Commit 1f5425ff authored by Senthil Kumaran's avatar Senthil Kumaran Committed by GitHub

Add helpful explaination to test_password_manager tests. (#936)

Also uncomment and fix a path test.
parent b94d7fd4
......@@ -141,44 +141,55 @@ class RequestHdrsTests(unittest.TestCase):
mgr = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgr()
add = mgr.add_password
find_user_pass = mgr.find_user_password
add("Some Realm", "", "joe", "password")
add("Some Realm", "", "ni", "ni")
add("c", "", "foo", "ni")
add("c", "", "bar", "nini")
add("b", "", "first", "blah")
add("b", "", "second", "spam")
add("a", "", "1", "a")
add("Some Realm", "", "3", "c")
add("Some Realm", "", "4", "d")
add("Some Realm", "", "5", "e")
# For the same realm, password set the highest path is the winner.
self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""),
('joe', 'password'))
#self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""),
# ('ni', 'ni'))
self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""),
('joe', 'password'))
self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""),
('joe', 'password'))
self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""),
('joe', 'password'))
find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""),
self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm",
('joe', 'password'))
find_user_pass("Some Realm", ""),
self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("Some Realm",
('joe', 'password'))
# You can have different passwords for different paths.
add("c", "", "foo", "ni")
add("c", "", "bar", "nini")
self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("c", ""),
('foo', 'ni'))
self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("c", ""),
('bar', 'nini'))
# For the same path, newer password should be considered.
add("b", "", "first", "blah")
add("b", "", "second", "spam")
self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("b", ""),
('second', 'spam'))
# No special relationship between and
add("a", "", "1", "a")
self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("a", ""),
('1', 'a'))
self.assertEqual(find_user_pass("a", ""),
(None, None))
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