Commit 1ddbd0a3 authored by Raymond Hettinger's avatar Raymond Hettinger

Improve regex tokenizer example by using re.finditer().

Also, improve variable names and fix column numbers
in the generated output.
parent f8014e67
......@@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ successive matches::
Token = collections.namedtuple('Token', ['typ', 'value', 'line', 'column'])
def tokenize(s):
def tokenize(code):
keywords = {'IF', 'THEN', 'ENDIF', 'FOR', 'NEXT', 'GOSUB', 'RETURN'}
token_specification = [
('NUMBER', r'\d+(\.\d*)?'), # Integer or decimal number
......@@ -1343,26 +1343,27 @@ successive matches::
('OP', r'[+\-*/]'), # Arithmetic operators
('NEWLINE', r'\n'), # Line endings
('SKIP', r'[ \t]+'), # Skip over spaces and tabs
('MISMATCH',r'.'), # Any other character
tok_regex = '|'.join('(?P<%s>%s)' % pair for pair in token_specification)
get_token = re.compile(tok_regex).match
line = 1
pos = line_start = 0
mo = get_token(s)
while mo is not None:
typ = mo.lastgroup
if typ == 'NEWLINE':
line_start = pos
line += 1
elif typ != 'SKIP':
val =
if typ == 'ID' and val in keywords:
typ = val
yield Token(typ, val, line, mo.start()-line_start)
pos = mo.end()
mo = get_token(s, pos)
if pos != len(s):
raise RuntimeError('Unexpected character %r on line %d' %(s[pos], line))
line_num = 1
line_start = 0
for mo in re.finditer(tok_regex, code):
kind = mo.lastgroup
value =
if kind == 'NEWLINE':
line_start = mo.end()
line_num += 1
elif kind == 'SKIP':
elif kind == 'MISMATCH':
raise RuntimeError('%r unexpected on line %d' % (value, line_num))
if kind == 'ID' and value in keywords:
kind = value
column = mo.start() - line_start
yield Token(kind, value, line_num, column)
statements = '''
IF quantity THEN
......@@ -1376,22 +1377,22 @@ successive matches::
The tokenizer produces the following output::
Token(typ='IF', value='IF', line=2, column=5)
Token(typ='ID', value='quantity', line=2, column=8)
Token(typ='THEN', value='THEN', line=2, column=17)
Token(typ='ID', value='total', line=3, column=9)
Token(typ='ASSIGN', value=':=', line=3, column=15)
Token(typ='ID', value='total', line=3, column=18)
Token(typ='OP', value='+', line=3, column=24)
Token(typ='ID', value='price', line=3, column=26)
Token(typ='OP', value='*', line=3, column=32)
Token(typ='ID', value='quantity', line=3, column=34)
Token(typ='END', value=';', line=3, column=42)
Token(typ='ID', value='tax', line=4, column=9)
Token(typ='ASSIGN', value=':=', line=4, column=13)
Token(typ='ID', value='price', line=4, column=16)
Token(typ='OP', value='*', line=4, column=22)
Token(typ='NUMBER', value='0.05', line=4, column=24)
Token(typ='END', value=';', line=4, column=28)
Token(typ='ENDIF', value='ENDIF', line=5, column=5)
Token(typ='END', value=';', line=5, column=10)
Token(typ='IF', value='IF', line=2, column=4)
Token(typ='ID', value='quantity', line=2, column=7)
Token(typ='THEN', value='THEN', line=2, column=16)
Token(typ='ID', value='total', line=3, column=8)
Token(typ='ASSIGN', value=':=', line=3, column=14)
Token(typ='ID', value='total', line=3, column=17)
Token(typ='OP', value='+', line=3, column=23)
Token(typ='ID', value='price', line=3, column=25)
Token(typ='OP', value='*', line=3, column=31)
Token(typ='ID', value='quantity', line=3, column=33)
Token(typ='END', value=';', line=3, column=41)
Token(typ='ID', value='tax', line=4, column=8)
Token(typ='ASSIGN', value=':=', line=4, column=12)
Token(typ='ID', value='price', line=4, column=15)
Token(typ='OP', value='*', line=4, column=21)
Token(typ='NUMBER', value='0.05', line=4, column=23)
Token(typ='END', value=';', line=4, column=27)
Token(typ='ENDIF', value='ENDIF', line=5, column=4)
Token(typ='END', value=';', line=5, column=9)
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