Commit 3a703b60 authored by Armin Rigo's avatar Armin Rigo

Reverted revision 1.83, which introduced a bug and subtle incompatibility

issues.  See bug #1112856.
parent cfe7dd96
......@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ from operator import attrgetter
import sys
import os
import urllib
import email.Parser
import mimetools
import rfc822
import UserDict
from cStringIO import StringIO
......@@ -107,8 +108,6 @@ log = initlog # The current logging function
# Parsing functions
# =================
_header_parser = email.Parser.HeaderParser()
# Maximum input we will accept when REQUEST_METHOD is POST
# 0 ==> unlimited input
maxlen = 0
......@@ -271,7 +270,7 @@ def parse_multipart(fp, pdict):
data = None
if terminator:
# At start of next part. Read headers first.
headers = _header_parser.parse(fp)
headers = mimetools.Message(fp)
clength = headers.getheader('content-length')
if clength:
......@@ -408,9 +407,8 @@ class FieldStorage:
disposition_options: dictionary of corresponding options
headers: a dictionary(-like) object (sometimes
email.Message.Message or a subclass thereof) containing *all*
headers: a dictionary(-like) object (sometimes rfc822.Message or a
subclass thereof) containing *all* headers
The class is subclassable, mostly for the purpose of overriding
the make_file() method, which is called internally to come up with
......@@ -652,7 +650,7 @@ class FieldStorage:
environ, keep_blank_values, strict_parsing)
# Throw first part away
while not part.done:
headers = _header_parser.parse(self.fp)
headers = rfc822.Message(self.fp)
part = klass(self.fp, headers, ib,
environ, keep_blank_values, strict_parsing)
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