Commit 3760a74a authored by Benjamin Peterson's avatar Benjamin Peterson

test that depreacted methods give warnings

parent f6299eec
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Still need testing:
import os
import re
import sys
import warnings
from test import support
import unittest
from unittest import TestCase, TestProgram
......@@ -2810,13 +2811,20 @@ test case
Do not use these methods. They will go away in 3.3.
self.failIfEqual(3, 5)
self.failUnlessEqual(3, 3)
self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(2.0, 2.0)
self.failIfAlmostEqual(3.0, 5.0)
self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, lambda _: 3.14 + 'spam')
old = (
(self.failIfEqual, (3, 5)),
(self.failUnlessEqual, (3, 3)),
(self.failUnlessAlmostEqual, (2.0, 2.0)),
(self.failIfAlmostEqual, (3.0, 5.0)),
(self.failUnless, (True,)),
(self.failUnlessRaises, (TypeError, lambda _: 3.14 + 'spam')),
(self.failIf, (False,))
for meth, args in old:
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
self.assertIs(w[0].category, DeprecationWarning)
def testDeepcopy(self):
# Issue: 5660
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