Commit 16b10c64 authored by Terry Jan Reedy's avatar Terry Jan Reedy

Issue #18441: Move commented out code to issue message.

parent d826d77d
......@@ -9,17 +9,9 @@ idletest = import_module('idlelib.idle_test')
# If buildbot improperly sets gui resource (#18365, #18441), remove it
# so requires('gui') tests are skipped while non-gui tests still run.
# If there is a problem with Macs, see #18441, msg 193805
if use_resources and 'gui' in use_resources:
import sys
## if sys.platform == 'darwin':
## from lib-tk.test.runtktests import check_tk_availability
# see test/ or test_ttk_guionly for how to import the above
## # tkinter.test.suppport in 3.x
## try:
## check_tk_availability()
## except unittest.SkipTest:
## raise tk.TclError
root = tk.Tk()
except tk.TclError:
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