Commit 2fc01093 authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Rewrite of normpath() by Corran Webster, so trailing :s are removed

(except for : and volume:, where they are needed).
parent 2afffd42
......@@ -179,39 +179,30 @@ def expanduser(path):
norm_error = 'macpath.norm_error: path cannot be normalized'
def normpath(s):
"""Normalize a pathname: get rid of '::' sequences by backing up,
e.g., 'foo:bar::bletch' becomes 'foo:bletch'.
Raise the exception norm_error below if backing up is impossible,
e.g., for '::foo'."""
# XXX The Unix version doesn't raise an exception but simply
# returns an unnormalized path. Should do so here too.
import string
if ':' not in s:
return ':' + s
f = string.splitfields(s, ':')
pre = []
post = []
if not f[0]:
pre = f[:1]
f = f[1:]
if not f[len(f)-1]:
post = f[-1:]
f = f[:-1]
res = []
for seg in f:
if seg:
"""Normalize a pathname. Will return the same result for
equivalent paths."""
if ":" not in s:
return ":"+s
comps = string.splitfields(s, ":")
i = 1
while i < len(comps)-1:
if comps[i] == "" and comps[i-1] != "":
if i > 1:
del comps[i-1:i+1]
i = i-1
if not res: raise norm_error, 'path starts with ::'
del res[len(res)-1]
if not (pre or res):
raise norm_error, 'path starts with volume::'
if pre: res = pre + res
if post: res = res + post
s = res[0]
for seg in res[1:]:
s = s + ':' + seg
# best way to handle this is to raise an exception
raise norm_error, 'Cannot use :: immedeately after volume name'
i = i + 1
s = string.join(comps, ":")
# remove trailing ":" except for ":" and "Volume:"
if s[-1] == ":" and len(comps) > 2 and s != ":"*len(s):
s = s[:-1]
return s
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