Commit 35d96a4f authored by Georg Brandl's avatar Georg Brandl

Merged revisions...

Merged revisions 63412,63445-63447,63449-63450,63452,63454,63459,63463,63465,63470,63483-63484,63496-63497,63499-63501,63530-63531,63540,63614 via svnmerge from

  r63412 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-17 19:57:01 +0200 (Sat, 17 May 2008) | 2 lines

  #961805: fix Edit.text_modified().
  r63445 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-18 10:52:59 +0200 (Sun, 18 May 2008) | 2 lines

  GHOP #180 by Michael Schneider: add examples to the socketserver documentation.
  r63446 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-18 11:12:20 +0200 (Sun, 18 May 2008) | 2 lines

  GHOP #134, #171, #137: unit tests for the three HTTPServer modules.
  r63447 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-18 12:39:26 +0200 (Sun, 18 May 2008) | 3 lines

  Take namedtuple item names only from ascii_letters (this blew up on OSX),
  and make sure there are no duplicate names.
  r63449 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-18 13:46:51 +0200 (Sun, 18 May 2008) | 2 lines

  GHOP #217: add support for compiling Python with coverage checking enabled.
  r63450 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-18 13:52:36 +0200 (Sun, 18 May 2008) | 2 lines

  GHOP #257: test distutils' build_ext command, written by Josip Dzolonga.
  r63452 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-18 15:34:06 +0200 (Sun, 18 May 2008) | 2 lines

  Add GHOP students.
  r63454 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-18 18:32:48 +0200 (Sun, 18 May 2008) | 2 lines

  GHOP #121: improve test_pydoc, by Benjamin Peterson.
  r63459 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-05-18 22:48:07 +0200 (Sun, 18 May 2008) | 2 lines

  bring test_pydoc up to my high standards (now that I have them)
  r63463 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-18 23:10:19 +0200 (Sun, 18 May 2008) | 2 lines

  Fix test_pyclbr after another platform-dependent function was added to urllib.
  r63465 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-05-19 01:07:07 +0200 (Mon, 19 May 2008) | 2 lines

  change some imports in tests so they will not be skipped in 3.0
  r63470 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-19 18:47:25 +0200 (Mon, 19 May 2008) | 2 lines

  test_httpservers has unpredictable refcount behavior.
  r63483 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-20 08:15:36 +0200 (Tue, 20 May 2008) | 2 lines

  Activate two more test cases in test_httpservers.
  r63484 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-20 08:47:31 +0200 (Tue, 20 May 2008) | 2 lines

  Argh, this is the *actual* test that works under Windows.
  r63496 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-20 10:07:36 +0200 (Tue, 20 May 2008) | 2 lines

  Improve diffing logic and output for test_pydoc.
  r63497 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-20 10:10:03 +0200 (Tue, 20 May 2008) | 2 lines

  Use inspect.getabsfile() to get the documented module's filename.
  r63499 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-20 10:25:48 +0200 (Tue, 20 May 2008) | 3 lines

  Patch #1775025: allow opening zipfile members via ZipInfo instances.
  Patch by Graham Horler.
  r63500 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-20 10:40:43 +0200 (Tue, 20 May 2008) | 2 lines

  #2592: delegate nb_index and the floor/truediv slots in weakref.proxy.
  r63501 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-20 10:48:34 +0200 (Tue, 20 May 2008) | 2 lines

  #615772: raise a more explicit error from Tkinter.Misc.__contains__.
  r63530 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-05-22 02:57:02 +0200 (Thu, 22 May 2008) | 2 lines

  use more specific asserts in test_opcode
  r63531 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-05-22 03:02:23 +0200 (Thu, 22 May 2008) | 2 lines

  remove redundant invocation of json doctests
  r63540 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-05-23 01:09:26 +0200 (Fri, 23 May 2008) | 3 lines

  fix test_pydoc so it works on make installed Python installations
  Also let it pass when invoked directly
  r63614 | georg.brandl | 2008-05-25 10:07:37 +0200 (Sun, 25 May 2008) | 2 lines

  #2959: allow multiple close() calls for GzipFile.
parent 273bc637
......@@ -284,27 +284,28 @@ request.
.. function:: finish()
Called after the :meth:`handle` method to perform any clean-up actions required.
The default implementation does nothing. If :meth:`setup` or :meth:`handle`
raise an exception, this function will not be called.
Called after the :meth:`handle` method to perform any clean-up actions
required. The default implementation does nothing. If :meth:`setup` or
:meth:`handle` raise an exception, this function will not be called.
.. function:: handle()
This function must do all the work required to service a request. The default
implementation does nothing. Several instance attributes are available to it;
the request is available as :attr:`self.request`; the client address as
:attr:`self.client_address`; and the server instance as :attr:`self.server`, in
case it needs access to per-server information.
This function must do all the work required to service a request. The
default implementation does nothing. Several instance attributes are
available to it; the request is available as :attr:`self.request`; the client
address as :attr:`self.client_address`; and the server instance as
:attr:`self.server`, in case it needs access to per-server information.
The type of :attr:`self.request` is different for datagram or stream services.
For stream services, :attr:`self.request` is a socket object; for datagram
services, :attr:`self.request` is a string. However, this can be hidden by using
the request handler subclasses :class:`StreamRequestHandler` or
:class:`DatagramRequestHandler`, which override the :meth:`setup` and
:meth:`finish` methods, and provide :attr:`self.rfile` and :attr:`self.wfile`
attributes. :attr:`self.rfile` and :attr:`self.wfile` can be read or written,
respectively, to get the request data or return data to the client.
The type of :attr:`self.request` is different for datagram or stream
services. For stream services, :attr:`self.request` is a socket object; for
datagram services, :attr:`self.request` is a pair of string and socket.
However, this can be hidden by using the request handler subclasses
:class:`StreamRequestHandler` or :class:`DatagramRequestHandler`, which
override the :meth:`setup` and :meth:`finish` methods, and provide
:attr:`self.rfile` and :attr:`self.wfile` attributes. :attr:`self.rfile` and
:attr:`self.wfile` can be read or written, respectively, to get the request
data or return data to the client.
.. function:: setup()
......@@ -312,3 +313,217 @@ request.
Called before the :meth:`handle` method to perform any initialization actions
required. The default implementation does nothing.
:class:`socketserver.TCPServer` Example
This is the server side::
import socketserver
class MyTCPHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
The RequestHandler class for our server.
It is instantiated once per connection to the server, and must
override the handle() method to implement communication to the
def handle(self):
# self.request is the TCP socket connected to the client = self.request.recv(1024).strip()
print "%s wrote:" % self.client_address[0]
# just send back the same data, but upper-cased
if __name__ == "__main__":
HOST, PORT = "localhost", 9999
# Create the server, binding to localhost on port 9999
server = socketserver.TCPServer((HOST, PORT), MyTCPHandler)
# Activate the server; this will keep running until you
# interrupt the program with Ctrl-C
An alternative request handler class that makes use of streams (file-like
objects that simplify communication by providing the standard file interface)::
class MyTCPHandler(socketserver.StreamRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
# self.rfile is a file-like object created by the handler;
# we can now use e.g. readline() instead of raw recv() calls = self.rfile.readline().strip()
print "%s wrote:" % self.client_address[0]
# Likewise, self.wfile is a file-like object used to write back
# to the client
The difference is that the ``readline()`` call in the second handler will call
``recv()`` multiple times until it encounters a newline character, while the
single ``recv()`` call in the first handler will just return what has been sent
from the client in one ``send()`` call.
This is the client side::
import socket
import sys
HOST, PORT = "localhost", 9999
data = " ".join(sys.argv[1:])
# Create a socket (SOCK_STREAM means a TCP socket)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Connect to server and send data
sock.connect((HOST, PORT))
sock.send(data + "\n")
# Receive data from the server and shut down
received = sock.recv(1024)
print "Sent: %s" % data
print "Received: %s" % received
The output of the example should look something like this:
$ python wrote:
hello world with TCP wrote:
python is nice
$ python hello world with TCP
Sent: hello world with TCP
$ python python is nice
Sent: python is nice
:class:`socketserver.UDPServer` Example
This is the server side::
import socketserver
class MyUDPHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
This class works similar to the TCP handler class, except that
self.request consists of a pair of data and client socket, and since
there is no connection the client address must be given explicitly
when sending data back via sendto().
def handle(self):
data = self.request[0].strip()
socket = self.request[1]
print "%s wrote:" % self.client_address[0]
print data
socket.sendto(data.upper(), self.client_address)
if __name__ == "__main__":
HOST, PORT = "localhost", 9999
server = socketserver.UDPServer((HOST, PORT), BaseUDPRequestHandler)
This is the client side::
import socket
import sys
HOST, PORT = "localhost"
data = " ".join(sys.argv[1:])
# SOCK_DGRAM is the socket type to use for UDP sockets
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# As you can see, there is no connect() call; UDP has no connections.
# Instead, data is directly sent to the recipient via sendto().
sock.sendto(data + "\n", (HOST, PORT))
received = sock.recv(1024)
print "Sent: %s" % data
print "Received: %s" % received
The output of the example should look exactly like for the TCP server example.
Asynchronous Mixins
To build asynchronous handlers, use the :class:`ThreadingMixIn` and
:class:`ForkingMixIn` classes.
An example for the :class:`ThreadingMixIn` class::
import socket
import threading
import socketserver
class ThreadedTCPRequestHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
data = self.request.recv(1024)
cur_thread = threading.currentThread()
response = "%s: %s" % (cur_thread.getName(), data)
class ThreadedTCPServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer):
def client(ip, port, message):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((ip, port))
response = sock.recv(1024)
print "Received: %s" % response
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Port 0 means to select an arbitrary unused port
HOST, PORT = "localhost", 0
server = ThreadedTCPServer((HOST, PORT), ThreadedTCPRequestHandler)
ip, port = server.server_address
# Start a thread with the server -- that thread will then start one
# more thread for each request
server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever)
# Exit the server thread when the main thread terminates
print "Server loop running in thread:", t.getName()
client(ip, port, "Hello World 1")
client(ip, port, "Hello World 2")
client(ip, port, "Hello World 3")
The output of the example should look something like this::
$ python
Server loop running in thread: Thread-1
Received: Thread-2: Hello World 1
Received: Thread-3: Hello World 2
Received: Thread-4: Hello World 3
The :class:`ForkingMixIn` class is used in the same way, except that the server
will spawn a new process for each request.
......@@ -150,11 +150,11 @@ ZipFile Objects
.. method::[, mode[, pwd]])
Extract a member from the archive as a file-like object (ZipExtFile). *name* is
the name of the file in the archive. The *mode* parameter, if included, must be
one of the following: ``'r'`` (the default), ``'U'``, or ``'rU'``. Choosing
``'U'`` or ``'rU'`` will enable universal newline support in the read-only
object. *pwd* is the password used for encrypted files. Calling :meth:`open`
on a closed ZipFile will raise a :exc:`RuntimeError`.
the name of the file in the archive, or a :class:`ZipInfo` object. The *mode*
parameter, if included, must be one of the following: ``'r'`` (the default),
``'U'``, or ``'rU'``. Choosing ``'U'`` or ``'rU'`` will enable universal newline
support in the read-only object. *pwd* is the password used for encrypted files.
Calling :meth:`open` on a closed ZipFile will raise a :exc:`RuntimeError`.
.. note::
......@@ -173,14 +173,20 @@ ZipFile Objects
create a new file object that will be held by the ZipExtFile, allowing it to
operate independently of the ZipFile.
.. note::
The :meth:`open`, :meth:`read` and :meth:`extract` methods can take a filename
or a :class:`ZipInfo` object. You will appreciate this when trying to read a
ZIP file that contains members with duplicate names.
.. method:: ZipFile.extract(member[, path[, pwd]])
Extract a member from the archive to the current working directory, using its
full name. Its file information is extracted as accurately as possible.
*path* specifies a different directory to extract to. *member* can be a
filename or a :class:`ZipInfo` object. *pwd* is the password used for
encrypted files.
Extract a member from the archive to the current working directory; *member*
must be its full name or a :class:`ZipInfo` object). Its file information is
extracted as accurately as possible. *path* specifies a different directory
to extract to. *member* can be a filename or a :class:`ZipInfo` object.
*pwd* is the password used for encrypted files.
.. method:: ZipFile.extractall([path[, members[, pwd]]])
......@@ -203,9 +209,10 @@ ZipFile Objects
.. method::[, pwd])
Return the bytes of the file in the archive. The archive must be open for read
or append. *pwd* is the password used for encrypted files and, if specified, it
will override the default password set with :meth:`setpassword`. Calling
Return the bytes of the file *name* in the archive. *name* is the name of the
file in the archive, or a :class:`ZipInfo` object. The archive must be open for
read or append. *pwd* is the password used for encrypted files and, if specified,
it will override the default password set with :meth:`setpassword`. Calling
:meth:`read` on a closed ZipFile will raise a :exc:`RuntimeError`.
......@@ -222,6 +222,12 @@ class BaseHTTPRequestHandler(socketserver.StreamRequestHandler):
error_message_format = DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE
error_content_type = DEFAULT_ERROR_CONTENT_TYPE
# The default request version. This only affects responses up until
# the point where the request line is parsed, so it mainly decides what
# the client gets back when sending a malformed request line.
# Most web servers default to HTTP 0.9, i.e. don't send a status line.
default_request_version = "HTTP/0.9"
def parse_request(self):
"""Parse a request (internal).
......@@ -234,7 +240,7 @@ class BaseHTTPRequestHandler(socketserver.StreamRequestHandler):
self.command = None # set in case of error on the first line
self.request_version = version = "HTTP/0.9" # Default
self.request_version = version = self.default_request_version
self.close_connection = 1
requestline = str(self.raw_requestline, 'iso-8859-1')
if requestline[-2:] == '\r\n':
......@@ -182,8 +182,10 @@ class CGIHTTPRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
env['AUTH_TYPE'] = authorization[0]
if authorization[0].lower() == "basic":
authorization = base64.decodestring(authorization[1])
except binascii.Error:
authorization = authorization[1].encode('ascii')
authorization = base64.decodestring(authorization).\
except (binascii.Error, UnicodeError):
authorization = authorization.split(':')
......@@ -11,13 +11,14 @@ __version__ = "0.6"
__all__ = ["SimpleHTTPRequestHandler"]
import os
import sys
import posixpath
import BaseHTTPServer
import urllib
import cgi
import shutil
import mimetypes
from io import StringIO
from io import BytesIO
class SimpleHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
......@@ -76,12 +77,8 @@ class SimpleHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
return self.list_directory(path)
ctype = self.guess_type(path)
if ctype.startswith('text/'):
mode = 'r'
mode = 'rb'
f = open(path, mode)
f = open(path, 'rb')
except IOError:
self.send_error(404, "File not found")
return None
......@@ -107,12 +104,12 @@ class SimpleHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
self.send_error(404, "No permission to list directory")
return None
list.sort(key=lambda a: a.lower())
f = StringIO()
r = []
displaypath = cgi.escape(urllib.unquote(self.path))
f.write('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">')
f.write("<html>\n<title>Directory listing for %s</title>\n" % displaypath)
f.write("<body>\n<h2>Directory listing for %s</h2>\n" % displaypath)
r.append('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">')
r.append("<html>\n<title>Directory listing for %s</title>\n" % displaypath)
r.append("<body>\n<h2>Directory listing for %s</h2>\n" % displaypath)
for name in list:
fullname = os.path.join(path, name)
displayname = linkname = name
......@@ -123,14 +120,17 @@ class SimpleHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
if os.path.islink(fullname):
displayname = name + "@"
# Note: a link to a directory displays with @ and links with /
f.write('<li><a href="%s">%s</a>\n'
r.append('<li><a href="%s">%s</a>\n'
% (urllib.quote(linkname), cgi.escape(displayname)))
length = f.tell()
enc = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
encoded = ''.join(r).encode(enc)
f = BytesIO()
self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
self.send_header("Content-Length", str(length))
self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html; charset=%s" % enc)
self.send_header("Content-Length", str(len(encoded)))
return f
import sys
import os
import tempfile
import shutil
from io import StringIO
from distutils.core import Extension, Distribution
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
from distutils import sysconfig
import unittest
from test import support
class BuildExtTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# Create a simple test environment
# Note that we're making changes to sys.path
self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="pythontest_")
self.sys_path = sys.path[:]
xx_c = os.path.join(sysconfig.project_base, 'Modules', 'xxmodule.c')
shutil.copy(xx_c, self.tmp_dir)
def test_build_ext(self):
xx_c = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, 'xxmodule.c')
xx_ext = Extension('xx', [xx_c])
dist = Distribution({'name': 'xx', 'ext_modules': [xx_ext]})
dist.package_dir = self.tmp_dir
cmd = build_ext(dist)
cmd.build_lib = self.tmp_dir
cmd.build_temp = self.tmp_dir
old_stdout = sys.stdout
if not support.verbose:
# silence compiler output
sys.stdout = StringIO()
sys.stdout = old_stdout
import xx
for attr in ('error', 'foo', 'new', 'roj'):
self.assert_(hasattr(xx, attr))
self.assertEquals(, 5), 7)
self.assertEquals(,15), 28)
self.assertEquals(, None)
doc = 'This is a template module just for instruction.'
self.assertEquals(xx.__doc__, doc)
self.assert_(isinstance(xx.Null(), xx.Null))
self.assert_(isinstance(xx.Str(), xx.Str))
def tearDown(self):
# Get everything back to normal
sys.path = self.sys_path
# XXX on Windows the test leaves a directory with xx.pyd in TEMP
shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_dir, False if != "nt" else True)
def test_suite():
if not sysconfig.python_build:
if support.verbose:
print('test_build_ext: The test must be run in a python build dir')
return unittest.TestSuite()
else: return unittest.makeSuite(BuildExtTestCase)
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -323,6 +323,8 @@ class GzipFile:
raise IOError("Incorrect length of data produced")
def close(self):
if self.fileobj is None:
if self.mode == WRITE:
write32u(self.fileobj, self.crc)
"""This is a test module for test_pydoc"""
__author__ = "Benjamin Peterson"
__credits__ = "Nobody"
__version__ = ""
class A:
"""Hello and goodbye"""
def __init__():
"""Wow, I have no function!"""
class B(object):
NO_MEANING = "eggs"
def doc_func():
This function solves all of the world's problems:
lack of Python
def nodoc_func():
"""This is a test module for test_pydoc"""
__author__ = "Benjamin Peterson"
__credits__ = "Nobody"
__version__ = ""
class A:
"""Hello and goodbye"""
def __init__():
"""Wow, I have no function!"""
class B(object):
NO_MEANING = "eggs"
def doc_func():
This function solves all of the world's problems:
lack of Python
def nodoc_func():
......@@ -114,7 +114,9 @@ class TestNamedTuple(unittest.TestCase):
# n = 10000
n = 254 # SyntaxError: more than 255 arguments:
import string, random
names = [''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for j in range(10)]) for i in range(n)]
names = list(set(''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters)
for j in range(10)]) for i in range(n)))
n = len(names)
Big = namedtuple('Big', names)
b = Big(*range(n))
self.assertEqual(b, tuple(range(n)))
......@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ data2 = b"""/* zlibmodule.c -- gzip-compatible data compression */
class TestGzip(unittest.TestCase):
filename = support.TESTFN
def setUp (self):
def setUp(self):
def tearDown (self):
def tearDown(self):
def test_write (self):
def test_write(self):
f = gzip.GzipFile(self.filename, 'wb') ; f.write(data1 * 50)
# Try flush and fileno.
......@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ class TestGzip(unittest.TestCase):
# Test multiple close() calls.
def test_read(self):
# Try reading.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import
def test_main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -68,35 +68,35 @@ class OpcodeTest(unittest.TestCase):
f = eval('lambda: None')
g = eval('lambda: None')
self.failIf(f == g)
self.assertNotEquals(f, g)
f = eval('lambda a: a')
g = eval('lambda a: a')
self.failIf(f == g)
self.assertNotEquals(f, g)
f = eval('lambda a=1: a')
g = eval('lambda a=1: a')
self.failIf(f == g)
self.assertNotEquals(f, g)
f = eval('lambda: 0')
g = eval('lambda: 1')
self.failIf(f == g)
self.assertNotEquals(f, g)
f = eval('lambda: None')
g = eval('lambda a: None')
self.failIf(f == g)
self.assertNotEquals(f, g)
f = eval('lambda a: None')
g = eval('lambda b: None')
self.failIf(f == g)
self.assertNotEquals(f, g)
f = eval('lambda a: None')
g = eval('lambda a=None: None')
self.failIf(f == g)
self.assertNotEquals(f, g)
f = eval('lambda a=0: None')
g = eval('lambda a=1: None')
self.failIf(f == g)
self.assertNotEquals(f, g)
def test_main():
......@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ class PyclbrTest(TestCase):
cm('cgi', ignore=('log',)) # set with = in module
cm('urllib', ignore=('_CFNumberToInt32',
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import sys
import unittest
import collections
import weakref
import operator
from test import support
......@@ -182,6 +183,26 @@ class ReferencesTestCase(TestBase):
self.assertEqual(L3[:5], p3[:5])
self.assertEqual(L3[2:5], p3[2:5])
def test_proxy_index(self):
class C:
def __index__(self):
return 10
o = C()
p = weakref.proxy(o)
self.assertEqual(operator.index(p), 10)
def test_proxy_div(self):
class C:
def __floordiv__(self, other):
return 42
def __ifloordiv__(self, other):
return 21
o = C()
p = weakref.proxy(o)
self.assertEqual(p // 5, 42)
p //= 5
self.assertEqual(p, 21)
# The PyWeakref_* C API is documented as allowing either NULL or
# None as the value for the callback, where either means "no
# callback". The "no callback" ref and proxy objects are supposed
......@@ -1059,7 +1080,7 @@ class WeakKeyDictionaryTestCase(mapping_tests.BasicTestMappingProtocol):
def _reference(self):
return self.__ref.copy()
libreftest = """ Doctest for examples in the library reference: libweakref.tex
libreftest = """ Doctest for examples in the library reference: weakref.rst
>>> import weakref
>>> class Dict(dict):
......@@ -125,6 +125,25 @@ class TestsWithSourceFile(unittest.TestCase):
for f in (TESTFN2, TemporaryFile(), io.BytesIO()):
self.zipOpenTest(f, zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
def testOpenViaZipInfo(self):
# Create the ZIP archive
zipfp = zipfile.ZipFile(TESTFN2, "w", zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
zipfp.writestr("name", "foo")
zipfp.writestr("name", "bar")
zipfp = zipfile.ZipFile(TESTFN2, "r")
infos = zipfp.infolist()
data = b""
for info in infos:
data +=
self.assert_(data == b"foobar" or data == b"barfoo")
data = b""
for info in infos:
data +=
self.assert_(data == b"foobar" or data == b"barfoo")
def zipRandomOpenTest(self, f, compression):
self.makeTestArchive(f, compression)
......@@ -2903,8 +2903,7 @@ class Text(Widget):
and edit_undo
return self._getints(, 'edit') + args)) or ()
return, 'edit', *args)
def edit_modified(self, arg=None):
"""Get or Set the modified flag
......@@ -783,11 +783,14 @@ class ZipFile:
zef_file =, 'rb')
# Make sure we have an info object
if isinstance(name, ZipInfo):
# 'name' is already an info object
zinfo = name
# Get info object for name
zinfo = self.getinfo(name)
filepos = zef_file.tell(), 0)
# Skip the file header:
......@@ -891,7 +894,7 @@ class ZipFile:
if upperdirs and not os.path.exists(upperdirs):
source =, pwd=pwd)
source =, pwd=pwd)
target = open(targetpath, "wb")
shutil.copyfileobj(source, target)
......@@ -373,6 +373,12 @@ run_profile_task:
$(MAKE) all CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -fprofile-use"
@echo "Building with support for coverage checking:"
$(MAKE) clean
$(MAKE) all CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -O0 -pg -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage" LIBS="$(LIBS) -lgcov"
# Build the interpreter
$(BUILDPYTHON): Modules/python.o $(LIBRARY) $(LDLIBRARY)
......@@ -375,6 +375,7 @@ Damon Kohler
Joseph Koshy
Bob Kras
Holger Krekel
Michael Kremer
Fabian Kreutz
Hannu Krosing
Andrew Kuchling
......@@ -496,6 +497,7 @@ Piet van Oostrum
Jason Orendorff
Douglas Orr
Denis S. Otkidach
Michael Otteneder
Russel Owen
Ondrej Palkovsky
Mike Pall
......@@ -634,6 +636,7 @@ Gregory P. Smith
Rafal Smotrzyk
Dirk Soede
Paul Sokolovsky
Cody Somerville
Clay Spence
Per Spilling
Joshua Spoerri
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ REFLOG="build/reflog.txt.out"
# Note: test_XXX (none currently) really leak, but are disabled
# so we don't send spam. Any test which really leaks should only
# be listed here if there are also test cases under Lib/test/leakers.
# These tests always fail, so skip them so we don't get false positives.
......@@ -474,6 +474,8 @@ proxy_richcompare(PyObject *proxy, PyObject *v, int op)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_add, PyNumber_Add)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_sub, PyNumber_Subtract)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_mul, PyNumber_Multiply)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_floor_div, PyNumber_FloorDivide)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_true_div, PyNumber_TrueDivide)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_mod, PyNumber_Remainder)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_divmod, PyNumber_Divmod)
WRAP_TERNARY(proxy_pow, PyNumber_Power)
......@@ -492,6 +494,8 @@ WRAP_UNARY(proxy_float, PyNumber_Float)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_iadd, PyNumber_InPlaceAdd)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_isub, PyNumber_InPlaceSubtract)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_imul, PyNumber_InPlaceMultiply)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_ifloor_div, PyNumber_InPlaceFloorDivide)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_itrue_div, PyNumber_InPlaceTrueDivide)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_imod, PyNumber_InPlaceRemainder)
WRAP_TERNARY(proxy_ipow, PyNumber_InPlacePower)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_ilshift, PyNumber_InPlaceLshift)
......@@ -499,6 +503,7 @@ WRAP_BINARY(proxy_irshift, PyNumber_InPlaceRshift)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_iand, PyNumber_InPlaceAnd)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_ixor, PyNumber_InPlaceXor)
WRAP_BINARY(proxy_ior, PyNumber_InPlaceOr)
WRAP_UNARY(proxy_index, PyNumber_Index)
static int
proxy_bool(PyWeakReference *proxy)
......@@ -605,6 +610,11 @@ static PyNumberMethods proxy_as_number = {
proxy_iand, /*nb_inplace_and*/
proxy_ixor, /*nb_inplace_xor*/
proxy_ior, /*nb_inplace_or*/
proxy_floor_div, /*nb_floor_divide*/
proxy_true_div, /*nb_true_divide*/
proxy_ifloor_div, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
proxy_itrue_div, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
proxy_index, /*nb_index*/
static PySequenceMethods proxy_as_sequence = {
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