Commit 34610430 authored by Senthil Kumaran's avatar Senthil Kumaran

Merged revisions 84323 via svnmerge from


  r84323 | senthil.kumaran | 2010-08-26 11:46:22 +0530 (Thu, 26 Aug 2010) | 3 lines

  Fix Issue8797 - Reset the basic auth retry count when response code is not 401.
parent 26bd00cd
......@@ -843,7 +843,10 @@ class AbstractBasicAuthHandler:
if mo:
scheme, quote, realm = mo.groups()
if scheme.lower() == 'basic':
return self.retry_http_basic_auth(host, req, realm)
response = self.retry_http_basic_auth(host, req, realm)
if response and response.code != 401:
self.retried = 0
return response
def retry_http_basic_auth(self, host, req, realm):
user, pw = self.passwd.find_user_password(realm, host)
......@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #8797: urllib2 does a retry for Basic Authentication failure instead of
falling into recursion.
- Issue #1194222: email.utils.parsedate now returns RFC2822 compliant four
character years even if the message contains RFC822 two character years.
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