Commit 0fc74513 authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

Jason Mastaler's patch to break the dependence on for the

address parsing routines.  Closes SF patch #613434.
parent 767406ea
......@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ import warnings
from cStringIO import StringIO
from types import ListType
from rfc822 import quote
from rfc822 import AddressList as _AddressList
from rfc822 import mktime_tz
from email._parseaddr import quote
from email._parseaddr import AddressList as _AddressList
from email._parseaddr import mktime_tz
# We need wormarounds for bugs in these methods in older Pythons (see below)
from rfc822 import parsedate as _parsedate
from rfc822 import parsedate_tz as _parsedate_tz
from email._parseaddr import parsedate as _parsedate
from email._parseaddr import parsedate_tz as _parsedate_tz
True, False
# Copyright (C) 2002 Python Software Foundation
"""Email address parsing code.
Lifted directly from This should eventually be rewritten.
import time
# Parse a date field
_monthnames = ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul',
'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec',
'january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may', 'june', 'july',
'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december']
_daynames = ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun']
# The timezone table does not include the military time zones defined
# in RFC822, other than Z. According to RFC1123, the description in
# RFC822 gets the signs wrong, so we can't rely on any such time
# zones. RFC1123 recommends that numeric timezone indicators be used
# instead of timezone names.
_timezones = {'UT':0, 'UTC':0, 'GMT':0, 'Z':0,
'AST': -400, 'ADT': -300, # Atlantic (used in Canada)
'EST': -500, 'EDT': -400, # Eastern
'CST': -600, 'CDT': -500, # Central
'MST': -700, 'MDT': -600, # Mountain
'PST': -800, 'PDT': -700 # Pacific
def parsedate_tz(data):
"""Convert a date string to a time tuple.
Accounts for military timezones.
data = data.split()
if data[0][-1] in (',', '.') or data[0].lower() in _daynames:
# There's a dayname here. Skip it
del data[0]
if len(data) == 3: # RFC 850 date, deprecated
stuff = data[0].split('-')
if len(stuff) == 3:
data = stuff + data[1:]
if len(data) == 4:
s = data[3]
i = s.find('+')
if i > 0:
data[3:] = [s[:i], s[i+1:]]
data.append('') # Dummy tz
if len(data) < 5:
return None
data = data[:5]
[dd, mm, yy, tm, tz] = data
mm = mm.lower()
if not mm in _monthnames:
dd, mm = mm, dd.lower()
if not mm in _monthnames:
return None
mm = _monthnames.index(mm)+1
if mm > 12: mm = mm - 12
if dd[-1] == ',':
dd = dd[:-1]
i = yy.find(':')
if i > 0:
yy, tm = tm, yy
if yy[-1] == ',':
yy = yy[:-1]
if not yy[0].isdigit():
yy, tz = tz, yy
if tm[-1] == ',':
tm = tm[:-1]
tm = tm.split(':')
if len(tm) == 2:
[thh, tmm] = tm
tss = '0'
elif len(tm) == 3:
[thh, tmm, tss] = tm
return None
yy = int(yy)
dd = int(dd)
thh = int(thh)
tmm = int(tmm)
tss = int(tss)
except ValueError:
return None
tzoffset = None
tz = tz.upper()
if _timezones.has_key(tz):
tzoffset = _timezones[tz]
tzoffset = int(tz)
except ValueError:
# Convert a timezone offset into seconds ; -0500 -> -18000
if tzoffset:
if tzoffset < 0:
tzsign = -1
tzoffset = -tzoffset
tzsign = 1
tzoffset = tzsign * ( (tzoffset/100)*3600 + (tzoffset % 100)*60)
tuple = (yy, mm, dd, thh, tmm, tss, 0, 0, 0, tzoffset)
return tuple
def parsedate(data):
"""Convert a time string to a time tuple."""
t = parsedate_tz(data)
if type(t) == type( () ):
return t[:9]
else: return t
def mktime_tz(data):
"""Turn a 10-tuple as returned by parsedate_tz() into a UTC timestamp."""
if data[9] is None:
# No zone info, so localtime is better assumption than GMT
return time.mktime(data[:8] + (-1,))
t = time.mktime(data[:8] + (0,))
return t - data[9] - time.timezone
def quote(str):
"""Add quotes around a string."""
return str.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
class AddrlistClass:
"""Address parser class by Ben Escoto.
To understand what this class does, it helps to have a copy of
RFC-822 in front of you.
Note: this class interface is deprecated and may be removed in the future.
Use rfc822.AddressList instead.
def __init__(self, field):
"""Initialize a new instance.
`field' is an unparsed address header field, containing
one or more addresses.
self.specials = '()<>@,:;.\"[]'
self.pos = 0
self.LWS = ' \t'
self.CR = '\r\n'
self.atomends = self.specials + self.LWS + self.CR
self.field = field
self.commentlist = []
def gotonext(self):
"""Parse up to the start of the next address."""
while self.pos < len(self.field):
if self.field[self.pos] in self.LWS + '\n\r':
self.pos = self.pos + 1
elif self.field[self.pos] == '(':
else: break
def getaddrlist(self):
"""Parse all addresses.
Returns a list containing all of the addresses.
ad = self.getaddress()
if ad:
return ad + self.getaddrlist()
else: return []
def getaddress(self):
"""Parse the next address."""
self.commentlist = []
oldpos = self.pos
oldcl = self.commentlist
plist = self.getphraselist()
returnlist = []
if self.pos >= len(self.field):
# Bad email address technically, no domain.
if plist:
returnlist = [(' '.join(self.commentlist), plist[0])]
elif self.field[self.pos] in '.@':
# email address is just an addrspec
# this isn't very efficient since we start over
self.pos = oldpos
self.commentlist = oldcl
addrspec = self.getaddrspec()
returnlist = [(' '.join(self.commentlist), addrspec)]
elif self.field[self.pos] == ':':
# address is a group
returnlist = []
fieldlen = len(self.field)
self.pos = self.pos + 1
while self.pos < len(self.field):
if self.pos < fieldlen and self.field[self.pos] == ';':
self.pos = self.pos + 1
returnlist = returnlist + self.getaddress()
elif self.field[self.pos] == '<':
# Address is a phrase then a route addr
routeaddr = self.getrouteaddr()
if self.commentlist:
returnlist = [(' '.join(plist) + ' (' + \
' '.join(self.commentlist) + ')', routeaddr)]
else: returnlist = [(' '.join(plist), routeaddr)]
if plist:
returnlist = [(' '.join(self.commentlist), plist[0])]
elif self.field[self.pos] in self.specials:
self.pos = self.pos + 1
if self.pos < len(self.field) and self.field[self.pos] == ',':
self.pos = self.pos + 1
return returnlist
def getrouteaddr(self):
"""Parse a route address (Return-path value).
This method just skips all the route stuff and returns the addrspec.
if self.field[self.pos] != '<':
expectroute = 0
self.pos = self.pos + 1
adlist = ""
while self.pos < len(self.field):
if expectroute:
expectroute = 0
elif self.field[self.pos] == '>':
self.pos = self.pos + 1
elif self.field[self.pos] == '@':
self.pos = self.pos + 1
expectroute = 1
elif self.field[self.pos] == ':':
self.pos = self.pos + 1
expectaddrspec = 1
adlist = self.getaddrspec()
self.pos = self.pos + 1
return adlist
def getaddrspec(self):
"""Parse an RFC-822 addr-spec."""
aslist = []
while self.pos < len(self.field):
if self.field[self.pos] == '.':
self.pos = self.pos + 1
elif self.field[self.pos] == '"':
aslist.append('"%s"' % self.getquote())
elif self.field[self.pos] in self.atomends:
else: aslist.append(self.getatom())
if self.pos >= len(self.field) or self.field[self.pos] != '@':
return ''.join(aslist)
self.pos = self.pos + 1
return ''.join(aslist) + self.getdomain()
def getdomain(self):
"""Get the complete domain name from an address."""
sdlist = []
while self.pos < len(self.field):
if self.field[self.pos] in self.LWS:
self.pos = self.pos + 1
elif self.field[self.pos] == '(':
elif self.field[self.pos] == '[':
elif self.field[self.pos] == '.':
self.pos = self.pos + 1
elif self.field[self.pos] in self.atomends:
else: sdlist.append(self.getatom())
return ''.join(sdlist)
def getdelimited(self, beginchar, endchars, allowcomments = 1):
"""Parse a header fragment delimited by special characters.
`beginchar' is the start character for the fragment.
If self is not looking at an instance of `beginchar' then
getdelimited returns the empty string.
`endchars' is a sequence of allowable end-delimiting characters.
Parsing stops when one of these is encountered.
If `allowcomments' is non-zero, embedded RFC-822 comments
are allowed within the parsed fragment.
if self.field[self.pos] != beginchar:
return ''
slist = ['']
quote = 0
self.pos = self.pos + 1
while self.pos < len(self.field):
if quote == 1:
quote = 0
elif self.field[self.pos] in endchars:
self.pos = self.pos + 1
elif allowcomments and self.field[self.pos] == '(':
elif self.field[self.pos] == '\\':
quote = 1
self.pos = self.pos + 1
return ''.join(slist)
def getquote(self):
"""Get a quote-delimited fragment from self's field."""
return self.getdelimited('"', '"\r', 0)
def getcomment(self):
"""Get a parenthesis-delimited fragment from self's field."""
return self.getdelimited('(', ')\r', 1)
def getdomainliteral(self):
"""Parse an RFC-822 domain-literal."""
return '[%s]' % self.getdelimited('[', ']\r', 0)
def getatom(self):
"""Parse an RFC-822 atom."""
atomlist = ['']
while self.pos < len(self.field):
if self.field[self.pos] in self.atomends:
else: atomlist.append(self.field[self.pos])
self.pos = self.pos + 1
return ''.join(atomlist)
def getphraselist(self):
"""Parse a sequence of RFC-822 phrases.
A phrase is a sequence of words, which are in turn either
RFC-822 atoms or quoted-strings. Phrases are canonicalized
by squeezing all runs of continuous whitespace into one space.
plist = []
while self.pos < len(self.field):
if self.field[self.pos] in self.LWS:
self.pos = self.pos + 1
elif self.field[self.pos] == '"':
elif self.field[self.pos] == '(':
elif self.field[self.pos] in self.atomends:
else: plist.append(self.getatom())
return plist
class AddressList(AddrlistClass):
"""An AddressList encapsulates a list of parsed RFC822 addresses."""
def __init__(self, field):
AddrlistClass.__init__(self, field)
if field:
self.addresslist = self.getaddrlist()
self.addresslist = []
def __len__(self):
return len(self.addresslist)
def __str__(self):
return ", ".join(map(dump_address_pair, self.addresslist))
def __add__(self, other):
# Set union
newaddr = AddressList(None)
newaddr.addresslist = self.addresslist[:]
for x in other.addresslist:
if not x in self.addresslist:
return newaddr
def __iadd__(self, other):
# Set union, in-place
for x in other.addresslist:
if not x in self.addresslist:
return self
def __sub__(self, other):
# Set difference
newaddr = AddressList(None)
for x in self.addresslist:
if not x in other.addresslist:
return newaddr
def __isub__(self, other):
# Set difference, in-place
for x in other.addresslist:
if x in self.addresslist:
return self
def __getitem__(self, index):
# Make indexing, slices, and 'in' work
return self.addresslist[index]
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