) and
os.path.normpath(self.install_lib) not in normalized_path):
install_lib not in sys_path):
self.warn(("modules installed to '%s', which is not in " +
"Python's module search path (sys.path) -- " +
"you'll have to change the search path yourself") %
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