Commit 34cfd94d authored by Jeremy Hylton's avatar Jeremy Hylton

remove commented-out vestiges of access statement

parent 15f02e40
...@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ fplist: fpdef (',' fpdef)* [','] ...@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ fplist: fpdef (',' fpdef)* [',']
stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt
simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';'] NEWLINE simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';'] NEWLINE
#small_stmt: expr_stmt | print_stmt | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt | import_stmt | global_stmt | access_stmt | exec_stmt
small_stmt: expr_stmt | print_stmt | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt | import_stmt | global_stmt | exec_stmt | assert_stmt small_stmt: expr_stmt | print_stmt | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt | import_stmt | global_stmt | exec_stmt | assert_stmt
expr_stmt: testlist (augassign testlist | ('=' testlist)*) expr_stmt: testlist (augassign testlist | ('=' testlist)*)
augassign: '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '**=' augassign: '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '**='
...@@ -54,10 +53,6 @@ import_as_name: NAME [NAME NAME] ...@@ -54,10 +53,6 @@ import_as_name: NAME [NAME NAME]
dotted_as_name: dotted_name [NAME NAME] dotted_as_name: dotted_name [NAME NAME]
dotted_name: NAME ('.' NAME)* dotted_name: NAME ('.' NAME)*
global_stmt: 'global' NAME (',' NAME)* global_stmt: 'global' NAME (',' NAME)*
#access_stmt: 'access' ('*' | NAME (',' NAME)*) ':' accesstype (',' accesstype)*
#accesstype: NAME+
## accesstype should be ('public' | 'protected' | 'private') ['read'] ['write']
## but can't be because that would create undesirable reserved words!
exec_stmt: 'exec' expr ['in' test [',' test]] exec_stmt: 'exec' expr ['in' test [',' test]]
assert_stmt: 'assert' test [',' test] assert_stmt: 'assert' test [',' test]
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