Commit 2f09812e authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

O_cwrite(): rewrote for clarity, replacing all the (Oobject *)self

casts with a variable oself that has the proper type.  A smart
compiler may put this thing into a register.

(I'm not sure what good this does except satisfy my desire to
understand this function; I got a report about an uninitialized read
from Insure++ about this function and it hurt my eyes to even look at
it.  I gotta run away or I'll get tempted to reformat the entire
parent f70590f9
......@@ -394,30 +394,31 @@ static char O_write__doc__[] =
static int
O_cwrite(PyObject *self, char *c, int l) {
int newl;
Oobject *oself;
UNLESS (IO__opencheck(IOOOBJECT(self))) return -1;
if (newl >= ((Oobject*)self)->buf_size) {
if (((Oobject*)self)->buf_size <= newl)
UNLESS (((Oobject*)self)->buf=
(((Oobject*)self)->buf_size) *sizeof(char))) {
oself = (Oobject *)self;
newl = oself->pos+l;
if (newl >= oself->buf_size) {
oself->buf_size *= 2;
if (oself->buf_size <= newl)
oself->buf_size = newl+1;
UNLESS (oself->buf =
(oself->buf_size) * sizeof(char))) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError,"out of memory");
oself->buf_size = oself->pos = 0;
return -1;
((Oobject*)self)->pos += l;
oself->pos += l;
if (((Oobject*)self)->string_size < ((Oobject*)self)->pos) {
((Oobject*)self)->string_size = ((Oobject*)self)->pos;
if (oself->string_size < oself->pos) {
oself->string_size = oself->pos;
return l;
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