Commit 3951a22c authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Removed two files that were added temporarily.

parent ff9a3dbf
"""Parse a Python file and retrieve classes and methods.
Parse enough of a Python file to recognize class and method
definitions and to find out the superclasses of a class.
The interface consists of a single function:
readmodule(module, path)
module is the name of a Python module, path is an optional list of
directories where the module is to be searched. If present, path is
prepended to the system search path sys.path.
The return value is a dictionary. The keys of the dictionary are
the names of the classes defined in the module (including classes
that are defined via the from XXX import YYY construct). The values
are class instances of the class Class defined here.
A class is described by the class Class in this module. Instances
of this class have the following instance variables:
name -- the name of the class
super -- a list of super classes (Class instances)
methods -- a dictionary of methods
file -- the file in which the class was defined
lineno -- the line in the file on which the class statement occurred
The dictionary of methods uses the method names as keys and the line
numbers on which the method was defined as values.
If the name of a super class is not recognized, the corresponding
entry in the list of super classes is not a class instance but a
string giving the name of the super class. Since import statements
are recognized and imported modules are scanned as well, this
shouldn't happen often.
- Continuation lines are not dealt with at all.
- While triple-quoted strings won't confuse it, lines that look like
def, class, import or "from ... import" stmts inside backslash-continued
single-quoted strings are treated like code. The expense of stopping
that isn't worth it.
- Code that doesn't pass tabnanny or python -t will confuse it, unless
you set the module TABWIDTH vrbl (default 8) to the correct tab width
for the file.
- If you have a package and a module inside that or another package
with the same name, module caching doesn't work properly since the
key is the base name of the module/package.
- The only entry that is returned when you readmodule a package is a
__path__ whose value is a list which confuses certain class browsers.
- When code does:
from package import subpackage
class MyClass(subpackage.SuperClass):
It can't locate the parent. It probably needs to have the same
hairy logic that the import locator already does. (This logic
exists coded in Python in the freeze package.)
import os
import sys
import imp
import re
import string
_getnext = re.compile(r"""
\""" [^"\\]* (?:
(?: \\. | "(?!"") )
| ''' [^'\\]* (?:
(?: \\. | '(?!'') )
| (?P<Method>
(?P<MethodIndent> [ \t]* )
def [ \t]+
(?P<MethodName> [a-zA-Z_] \w* )
[ \t]* \(
| (?P<Class>
(?P<ClassIndent> [ \t]* )
class [ \t]+
(?P<ClassName> [a-zA-Z_] \w* )
[ \t]*
(?P<ClassSupers> \( [^)\n]* \) )?
[ \t]* :
| (?P<Import>
^ import [ \t]+
(?P<ImportList> [^#;\n]+ )
| (?P<ImportFrom>
^ from [ \t]+
[a-zA-Z_] \w*
[ \t]* \. [ \t]* [a-zA-Z_] \w*
[ \t]+
import [ \t]+
(?P<ImportFromList> [^#;\n]+ )
""", re.VERBOSE | re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE).search
_modules = {} # cache of modules we've seen
# each Python class is represented by an instance of this class
class Class:
'''Class to represent a Python class.'''
def __init__(self, module, name, super, file, lineno):
self.module = module = name
if super is None:
super = []
self.super = super
self.methods = {}
self.file = file
self.lineno = lineno
def _addmethod(self, name, lineno):
self.methods[name] = lineno
class Function(Class):
'''Class to represent a top-level Python function'''
def __init__(self, module, name, file, lineno):
Class.__init__(self, module, name, None, file, lineno)
def _addmethod(self, name, lineno):
assert 0, "Function._addmethod() shouldn't be called"
def readmodule(module, path=[], inpackage=0):
'''Backwards compatible interface.
Like readmodule_ex() but strips Function objects from the
resulting dictionary.'''
dict = readmodule_ex(module, path, inpackage)
res = {}
for key, value in dict.items():
if not isinstance(value, Function):
res[key] = value
return res
def readmodule_ex(module, path=[], inpackage=0):
'''Read a module file and return a dictionary of classes.
Search for MODULE in PATH and sys.path, read and parse the
module and return a dictionary with one entry for each class
found in the module.'''
dict = {}
i = string.rfind(module, '.')
if i >= 0:
# Dotted module name
package = string.strip(module[:i])
submodule = string.strip(module[i+1:])
parent = readmodule(package, path, inpackage)
child = readmodule(submodule, parent['__path__'], 1)
return child
if _modules.has_key(module):
# we've seen this module before...
return _modules[module]
if module in sys.builtin_module_names:
# this is a built-in module
_modules[module] = dict
return dict
# search the path for the module
f = None
if inpackage:
f, file, (suff, mode, type) = \
imp.find_module(module, path)
except ImportError:
f = None
if f is None:
fullpath = list(path) + sys.path
f, file, (suff, mode, type) = imp.find_module(module, fullpath)
if type == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY:
dict['__path__'] = [file]
_modules[module] = dict
path = [file] + path
f, file, (suff, mode, type) = \
imp.find_module('__init__', [file])
if type != imp.PY_SOURCE:
# not Python source, can't do anything with this module
_modules[module] = dict
return dict
_modules[module] = dict
imports = []
classstack = [] # stack of (class, indent) pairs
src =
# To avoid having to stop the regexp at each newline, instead
# when we need a line number we simply string.count the number of
# newlines in the string since the last time we did this; i.e.,
# lineno = lineno + \
# string.count(src, '\n', last_lineno_pos, here)
# last_lineno_pos = here
countnl = string.count
lineno, last_lineno_pos = 1, 0
i = 0
while 1:
m = _getnext(src, i)
if not m:
start, i = m.span()
if m.start("Method") >= 0:
# found a method definition or function
thisindent = _indent("MethodIndent"))
meth_name ="MethodName")
lineno = lineno + \
countnl(src, '\n',
last_lineno_pos, start)
last_lineno_pos = start
# close all classes indented at least as much
while classstack and \
classstack[-1][1] >= thisindent:
del classstack[-1]
if classstack:
# it's a class method
cur_class = classstack[-1][0]
cur_class._addmethod(meth_name, lineno)
# it's a function
f = Function(module, meth_name,
file, lineno)
dict[meth_name] = f
elif m.start("String") >= 0:
elif m.start("Class") >= 0:
# we found a class definition
thisindent = _indent("ClassIndent"))
# close all classes indented at least as much
while classstack and \
classstack[-1][1] >= thisindent:
del classstack[-1]
lineno = lineno + \
countnl(src, '\n', last_lineno_pos, start)
last_lineno_pos = start
class_name ="ClassName")
inherit ="ClassSupers")
if inherit:
# the class inherits from other classes
inherit = string.strip(inherit[1:-1])
names = []
for n in string.splitfields(inherit, ','):
n = string.strip(n)
if dict.has_key(n):
# we know this super class
n = dict[n]
c = string.splitfields(n, '.')
if len(c) > 1:
# super class
# is of the
# form module.class:
# look in
# module for class
m = c[-2]
c = c[-1]
if _modules.has_key(m):
d = _modules[m]
if d.has_key(c):
n = d[c]
inherit = names
# remember this class
cur_class = Class(module, class_name, inherit,
file, lineno)
dict[class_name] = cur_class
classstack.append((cur_class, thisindent))
elif m.start("Import") >= 0:
# import module
for n in string.split("ImportList"), ','):
n = string.strip(n)
# recursively read the imported module
d = readmodule(n, path, inpackage)
##print 'module', n, 'not found'
elif m.start("ImportFrom") >= 0:
# from module import stuff
mod ="ImportFromPath")
names = string.split("ImportFromList"), ',')
# recursively read the imported module
d = readmodule(mod, path, inpackage)
##print 'module', mod, 'not found'
# add any classes that were defined in the
# imported module to our name space if they
# were mentioned in the list
for n in names:
n = string.strip(n)
if d.has_key(n):
dict[n] = d[n]
elif n == '*':
# only add a name if not
# already there (to mimic what
# Python does internally)
# also don't add names that
# start with _
for n in d.keys():
if n[0] != '_' and \
not dict.has_key(n):
dict[n] = d[n]
assert 0, "regexp _getnext found something unexpected"
return dict
def _indent(ws, _expandtabs=string.expandtabs):
return len(_expandtabs(ws, TABWIDTH))
#! /usr/bin/env python
"""The Tab Nanny despises ambiguous indentation. She knows no mercy."""
# Released to the public domain, by Tim Peters, 15 April 1998.
# XXX Note: this is now a standard library module.
# XXX The API needs to undergo changes however; the current code is too
# XXX script-like. This will be addressed later.
__version__ = "6"
import os
import sys
import string
import getopt
import tokenize
verbose = 0
filename_only = 0
def errprint(*args):
sep = ""
for arg in args:
sys.stderr.write(sep + str(arg))
sep = " "
def main():
global verbose, filename_only
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "qv")
except getopt.error, msg:
for o, a in opts:
if o == '-q':
filename_only = filename_only + 1
if o == '-v':
verbose = verbose + 1
if not args:
errprint("Usage:", sys.argv[0], "[-v] file_or_directory ...")
for arg in args:
class NannyNag:
def __init__(self, lineno, msg, line):
self.lineno, self.msg, self.line = lineno, msg, line
def get_lineno(self):
return self.lineno
def get_msg(self):
return self.msg
def get_line(self):
return self.line
def check(file):
if os.path.isdir(file) and not os.path.islink(file):
if verbose:
print "%s: listing directory" % `file`
names = os.listdir(file)
for name in names:
fullname = os.path.join(file, name)
if (os.path.isdir(fullname) and
not os.path.islink(fullname) or
os.path.normcase(name[-3:]) == ".py"):
f = open(file)
except IOError, msg:
errprint("%s: I/O Error: %s" % (`file`, str(msg)))
if verbose > 1:
print "checking", `file`, "..."
tokenize.tokenize(f.readline, tokeneater)
except tokenize.TokenError, msg:
errprint("%s: Token Error: %s" % (`file`, str(msg)))
except NannyNag, nag:
badline = nag.get_lineno()
line = nag.get_line()
if verbose:
print "%s: *** Line %d: trouble in tab city! ***" % (
`file`, badline)
print "offending line:", `line`
print nag.get_msg()
if ' ' in file: file = '"' + file + '"'
if filename_only: print file
else: print file, badline, `line`
if verbose:
print "%s: Clean bill of health." % `file`
class Whitespace:
# the characters used for space and tab
S, T = ' \t'
# members:
# raw
# the original string
# n
# the number of leading whitespace characters in raw
# nt
# the number of tabs in raw[:n]
# norm
# the normal form as a pair (count, trailing), where:
# count
# a tuple such that raw[:n] contains count[i]
# instances of S * i + T
# trailing
# the number of trailing spaces in raw[:n]
# It's A Theorem that m.indent_level(t) ==
# n.indent_level(t) for all t >= 1 iff m.norm == n.norm.
# is_simple
# true iff raw[:n] is of the form (T*)(S*)
def __init__(self, ws):
self.raw = ws
S, T = Whitespace.S, Whitespace.T
count = []
b = n = nt = 0
for ch in self.raw:
if ch == S:
n = n + 1
b = b + 1
elif ch == T:
n = n + 1
nt = nt + 1
if b >= len(count):
count = count + [0] * (b - len(count) + 1)
count[b] = count[b] + 1
b = 0
self.n = n
self.nt = nt
self.norm = tuple(count), b
self.is_simple = len(count) <= 1
# return length of longest contiguous run of spaces (whether or not
# preceding a tab)
def longest_run_of_spaces(self):
count, trailing = self.norm
return max(len(count)-1, trailing)
def indent_level(self, tabsize):
# count, il = self.norm
# for i in range(len(count)):
# if count[i]:
# il = il + (i/tabsize + 1)*tabsize * count[i]
# return il
# quicker:
# il = trailing + sum (i/ts + 1)*ts*count[i] =
# trailing + ts * sum (i/ts + 1)*count[i] =
# trailing + ts * sum i/ts*count[i] + count[i] =
# trailing + ts * [(sum i/ts*count[i]) + (sum count[i])] =
# trailing + ts * [(sum i/ts*count[i]) + num_tabs]
# and note that i/ts*count[i] is 0 when i < ts
count, trailing = self.norm
il = 0
for i in range(tabsize, len(count)):
il = il + i/tabsize * count[i]
return trailing + tabsize * (il + self.nt)
# return true iff self.indent_level(t) == other.indent_level(t)
# for all t >= 1
def equal(self, other):
return self.norm == other.norm
# return a list of tuples (ts, i1, i2) such that
# i1 == self.indent_level(ts) != other.indent_level(ts) == i2.
# Intended to be used after not self.equal(other) is known, in which
# case it will return at least one witnessing tab size.
def not_equal_witness(self, other):
n = max(self.longest_run_of_spaces(),
other.longest_run_of_spaces()) + 1
a = []
for ts in range(1, n+1):
if self.indent_level(ts) != other.indent_level(ts):
a.append( (ts,
other.indent_level(ts)) )
return a
# Return true iff self.indent_level(t) < other.indent_level(t)
# for all t >= 1.
# The algorithm is due to Vincent Broman.
# Easy to prove it's correct.
# XXXpost that.
# Trivial to prove n is sharp (consider T vs ST).
# Unknown whether there's a faster general way. I suspected so at
# first, but no longer.
# For the special (but common!) case where M and N are both of the
# form (T*)(S*), M.less(N) iff M.len() < N.len() and
# M.num_tabs() <= N.num_tabs(). Proof is easy but kinda long-winded.
# XXXwrite that up.
# Note that M is of the form (T*)(S*) iff len(M.norm[0]) <= 1.
def less(self, other):
if self.n >= other.n:
return 0
if self.is_simple and other.is_simple:
return self.nt <= other.nt
n = max(self.longest_run_of_spaces(),
other.longest_run_of_spaces()) + 1
# the self.n >= other.n test already did it for ts=1
for ts in range(2, n+1):
if self.indent_level(ts) >= other.indent_level(ts):
return 0
return 1
# return a list of tuples (ts, i1, i2) such that
# i1 == self.indent_level(ts) >= other.indent_level(ts) == i2.
# Intended to be used after not self.less(other) is known, in which
# case it will return at least one witnessing tab size.
def not_less_witness(self, other):
n = max(self.longest_run_of_spaces(),
other.longest_run_of_spaces()) + 1
a = []
for ts in range(1, n+1):
if self.indent_level(ts) >= other.indent_level(ts):
a.append( (ts,
other.indent_level(ts)) )
return a
def format_witnesses(w):
import string
firsts = map(lambda tup: str(tup[0]), w)
prefix = "at tab size"
if len(w) > 1:
prefix = prefix + "s"
return prefix + " " + string.join(firsts, ', ')
# The collection of globals, the reset_globals() function, and the
# tokeneater() function, depend on which version of tokenize is
# in use.
if hasattr(tokenize, 'NL'):
# take advantage of Guido's patch!
indents = []
check_equal = 0
def reset_globals():
global indents, check_equal
check_equal = 0
indents = [Whitespace("")]
def tokeneater(type, token, start, end, line,
JUNK=(tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL) ):
global indents, check_equal
if type == NEWLINE:
# a program statement, or ENDMARKER, will eventually follow,
# after some (possibly empty) run of tokens of the form
# If an INDENT appears, setting check_equal is wrong, and will
# be undone when we see the INDENT.
check_equal = 1
elif type == INDENT:
check_equal = 0
thisguy = Whitespace(token)
if not indents[-1].less(thisguy):
witness = indents[-1].not_less_witness(thisguy)
msg = "indent not greater e.g. " + format_witnesses(witness)
raise NannyNag(start[0], msg, line)
elif type == DEDENT:
# there's nothing we need to check here! what's important is
# that when the run of DEDENTs ends, the indentation of the
# program statement (or ENDMARKER) that triggered the run is
# equal to what's left at the top of the indents stack
# Ouch! This assert triggers if the last line of the source
# is indented *and* lacks a newline -- then DEDENTs pop out
# of thin air.
# assert check_equal # else no earlier NEWLINE, or an earlier INDENT
check_equal = 1
del indents[-1]
elif check_equal and type not in JUNK:
# this is the first "real token" following a NEWLINE, so it
# must be the first token of the next program statement, or an
# ENDMARKER; the "line" argument exposes the leading whitespace
# for this statement; in the case of ENDMARKER, line is an empty
# string, so will properly match the empty string with which the
# "indents" stack was seeded
check_equal = 0
thisguy = Whitespace(line)
if not indents[-1].equal(thisguy):
witness = indents[-1].not_equal_witness(thisguy)
msg = "indent not equal e.g. " + format_witnesses(witness)
raise NannyNag(start[0], msg, line)
# unpatched version of tokenize
nesting_level = 0
indents = []
check_equal = 0
def reset_globals():
global nesting_level, indents, check_equal
nesting_level = check_equal = 0
indents = [Whitespace("")]
def tokeneater(type, token, start, end, line,
global nesting_level, indents, check_equal
if type == INDENT:
check_equal = 0
thisguy = Whitespace(token)
if not indents[-1].less(thisguy):
witness = indents[-1].not_less_witness(thisguy)
msg = "indent not greater e.g. " + format_witnesses(witness)
raise NannyNag(start[0], msg, line)
elif type == DEDENT:
del indents[-1]
elif type == NEWLINE:
if nesting_level == 0:
check_equal = 1
elif type == COMMENT:
elif check_equal:
check_equal = 0
thisguy = Whitespace(line)
if not indents[-1].equal(thisguy):
witness = indents[-1].not_equal_witness(thisguy)
msg = "indent not equal e.g. " + format_witnesses(witness)
raise NannyNag(start[0], msg, line)
if type == OP and token in ('{', '[', '('):
nesting_level = nesting_level + 1
elif type == OP and token in ('}', ']', ')'):
if nesting_level == 0:
raise NannyNag(start[0],
"unbalanced bracket '" + token + "'",
nesting_level = nesting_level - 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
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