Commit 175fdefa authored by Thomas Wouters's avatar Thomas Wouters

Add missing PyObject_GC_Track call, causing *some* itertools.tee objects to

not be tracked by GC. This fixes 254 of test_generators' refleaks on my
machine, but I'm sure something else will make them come back :>

Not adding a separate test for this kind of cycle, since the existing
fib/m235 already test them in more extensive ways than any 'minimal' test
has been able to manage.
parent 58c4139c
......@@ -668,10 +668,7 @@ concept, viz. produce the results only as needed instead of producing them
all and thereby wasting memory.
Thanks to itertools.tee, it is now clear "how to get the internal uses of
m235 to share a single generator". Unfortunately, using generators this way
creates a reference-cycle that the garbage collector (currently) can't clean
up, so we have to explicitly break the cycle (by calling the inner
generator's close() method)
m235 to share a single generator".
>>> from itertools import tee
>>> def m235():
......@@ -683,9 +680,9 @@ generator's close() method)
... yield n
... m1 = _m235()
... m2, m3, m5, mRes = tee(m1, 4)
... return m1.close, mRes
... return mRes
>>> closer, it = m235()
>>> it = m235()
>>> for i in range(5):
... print firstn(it, 15)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24]
......@@ -693,7 +690,6 @@ generator's close() method)
[81, 90, 96, 100, 108, 120, 125, 128, 135, 144, 150, 160, 162, 180, 192]
[200, 216, 225, 240, 243, 250, 256, 270, 288, 300, 320, 324, 360, 375, 384]
[400, 405, 432, 450, 480, 486, 500, 512, 540, 576, 600, 625, 640, 648, 675]
>>> closer()
The "tee" function does just what we want. It internally keeps a generated
result for as long as it has not been "consumed" from all of the duplicated
......@@ -701,11 +697,7 @@ iterators, whereupon it is deleted. You can therefore print the hamming
sequence during hours without increasing memory usage, or very little.
The beauty of it is that recursive running-after-their-tail FP algorithms
are quite straightforwardly expressed with this Python idiom. The problem is
that this creates an uncollectable reference cycle, and we have to explicitly
close the innermost generator to clean up the cycle.
XXX As of 14-Apr-2006, Tim doubts that anyone understands _why_ some cycle
XXX is uncollectable here.
are quite straightforwardly expressed with this Python idiom.
Ye olde Fibonacci generator, tee style.
......@@ -724,14 +716,11 @@ Ye olde Fibonacci generator, tee style.
... realfib = _fib()
... fibHead, fibTail, fibRes = tee(realfib, 3)
... return realfib.close, fibRes
... return fibRes
>>> closer, fibber = fib()
>>> firstn(fibber, 17)
>>> firstn(fib(), 17)
[1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584]
>>> closer()
XXX Again the tee-based approach leaks without an explicit close().
leak_test1 = """
......@@ -498,6 +498,7 @@ tee_copy(teeobject *to)
newto->dataobj = to->dataobj;
newto->index = to->index;
newto->weakreflist = NULL;
return (PyObject *)newto;
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