Commit 39892055 authored by Victor Stinner's avatar Victor Stinner

asyncio doc: rewrite subprocess doc

* add a new example using transport and protocol
* rewrite the example using streams to make it much simpler (remove error
  handling, use a simpler Python code)
* copy (and adapt) more documentation from the subprocess module:

  - add a note about Process.wait() deadlock
  - add a note about shell injection
  - etc.

* sort Process methods and attributes in the same order than subprocess.Popen
  methods and attributes, so the documentation looks closer
* list differences between Process and subprocess.Popen APIs
parent 3c95062f
......@@ -27,23 +27,34 @@ Example to use it on Windows::
Create a subprocess: high-level API using Process
.. function:: create_subprocess_shell(cmd, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, loop=None, limit=None, \*\*kwds)
.. function:: create_subprocess_exec(\*args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, loop=None, limit=None, \*\*kwds)
Create a subprocess.
Run the shell command *cmd*. See :meth:`BaseEventLoop.subprocess_shell` for
parameters. Return a :class:`~asyncio.subprocess.Process` instance.
The *limit* parameter sets the buffer limit passed to the
:class:`StreamReader`. See :meth:`BaseEventLoop.subprocess_exec` for other
The optional *limit* parameter sets the buffer limit passed to the
Return a :class:`~asyncio.subprocess.Process` instance.
This function is a :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>`.
.. function:: create_subprocess_exec(\*args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, loop=None, limit=None, \*\*kwds)
.. function:: create_subprocess_shell(cmd, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, loop=None, limit=None, \*\*kwds)
Run the shell command *cmd*.
Create a subprocess. See :meth:`BaseEventLoop.subprocess_exec` for
parameters. Return a :class:`~asyncio.subprocess.Process` instance.
The *limit* parameter sets the buffer limit passed to the
:class:`StreamReader`. See :meth:`BaseEventLoop.subprocess_shell` for other
The optional *limit* parameter sets the buffer limit passed to the
Return a :class:`~asyncio.subprocess.Process` instance.
It is the application's responsibility to ensure that all whitespace and
metacharacters are quoted appropriately to avoid `shell injection
vulnerabilities. The :func:`shlex.quote` function can be used to properly
escape whitespace and shell metacharacters in strings that are going to be
used to construct shell commands.
This function is a :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>`.
......@@ -121,9 +132,14 @@ Run subprocesses asynchronously using the :mod:`subprocess` module.
Returns a pair of ``(transport, protocol)``, where *transport* is an
instance of :class:`BaseSubprocessTransport`.
This method is a :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>`.
It is the application's responsibility to ensure that all whitespace and
metacharacters are quoted appropriately to avoid `shell injection
vulnerabilities. The :func:`shlex.quote` function can be used to properly
escape whitespace and shell metacharacters in strings that are going to be
used to construct shell commands.
See the constructor of the :class:`subprocess.Popen` class for parameters.
This method is a :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>`.
.. seealso::
......@@ -159,35 +175,37 @@ Process
.. class:: asyncio.subprocess.Process
.. attribute:: pid
A subprocess created by the :func:`create_subprocess_exec` or the
:func:`create_subprocess_shell` function.
The identifier of the process.
The API of the :class:`~asyncio.subprocess.Process` class was designed to be
closed the API of the :class:`subprocess.Popen` class, but they are some
Note that if you set the *shell* argument to ``True``, this is the
process identifier of the spawned shell.
* There is no explicit :meth:`~subprocess.Popen.poll` method
* The :meth:`~subprocess.Popen.communicate` and
:meth:`~subprocess.Popen.wait` methods don't take a *timeout* parameter:
use the :func:`wait_for` function
* The *universal_newlines* parameter is not supported (only bytes strings
are supported)
* The :meth:`~asyncio.subprocess.Process.wait` method of
the :class:`~asyncio.subprocess.Process` class is asynchronous whereas the
:meth:`~subprocess.Popen.wait` method of the :class:`~subprocess.Popen`
class is implemented as a busy loop.
.. attribute:: returncode
Return code of the process when it exited. A ``None`` value indicates
that the process has not terminated yet.
.. method:: wait()
A negative value ``-N`` indicates that the child was terminated by signal
``N`` (Unix only).
.. attribute:: stdin
Standard input stream (write), ``None`` if the process was created with
.. attribute:: stdout
Wait for child process to terminate. Set and return :attr:`returncode`
Standard output stream (read), ``None`` if the process was created with
This method is a :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>`.
.. attribute:: stderr
.. note::
Standard error stream (read), ``None`` if the process was created with
This will deadlock when using ``stdout=PIPE`` or ``stderr=PIPE`` and
the child process generates enough output to a pipe such that it
blocks waiting for the OS pipe buffer to accept more data. Use the
:meth:`communicate` method when using pipes to avoid that.
.. method:: communicate(input=None)
......@@ -197,33 +215,28 @@ Process
process, or ``None``, if no data should be sent to the child. The type
of *input* must be bytes.
:meth:`communicate` returns a tuple ``(stdout_data, stderr_data)``.
If a :exc:`BrokenPipeError` or :exc:`ConnectionResetError` exception is
raised when writing *input* into stdin, the exception is ignored. It
occurs when the process exits before all data are written into stdin.
:meth:`communicate` returns a tuple ``(stdoutdata, stderrdata)``.
Note that if you want to send data to the process's stdin, you need to
create the Process object with ``stdin=PIPE``. Similarly, to get anything
other than ``None`` in the result tuple, you need to give ``stdout=PIPE``
and/or ``stderr=PIPE`` too.
This method is a :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>`.
.. note::
The data read is buffered in memory, so do not use this method if the
data size is large or unlimited.
This method is a :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>`.
.. versionchanged:: 3.4.2
The method now ignores :exc:`BrokenPipeError` and
.. method:: kill()
Kills the child. On Posix OSs the function sends :py:data:`SIGKILL` to
the child. On Windows :meth:`kill` is an alias for :meth:`terminate`.
.. method:: send_signal(signal)
Sends the signal *signal* to the child process.
......@@ -241,53 +254,142 @@ Process
to the child. On Windows the Win32 API function
:c:func:`TerminateProcess` is called to stop the child.
.. method:: wait():
.. method:: kill()
Wait for child process to terminate. Set and return :attr:`returncode`
Kills the child. On Posix OSs the function sends :py:data:`SIGKILL` to
the child. On Windows :meth:`kill` is an alias for :meth:`terminate`.
This method is a :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>`.
.. attribute:: stdin
Standard input stream (:class:`StreamWriter`), ``None`` if the process
was created with ``stdin=None``.
.. attribute:: stdout
Standard output stream (:class:`StreamReader`), ``None`` if the process
was created with ``stdout=None``.
.. attribute:: stderr
Standard error stream (:class:`StreamReader`), ``None`` if the process
was created with ``stderr=None``.
.. warning::
Use the :meth:`communicate` method rather than :attr:`.stdin.write
<stdin>`, :attr:` <stdout>` or :attr:` <stderr>`
to avoid deadlocks due to streams pausing reading or writing and blocking
the child process.
.. attribute:: pid
The identifier of the process.
Note that for processes created by the :func:`create_subprocess_shell`
function, this attribute is the process identifier of the spawned shell.
.. attribute:: returncode
Return code of the process when it exited. A ``None`` value indicates
that the process has not terminated yet.
A negative value ``-N`` indicates that the child was terminated by signal
``N`` (Unix only).
Subprocess examples
Implement a function similar to :func:`subprocess.getstatusoutput`, except that
it does not use a shell. Get the output of the "python -m platform" command and
display the output::
Subprocess using transport and protocol
Example of a subprocess protocol using to get the output of a subprocess and to
wait for the subprocess exit. The subprocess is created by the
:meth:`BaseEventLoop.subprocess_exec` method::
import asyncio
import os
import sys
from asyncio import subprocess
def getstatusoutput(*args):
proc = yield from asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
stdout, _ = yield from proc.communicate()
yield from proc.wait()
exitcode = yield from proc.wait()
return (exitcode, stdout)
class DateProtocol(asyncio.SubprocessProtocol):
def __init__(self, exit_future):
self.exit_future = exit_future
self.output = bytearray()
if == 'nt':
def pipe_data_received(self, fd, data):
def process_exited(self):
def get_date(loop):
code = 'import datetime; print('
exit_future = asyncio.Future(loop=loop)
# Create the subprocess controlled by the protocol DateProtocol,
# redirect the standard output into a pipe
create = loop.subprocess_exec(lambda: DateProtocol(exit_future),
sys.executable, '-c', code,
stdin=None, stderr=None)
transport, protocol = yield from create
# Wait for the subprocess exit using the process_exited() method
# of the protocol
yield from exit_future
# Close the stdout pipe
# Read the output which was collected by the pipe_data_received()
# method of the protocol
data = bytes(protocol.output)
return data.decode('ascii').rstrip()
if sys.platform == "win32":
loop = asyncio.ProactorEventLoop()
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
coro = getstatusoutput(sys.executable, '-m', 'platform')
exitcode, stdout = loop.run_until_complete(coro)
if not exitcode:
stdout = stdout.decode('ascii').rstrip()
print("Platform: %s" % stdout)
date = loop.run_until_complete(get_date(loop))
print("Current date: %s" % date)
Subprocess using streams
Example using the :class:`~asyncio.subprocess.Process` class to control the
subprocess and the :class:`StreamReader` class to read from the standard
output. The subprocess is created by the :func:`create_subprocess_exec`
import asyncio.subprocess
import sys
def get_date():
code = 'import datetime; print('
# Create the subprocess, redirect the standard output into a pipe
create = asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(sys.executable, '-c', code,
proc = yield from create
# Read one line of output
data = yield from proc.stdout.readline()
line = data.decode('ascii').rstrip()
# Wait for the subprocess exit
yield from proc.wait()
return line
if sys.platform == "win32":
loop = asyncio.ProactorEventLoop()
print("Python failed with exit code %s:" % exitcode, flush=True)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
date = loop.run_until_complete(get_date())
print("Current date: %s" % date)
......@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ Instances of the :class:`Popen` class have the following methods:
``None``, if no data should be sent to the child. The type of *input*
must be bytes or, if *universal_newlines* was ``True``, a string.
:meth:`communicate` returns a tuple ``(stdoutdata, stderrdata)``.
:meth:`communicate` returns a tuple ``(stdout_data, stderr_data)``.
Note that if you want to send data to the process's stdin, you need to create
the Popen object with ``stdin=PIPE``. Similarly, to get anything other than
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