Commit 2691ee61 authored by R David Murray's avatar R David Murray

whatsnew: abc.ABC. Also add issue number to news entry and reword.

parent 880fee60
......@@ -481,6 +481,12 @@ New function :func:`abc.get_cache_token` can be used to know when to invalidate
caches that are affected by changes in the object graph. (Contributed
by Łukasz Langa in :issue:`16832`.)
New class :class:`~abc.ABC` has :class:`~abc.ABCMeta` as its meta class.
Using ``ABC`` as a base class has essentially the same effect as specifying
``metaclass=abc.ABCMeta``, but is simpler to type and easier to read.
(Contributed by Bruno Dupuis in :issue:`16049`.)
......@@ -2671,8 +2671,9 @@ Library
Content-Length and the incoming stream is finished. Patch by Eran
- Add abc.ABC class to use inheritance rather than a direct invocation of
ABCMeta metaclass. Patch by Bruno Dupuis.
- Issue #16049: Add abc.ABC class to enable the use of inheritance to create
ABCs, rather than the more cumbersome metaclass=ABCMeta. Patch by Bruno
- Expose the TCP_FASTOPEN and MSG_FASTOPEN flags in socket when they're
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