Commit 2afb5986 authored by Raymond Hettinger's avatar Raymond Hettinger Committed by Miss Islington (bot)

bpo-36324: NormalDist() add more tests and update comments (GH-12476)

* Improve coverage.
* Note inherent limitations of the accuracy tests
parent aa3ecb80
......@@ -2040,6 +2040,13 @@ class TestStdev(VarianceStdevMixin, NumericTestCase):
class TestNormalDist(unittest.TestCase):
# General note on precision: The pdf(), cdf(), and overlap() methods
# depend on functions in the math libraries that do not make
# explicit accuracy guarantees. Accordingly, some of the accuracy
# tests below may fail if the underlying math functions are
# inaccurate. There isn't much we can do about this short of
# implementing our own implementations from scratch.
def test_slots(self):
nd = statistics.NormalDist(300, 23)
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
......@@ -2062,6 +2069,12 @@ class TestNormalDist(unittest.TestCase):
with self.assertRaises(statistics.StatisticsError):
statistics.NormalDist(500, -10)
# verify that subclass type is honored
class NewNormalDist(statistics.NormalDist):
nnd = NewNormalDist(200, 5)
self.assertEqual(type(nnd), NewNormalDist)
def test_alternative_constructor(self):
NormalDist = statistics.NormalDist
data = [96, 107, 90, 92, 110]
......@@ -2077,6 +2090,12 @@ class TestNormalDist(unittest.TestCase):
with self.assertRaises(statistics.StatisticsError):
NormalDist.from_samples([10]) # only one input
# verify that subclass type is honored
class NewNormalDist(NormalDist):
nnd = NewNormalDist.from_samples(data)
self.assertEqual(type(nnd), NewNormalDist)
def test_sample_generation(self):
NormalDist = statistics.NormalDist
mu, sigma = 10_000, 3.0
......@@ -2099,12 +2118,6 @@ class TestNormalDist(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(data2, data4)
self.assertNotEqual(data1, data2)
# verify that subclass type is honored
class NewNormalDist(NormalDist):
nnd = NewNormalDist(200, 5)
self.assertEqual(type(nnd), NewNormalDist)
def test_pdf(self):
NormalDist = statistics.NormalDist
X = NormalDist(100, 15)
......@@ -2151,8 +2164,8 @@ class TestNormalDist(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(set(map(type, cdfs)), {float})
# Verify montonic
self.assertEqual(cdfs, sorted(cdfs))
# Verify center
self.assertAlmostEqual(X.cdf(100), 0.50)
# Verify center (should be exact)
self.assertEqual(X.cdf(100), 0.50)
# Check against a table of known values
Z = NormalDist()
......@@ -2216,10 +2229,11 @@ class TestNormalDist(unittest.TestCase):
p = 1.0 - p
self.assertAlmostEqual(iq.cdf(iq.inv_cdf(p)), p)
# Now apply cdf() first. At six sigmas, the round-trip
# loses a lot of precision, so only check to 6 places.
for x in range(10, 190):
self.assertAlmostEqual(iq.inv_cdf(iq.cdf(x)), x, places=6)
# Now apply cdf() first. Near the tails, the round-trip loses
# precision and is ill-conditioned (small changes in the inputs
# give large changes in the output), so only check to 5 places.
for x in range(200):
self.assertAlmostEqual(iq.inv_cdf(iq.cdf(x)), x, places=5)
# Error cases:
with self.assertRaises(statistics.StatisticsError):
......@@ -2237,6 +2251,9 @@ class TestNormalDist(unittest.TestCase):
iq.sigma = -0.1 # sigma under zero
# Special values
def test_overlap(self):
NormalDist = statistics.NormalDist
......@@ -2275,6 +2292,7 @@ class TestNormalDist(unittest.TestCase):
(NormalDist(-100, 15), NormalDist(110, 15)),
(NormalDist(-100, 15), NormalDist(-110, 15)),
# Misc cases with unequal standard deviations
(NormalDist(100, 12), NormalDist(100, 15)),
(NormalDist(100, 12), NormalDist(110, 15)),
(NormalDist(100, 12), NormalDist(150, 15)),
(NormalDist(100, 12), NormalDist(150, 35)),
......@@ -2305,18 +2323,6 @@ class TestNormalDist(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(X.stdev, 15)
self.assertEqual(X.variance, 225)
def test_unary_operations(self):
NormalDist = statistics.NormalDist
X = NormalDist(100, 12)
Y = +X
self.assertIsNot(X, Y)
self.assertEqual(X.sigma, Y.sigma)
Y = -X
self.assertIsNot(X, Y)
self.assertEqual(X.sigma, Y.sigma)
def test_same_type_addition_and_subtraction(self):
NormalDist = statistics.NormalDist
X = NormalDist(100, 12)
......@@ -2340,13 +2346,27 @@ class TestNormalDist(unittest.TestCase):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError): # __rtruediv__
y / X
def test_unary_operations(self):
NormalDist = statistics.NormalDist
X = NormalDist(100, 12)
Y = +X
self.assertIsNot(X, Y)
self.assertEqual(X.sigma, Y.sigma)
Y = -X
self.assertIsNot(X, Y)
self.assertEqual(X.sigma, Y.sigma)
def test_equality(self):
NormalDist = statistics.NormalDist
nd1 = NormalDist()
nd2 = NormalDist(2, 4)
nd3 = NormalDist()
nd4 = NormalDist(2, 4)
self.assertNotEqual(nd1, nd2)
self.assertEqual(nd1, nd3)
self.assertEqual(nd2, nd4)
# Test NotImplemented when types are different
class A:
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