Commit 334b0fb6 authored by Nick Coghlan's avatar Nick Coghlan

Issue 14814: The new systematic tests aren't just about error reporting any...

Issue 14814: The new systematic tests aren't just about error reporting any more - change names accordingly. Added and tweaked some example to ensure they were covering the intended code paths
parent 320fc081
......@@ -1009,15 +1009,21 @@ class _BaseV4:
raise ValueError("Empty octet not permitted")
# Whitelist the characters, since int() allows a lot of bizarre stuff.
if not self._DECIMAL_DIGITS.issuperset(octet_str):
raise ValueError("Only decimal digits permitted in %r" % octet_str)
msg = "Only decimal digits permitted in %r"
raise ValueError(msg % octet_str)
# We do the length check second, since the invalid character error
# is likely to be more informative for the user
if len(octet_str) > 3:
msg = "At most 3 characters permitted in %r"
raise ValueError(msg % octet_str)
# Convert to integer (we know digits are legal)
octet_int = int(octet_str, 10)
# Any octets that look like they *might* be written in octal,
# and which don't look exactly the same in both octal and
# decimal are rejected as ambiguous
if octet_int > 7 and octet_str[0] == '0':
raise ValueError("Ambiguous leading zero in %r not permitted" %
msg = "Ambiguous (octal/decimal) value in %r not permitted"
raise ValueError(msg % octet_str)
if octet_int > 255:
raise ValueError("Octet %d (> 255) not permitted" % octet_int)
return octet_int
......@@ -1560,18 +1566,15 @@ class _BaseV6:
# Whitelist the characters, since int() allows a lot of bizarre stuff.
# Higher level wrappers convert these to more informative errors
if not self._HEX_DIGITS.issuperset(hextet_str):
raise ValueError("Only hex digits permitted in %r" % hextet_str)
# We do the length check second, since the invalid character error
# is likely to be more informative for the user
if len(hextet_str) > 4:
msg = "At most 4 characters permitted in %r"
raise ValueError(msg % hextet_str)
hextet_int = int(hextet_str, 16)
if hextet_int > 0xFFFF:
# This is unreachable due to the string length check above
msg = "Part 0x%X (> 0xFFFF) not permitted"
raise ValueError(msg % hextet_int)
return hextet_int
# Length check means we can skip checking the integer value
return int(hextet_str, 16)
def _compress_hextets(self, hextets):
"""Compresses a list of hextets.
......@@ -9,19 +9,24 @@ import re
import contextlib
import ipaddress
class ErrorReporting(unittest.TestCase):
class BaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
# One big change in ipaddress over the original ipaddr module is
# error reporting that tries to assume users *don't know the rules*
# for what constitutes an RFC compliant IP address
# Ensuring these errors are emitted correctly in all relevant cases
# meant moving to a more systematic test structure that allows the
# test structure to map more directly to the module structure
# Note that if the constructors are refactored so that addresses with
# multiple problems get classified differently, that's OK - just
# move the affected examples to the newly appropriate test case.
# The error reporting tests also cover a few corner cases that
# specifically *aren't* errors (such as leading zeroes in v6
# address parts) that don't have an obvious home in the main test
# suite
# There is some duplication between the original relatively ad hoc
# test suite and the new systematic tests. While some redundancy in
# testing is considered preferable to accidentally deleting a valid
# test, the original test suite will likely be reduced over time as
# redundant tests are identified.
def factory(self):
......@@ -53,7 +58,11 @@ class ErrorReporting(unittest.TestCase):
return self.assertCleanError(ipaddress.NetmaskValueError,
details, *args)
class CommonErrorsMixin:
def assertInstancesEqual(self, lhs, rhs):
"""Check constructor arguments produce equivalent instances"""
self.assertEqual(self.factory(lhs), self.factory(rhs))
class CommonTestMixin:
def test_empty_address(self):
with self.assertAddressError("Address cannot be empty"):
......@@ -63,7 +72,19 @@ class CommonErrorsMixin:
with self.assertAddressError(re.escape(repr("1.0"))):
class CommonErrorsMixin_v4(CommonErrorsMixin):
class CommonTestMixin_v4(CommonTestMixin):
def test_leading_zeros(self):
self.assertInstancesEqual("", "")
self.assertInstancesEqual("", "")
def test_int(self):
self.assertInstancesEqual(0, "")
self.assertInstancesEqual(3232235521, "")
def test_packed(self):
self.assertInstancesEqual(bytes.fromhex("00000000"), "")
self.assertInstancesEqual(bytes.fromhex("c0a80001"), "")
def test_negative_ints_rejected(self):
msg = "-1 (< 0) is not permitted as an IPv4 address"
......@@ -77,7 +98,7 @@ class CommonErrorsMixin_v4(CommonErrorsMixin):
def test_bad_packed_length(self):
def assertBadLength(length):
addr = b'\x00' * length
addr = bytes(length)
msg = "%r (len %d != 4) is not permitted as an IPv4 address"
with self.assertAddressError(re.escape(msg % (addr, length))):
......@@ -85,7 +106,23 @@ class CommonErrorsMixin_v4(CommonErrorsMixin):
class CommonErrorsMixin_v6(CommonErrorsMixin):
class CommonTestMixin_v6(CommonTestMixin):
def test_leading_zeros(self):
self.assertInstancesEqual("0000::0000", "::")
self.assertInstancesEqual("000::c0a8:0001", "::c0a8:1")
def test_int(self):
self.assertInstancesEqual(0, "::")
self.assertInstancesEqual(3232235521, "::c0a8:1")
def test_packed(self):
addr = bytes(12) + bytes.fromhex("00000000")
self.assertInstancesEqual(addr, "::")
addr = bytes(12) + bytes.fromhex("c0a80001")
self.assertInstancesEqual(addr, "::c0a8:1")
addr = bytes.fromhex("c0a80001") + bytes(12)
self.assertInstancesEqual(addr, "c0a8:1::")
def test_negative_ints_rejected(self):
msg = "-1 (< 0) is not permitted as an IPv6 address"
......@@ -99,7 +136,7 @@ class CommonErrorsMixin_v6(CommonErrorsMixin):
def test_bad_packed_length(self):
def assertBadLength(length):
addr = b'\x00' * length
addr = bytes(length)
msg = "%r (len %d != 16) is not permitted as an IPv6 address"
with self.assertAddressError(re.escape(msg % (addr, length))):
......@@ -109,7 +146,7 @@ class CommonErrorsMixin_v6(CommonErrorsMixin):
class AddressErrors_v4(ErrorReporting, CommonErrorsMixin_v4):
class AddressTestCase_v4(BaseTestCase, CommonTestMixin_v4):
factory = ipaddress.IPv4Address
def test_network_passed_as_address(self):
......@@ -162,6 +199,7 @@ class AddressErrors_v4(ErrorReporting, CommonErrorsMixin_v4):
assertBadOctet("0x0a.0x0a.0x0a.0x0a", "0x0a")
assertBadOctet("0xa.0x0a.0x0a.0x0a", "0xa")
assertBadOctet("42.42.42.-0", "-0")
assertBadOctet("42.42.42.+0", "+0")
assertBadOctet("42.42.42.-42", "-42")
......@@ -170,16 +208,23 @@ class AddressErrors_v4(ErrorReporting, CommonErrorsMixin_v4):
assertBadOctet("", "4::")
assertBadOctet("1.a.2.3", "a")
def test_leading_zeros(self):
def test_octal_decimal_ambiguity(self):
def assertBadOctet(addr, octet):
msg = "Ambiguous leading zero in %r not permitted in %r"
with self.assertAddressError(msg, octet, addr):
msg = "Ambiguous (octal/decimal) value in %r not permitted in %r"
with self.assertAddressError(re.escape(msg % (octet, addr))):
assertBadOctet("", "016")
assertBadOctet("", "008")
def test_octet_length(self):
def assertBadOctet(addr, octet):
msg = "At most 3 characters permitted in %r in %r"
with self.assertAddressError(re.escape(msg % (octet, addr))):
assertBadOctet("0000.000.000.000", "0000")
assertBadOctet("12345.67899.-54321.-98765", "12345")
def test_octet_limit(self):
def assertBadOctet(addr, octet):
......@@ -187,11 +232,11 @@ class AddressErrors_v4(ErrorReporting, CommonErrorsMixin_v4):
with self.assertAddressError(re.escape(msg)):
assertBadOctet("12345.67899.-54321.-98765", 12345)
assertBadOctet("", 257)
assertBadOctet("", 999)
class AddressErrors_v6(ErrorReporting, CommonErrorsMixin_v6):
class AddressTestCase_v6(BaseTestCase, CommonTestMixin_v6):
factory = ipaddress.IPv6Address
def test_network_passed_as_address(self):
......@@ -317,12 +362,13 @@ class AddressErrors_v6(ErrorReporting, CommonErrorsMixin_v6):
with self.assertAddressError(msg, part, addr):
assertBadPart("::00000", "00000")
assertBadPart("3ffe::10000", "10000")
assertBadPart("02001:db8::", "02001")
assertBadPart('2001:888888::1', "888888")
class NetmaskErrorsMixin_v4(CommonErrorsMixin_v4):
class NetmaskTestMixin_v4(CommonTestMixin_v4):
"""Input validation on interfaces and networks is very similar"""
def test_split_netmask(self):
......@@ -352,18 +398,18 @@ class NetmaskErrorsMixin_v4(CommonErrorsMixin_v4):
assertBadNetmask("", "")
assertBadNetmask("", "33")
assertBadNetmask("", "")
assertBadNetmask("", "")
assertBadNetmask("", "")
assertBadNetmask("", "1.a.2.3")
assertBadNetmask("", "pudding")
class InterfaceErrors_v4(ErrorReporting, NetmaskErrorsMixin_v4):
class InterfaceTestCase_v4(BaseTestCase, NetmaskTestMixin_v4):
factory = ipaddress.IPv4Interface
class NetworkErrors_v4(ErrorReporting, NetmaskErrorsMixin_v4):
class NetworkTestCase_v4(BaseTestCase, NetmaskTestMixin_v4):
factory = ipaddress.IPv4Network
class NetmaskErrorsMixin_v6(CommonErrorsMixin_v6):
class NetmaskTestMixin_v6(CommonTestMixin_v6):
"""Input validation on interfaces and networks is very similar"""
def test_split_netmask(self):
......@@ -395,14 +441,14 @@ class NetmaskErrorsMixin_v6(CommonErrorsMixin_v6):
assertBadNetmask("::1", "129")
assertBadNetmask("::1", "pudding")
class InterfaceErrors_v6(ErrorReporting, NetmaskErrorsMixin_v6):
class InterfaceTestCase_v6(BaseTestCase, NetmaskTestMixin_v6):
factory = ipaddress.IPv6Interface
class NetworkErrors_v6(ErrorReporting, NetmaskErrorsMixin_v6):
class NetworkTestCase_v6(BaseTestCase, NetmaskTestMixin_v6):
factory = ipaddress.IPv6Network
class FactoryFunctionErrors(ErrorReporting):
class FactoryFunctionErrors(BaseTestCase):
def assertFactoryError(self, factory, kind):
"""Ensure a clean ValueError with the expected message"""
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