Commit 1a640506 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Updated the XML package comment.

parent 989b7b91
What's New in Python 2.0?
Below is a list of all relevant changes since release 1.6. Older
changes are in the file HISTORY. If you are making the jump directly
......@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ Standard library
test for whether installed modules are on sys.path was changed to
use both normcase() and normpath().
- XXX xml minidom, pulldom, expatreader, and saxutils changes (can't
tell what happened from the CVS logs)
- xml minidom, pulldom, expatreader, and saxutils had some minor bug
- The regression test driver ( behavior when invoked with
-l changed: It now reports a count of objects that are recognized as
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