Commit 3bead098 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Initial revision

parent 19a86e72
The Python Debugger
To use the debugger in its simplest form:
>>> import pdb
>>>'<a statement>')
The debugger's prompt is '(Pdb) '. This will stop in the first
function call in <a statement>.
The commands recognized by the debugger are listed in the next
section. Most can be abbreviated as indicated; e.g., h(elp) means
that 'help' can be typed as 'h' or 'help' (but not as 'he' or 'hel',
nor as 'H' or 'Help' or 'HELP'). Optional arguments are enclosed in
square brackets.
A blank line repeats the previous command literally. (Except for
'list', where it lists the next 11 lines.)
Commands that the debugger doesn't recognize are assumed to be Python
statements and are executed in the context of the program being
debugged. Python statements can also be prefixed with an exclamation
point ('!'). This is a powerful way to inspect the program being
debugged; it is even possible to change variables. When an exception
occurs in such a statement, the exception name is printed but the
debugger's state is not changed.
The debugger is not directly programmable; but it is implemented as a
class from which you can derive your own debugger class, so you can
make as fancy as you like.
Debugger commands
Without argument, print the list of available commands.
With a command name as argument, print help about that command
(this is currently not implemented).
Print a stack trace, with the most recent frame at the bottom.
An arrow indicates the "current frame", which determines the
context of most commands.
Move the current frame one level down in the stack trace
(to an older frame).
Move the current frame one level up in the stack trace
(to a newer frame).
b(reak) [lineno]
With a line number argument, set a break there in the current file.
Without argument, list all breaks.
cl(ear) [lineno]
With a line number argument, clear that break in the current file.
Without argument, clear all breaks (but first ask confirmation).
Execute the current line, stop at the first possible occasion
(either in a function that is called or in the current function).
Continue execution until the next line in the current function
is reached or it returns.
Continue execution until the current function returns.
Continue execution, only stop when a breakpoint is encountered.
l(ist) [first [,last]]
List source code for the current file.
Without arguments, list 11 lines around the current line
or continue the previous listing.
With one argument, list 11 lines starting at that line.
With two arguments, list the given range;
if the second argument is less than the first, it is a count.
Print the argument list of the current function.
p expression
Print the value of the expression.
(!) statement
Execute the (one-line) statement in the context of
the current stack frame.
The exclamation point can be omitted unless the first word
of the statement resembles a debugger command.
To assign to a global variable you must always prefix the
command with a 'global' command, e.g.:
(Pdb) global list_options; list_options = ['-l']
Quit from the debugger.
The program being executed is aborted.
How it works
Some changes were made to the interpreter:
- if sys.trace is defined (by the user) and not None, it should be a function
- sys.trace is called the global trace function
- there can also a local trace function (see later)
Trace functions have three arguments: (frame, event, arg)
- frame is the current stack frame
- event is a string: 'call', 'line', 'return' or 'exception'
- arg is dependent on the event type
A trace function should return a new trace function or None.
Class methods are accepted (and most useful!) as trace methods.
The events have the following meaning:
'call': A function is called (or some other code block entered).
The global trace function is called;
arg is the argument list to the function;
the return value specifies the local trace function.
'line': The interpreter is about to execute a new line of code
(sometimes multiple line events on one line exist).
The local trace function is called; arg in None;
the return value specifies the new local trace function.
'return': A function (or other code block) is about to return.
The local trace function is called;
arg is the value that will be returned.
The trace function's return value is ignored.
'exception': An exception has occurred.
The local trace function is called;
arg is a triple (exception, value, traceback);
the return value specifies the new local trace function
Note that as an exception is propagated down the chain of callers, an
'exception' event is generated at each level.
Stack frame objects have the following read-only attributes:
f_code: the code object being executed
f_lineno: the current line number (-1 for 'call' events)
f_back: the stack frame of the caller, or None
f_locals: dictionary containing local name bindings
f_globals: dictionary containing global name bindings
Code objects have the following read-only attributes:
co_code: the code string
co_names: the list of names used by the code
co_consts: the list of (literal) constants used by the code
co_filename: the filename from which the code was compiled
# Python test set -- part 4a, built-in functions a-m
from test_support import *
print 'abs'
if abs(0) <> 0: raise TestFailed, 'abs(0)'
if abs(1234) <> 1234: raise TestFailed, 'abs(1234)'
if abs(-1234) <> 1234: raise TestFailed, 'abs(-1234)'
if abs(0.0) <> 0.0: raise TestFailed, 'abs(0.0)'
if abs(3.14) <> 3.14: raise TestFailed, 'abs(3.14)'
if abs(-3.14) <> 3.14: raise TestFailed, 'abs(-3.14)'
if abs(0L) <> 0L: raise TestFailed, 'abs(0L)'
if abs(1234L) <> 1234L: raise TestFailed, 'abs(1234L)'
if abs(-1234L) <> 1234L: raise TestFailed, 'abs(-1234L)'
print 'apply'
def f0(*args):
if args != (): raise TestFailed, 'f0 called with ' + `args`
def f1(a1):
if a1 != 1: raise TestFailed, 'f1 called with ' + `a1`
def f2(a1, a2):
if a1 != 1 or a2 != 2:
raise TestFailed, 'f2 called with ' + `a1, a2`
def f3(a1, a2, a3):
if a1 != 1 or a2 != 2 or a3 != 3:
raise TestFailed, 'f2 called with ' + `a1, a2, a3`
apply(f0, ())
apply(f1, (1,))
apply(f2, (1, 2))
apply(f3, (1, 2, 3))
print 'chr'
if chr(32) <> ' ': raise TestFailed, 'chr(32)'
if chr(65) <> 'A': raise TestFailed, 'chr(65)'
if chr(97) <> 'a': raise TestFailed, 'chr(97)'
print 'dir'
x = 1
if 'x' not in dir(): raise TestFailed, 'dir()'
import sys
if 'modules' not in dir(sys): raise TestFailed, 'dir(sys)'
print 'divmod'
if divmod(12, 7) <> (1, 5): raise TestFailed, 'divmod(12, 7)'
if divmod(-12, 7) <> (-2, 2): raise TestFailed, 'divmod(-12, 7)'
if divmod(12, -7) <> (-2, -2): raise TestFailed, 'divmod(12, -7)'
if divmod(-12, -7) <> (1, -5): raise TestFailed, 'divmod(-12, -7)'
if divmod(12L, 7L) <> (1L, 5L): raise TestFailed, 'divmod(12L, 7L)'
if divmod(-12L, 7L) <> (-2L, 2L): raise TestFailed, 'divmod(-12L, 7L)'
if divmod(12L, -7L) <> (-2L, -2L): raise TestFailed, 'divmod(12L, -7L)'
if divmod(-12L, -7L) <> (1L, -5L): raise TestFailed, 'divmod(-12L, -7L)'
if divmod(12, 7L) <> (1, 5L): raise TestFailed, 'divmod(12, 7L)'
if divmod(-12, 7L) <> (-2, 2L): raise TestFailed, 'divmod(-12, 7L)'
if divmod(12L, -7) <> (-2L, -2): raise TestFailed, 'divmod(12L, -7)'
if divmod(-12L, -7) <> (1L, -5): raise TestFailed, 'divmod(-12L, -7)'
if divmod(3.25, 1.0) <> (3.0, 0.25): raise TestFailed, 'divmod(3.25, 1.0)'
if divmod(-3.25, 1.0) <> (-4.0, 0.75): raise TestFailed, 'divmod(-3.25, 1.0)'
if divmod(3.25, -1.0) <> (-4.0, -0.75): raise TestFailed, 'divmod(3.25, -1.0)'
if divmod(-3.25, -1.0) <> (3.0, -0.25): raise TestFailed, 'divmod(-3.25, -1.0)'
print 'eval'
if eval('1+1') <> 2: raise TestFailed, 'eval(\'1+1\')'
print 'exec'
z = 0
if z <> 2: raise TestFailed, 'exec(\'z=1+1\'\\n)'
print 'float'
if float(3.14) <> 3.14: raise TestFailed, 'float(3.14)'
if float(314) <> 314.0: raise TestFailed, 'float(314)'
if float(314L) <> 314.0: raise TestFailed, 'float(314L)'
print 'getattr'
import sys
if getattr(sys, 'stdout') is not sys.stdout: raise TestFailed, 'getattr'
print 'hex'
if hex(16) != '0x10': raise TestFailed, 'hex(16)'
if hex(16L) != '0x10L': raise TestFailed, 'hex(16L)'
if hex(-16) != '-0x10': raise TestFailed, 'hex(-16)'
if hex(-16L) != '-0x10L': raise TestFailed, 'hex(-16L)'
# Test input() later, together with raw_input
print 'int'
if int(314) <> 314: raise TestFailed, 'int(314)'
if int(3.14) <> 3: raise TestFailed, 'int(3.14)'
if int(314L) <> 314: raise TestFailed, 'int(314L)'
print 'len'
if len('123') <> 3: raise TestFailed, 'len(\'123\')'
if len(()) <> 0: raise TestFailed, 'len(())'
if len((1, 2, 3, 4)) <> 4: raise TestFailed, 'len((1, 2, 3, 4))'
if len([1, 2, 3, 4]) <> 4: raise TestFailed, 'len([1, 2, 3, 4])'
if len({}) <> 0: raise TestFailed, 'len({})'
if len({'a':1, 'b': 2}) <> 2: raise TestFailed, 'len({\'a\':1, \'b\': 2})'
print 'long'
if long(314) <> 314L: raise TestFailed, 'long(314)'
if long(3.14) <> 3L: raise TestFailed, 'long(3.14)'
if long(314L) <> 314L: raise TestFailed, 'long(314L)'
print 'max'
if max('123123') <> '3': raise TestFailed, 'max(\'123123\')'
if max(1, 2, 3) <> 3: raise TestFailed, 'max(1, 2, 3)'
if max((1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)) <> 3: raise TestFailed, 'max((1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3))'
if max([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]) <> 3: raise TestFailed, 'max([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3])'
if max(1, 2L, 3.0) <> 3.0: raise TestFailed, 'max(1, 2L, 3.0)'
if max(1L, 2.0, 3) <> 3: raise TestFailed, 'max(1L, 2.0, 3)'
if max(1.0, 2, 3L) <> 3L: raise TestFailed, 'max(1.0, 2, 3L)'
print 'min'
if min('123123') <> '1': raise TestFailed, 'min(\'123123\')'
if min(1, 2, 3) <> 1: raise TestFailed, 'min(1, 2, 3)'
if min((1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)) <> 1: raise TestFailed, 'min((1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3))'
if min([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]) <> 1: raise TestFailed, 'min([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3])'
if min(1, 2L, 3.0) <> 1: raise TestFailed, 'min(1, 2L, 3.0)'
if min(1L, 2.0, 3) <> 1L: raise TestFailed, 'min(1L, 2.0, 3)'
if min(1.0, 2, 3L) <> 1.0: raise TestFailed, 'min(1.0, 2, 3L)'
# Python test set -- part 4b, built-in functions n-z
from test_support import *
print 'oct'
if oct(100) != '0144': raise TestFailed, 'oct(100)'
if oct(100L) != '0144L': raise TestFailed, 'oct(100L)'
if oct(-100) != '-0144': raise TestFailed, 'oct(-100)'
if oct(-100L) != '-0144L': raise TestFailed, 'oct(-100L)'
print 'open'
# NB the first 4 lines are also used to test input and raw_input, below
fp = open(TESTFN, 'w')
fp.write('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog')
fp.write('Dear John\n')
fp = open(TESTFN, 'r')
if fp.readline(4) <> '1+1\n': raise TestFailed, 'readline(4) # exact'
if fp.readline(4) <> '1+1\n': raise TestFailed, 'readline(4) # exact'
if fp.readline() <> 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\n':
raise TestFailed, 'readline() # default'
if fp.readline(4) <> 'Dear': raise TestFailed, 'readline(4) # short'
if fp.readline(100) <> ' John\n': raise TestFailed, 'readline(100)'
if <> 'XXX'*100: raise TestFailed, 'read(300)'
if <> 'YYY'*100: raise TestFailed, 'read(1000) # truncate'
print 'ord'
if ord(' ') <> 32: raise TestFailed, 'ord(\' \')'
if ord('A') <> 65: raise TestFailed, 'ord(\'A\')'
if ord('a') <> 97: raise TestFailed, 'ord(\'a\')'
print 'pow'
if pow(0,0) <> 1: raise TestFailed, 'pow(0,0)'
if pow(0,1) <> 0: raise TestFailed, 'pow(0,1)'
if pow(1,0) <> 1: raise TestFailed, 'pow(1,0)'
if pow(1,1) <> 1: raise TestFailed, 'pow(1,1)'
if pow(2,0) <> 1: raise TestFailed, 'pow(2,0)'
if pow(2,10) <> 1024: raise TestFailed, 'pow(2,10)'
if pow(2,20) <> 1024*1024: raise TestFailed, 'pow(2,20)'
if pow(2,30) <> 1024*1024*1024: raise TestFailed, 'pow(2,30)'
if pow(-2,0) <> 1: raise TestFailed, 'pow(-2,0)'
if pow(-2,1) <> -2: raise TestFailed, 'pow(-2,1)'
if pow(-2,2) <> 4: raise TestFailed, 'pow(-2,2)'
if pow(-2,3) <> -8: raise TestFailed, 'pow(-2,3)'
if pow(0L,0) <> 1: raise TestFailed, 'pow(0L,0)'
if pow(0L,1) <> 0: raise TestFailed, 'pow(0L,1)'
if pow(1L,0) <> 1: raise TestFailed, 'pow(1L,0)'
if pow(1L,1) <> 1: raise TestFailed, 'pow(1L,1)'
if pow(2L,0) <> 1: raise TestFailed, 'pow(2L,0)'
if pow(2L,10) <> 1024: raise TestFailed, 'pow(2L,10)'
if pow(2L,20) <> 1024*1024: raise TestFailed, 'pow(2L,20)'
if pow(2L,30) <> 1024*1024*1024: raise TestFailed, 'pow(2L,30)'
if pow(-2L,0) <> 1: raise TestFailed, 'pow(-2L,0)'
if pow(-2L,1) <> -2: raise TestFailed, 'pow(-2L,1)'
if pow(-2L,2) <> 4: raise TestFailed, 'pow(-2L,2)'
if pow(-2L,3) <> -8: raise TestFailed, 'pow(-2L,3)'
if pow(0.,0) <> 1.: raise TestFailed, 'pow(0.,0)'
if pow(0.,1) <> 0.: raise TestFailed, 'pow(0.,1)'
if pow(1.,0) <> 1.: raise TestFailed, 'pow(1.,0)'
if pow(1.,1) <> 1.: raise TestFailed, 'pow(1.,1)'
if pow(2.,0) <> 1.: raise TestFailed, 'pow(2.,0)'
if pow(2.,10) <> 1024.: raise TestFailed, 'pow(2.,10)'
if pow(2.,20) <> 1024.*1024.: raise TestFailed, 'pow(2.,20)'
if pow(2.,30) <> 1024.*1024.*1024.: raise TestFailed, 'pow(2.,30)'
# XXX These don't work -- negative float to the float power...
#if pow(-2.,0) <> 1.: raise TestFailed, 'pow(-2.,0)'
#if pow(-2.,1) <> -2.: raise TestFailed, 'pow(-2.,1)'
#if pow(-2.,2) <> 4.: raise TestFailed, 'pow(-2.,2)'
#if pow(-2.,3) <> -8.: raise TestFailed, 'pow(-2.,3)'
print 'range'
if range(3) <> [0, 1, 2]: raise TestFailed, 'range(3)'
if range(1, 5) <> [1, 2, 3, 4]: raise TestFailed, 'range(1, 5)'
if range(0) <> []: raise TestFailed, 'range(0)'
if range(-3) <> []: raise TestFailed, 'range(-3)'
if range(1, 10, 3) <> [1, 4, 7]: raise TestFailed, 'range(1, 10, 3)'
if range(5, -5, -3) <> [5, 2, -1, -4]: raise TestFailed, 'range(5, -5, -3)'
print 'input and raw_input'
import sys
fp = open(TESTFN, 'r')
savestdin = sys.stdin
sys.stdin = fp
if input() <> 2: raise TestFailed, 'input()'
if input('testing\n') <> 2: raise TestFailed, 'input()'
if raw_input() <> 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.':
raise TestFailed, 'raw_input()'
if raw_input('testing\n') <> 'Dear John':
raise TestFailed, 'raw_input(\'testing\\n\')'
sys.stdin = savestdin
print 'reload'
import string
print 'setattr'
import sys
setattr(sys, 'foobar', 1)
if sys.foobar != 1: raise TestFailed, 'setattr(sys, \'foobar\', 1)'
print 'type'
if type('') <> type('123') or type('') == type(()):
raise TestFailed, 'type()'
# Epilogue -- unlink the temp file
# Python test set -- part 4, built-in functions
from test_support import *
print '4. Built-in functions'
print 'test_b1'
import test_b1
print 'test_b2'
import test_b2
# Python test set -- part 5, built-in exceptions
from test_support import *
print '5. Built-in exceptions'
# XXX This is not really enough, each *operation* should be tested!
def r(name): print name
import sys
try: x = sys.undefined_attribute
except AttributeError: pass
import sys
fp = open(TESTFN, 'w')
fp = open(TESTFN, 'r')
savestdin = sys.stdin
sys.stdin = fp
x = raw_input()
except EOFError:
sys.stdin = savestdin
try: open('this file does not exist', 'r')
except IOError: pass
try: import undefined_module
except ImportError: pass
x = []
try: a = x[10]
except IndexError: pass
x = {}
try: a = x['key']
except KeyError: pass
print '(not testable in a script)'
print '(not safe to test)'
try: x = undefined_variable
except NameError: pass
x = 1
while 1: x = x+x
except OverflowError: pass
print '(not used any more?)'
try: exec('/\n')
except SyntaxError: pass
print '(hard to reproduce)'
import sys
try: sys.exit(0)
except SystemExit: pass
try: [] + ()
except TypeError: pass
try: x = chr(10000)
except ValueError: pass
try: x = 1/0
except ZeroDivisionError: pass
# Python test set -- part 1, grammar.
# This just tests whether the parser accepts them all.
from test_support import *
print '1. Parser'
print '1.1 Tokens'
print '1.1.1 Backslashes'
# Backslash means line continuation:
x = 1 \
+ 1
if x <> 2: raise TestFailed, 'backslash for line continuation'
# Backslash does not means continuation in comments :\
x = 0
if x <> 0: raise TestFailed, 'backslash ending comment'
print '1.1.2 Numeric literals'
print ' Plain integers'
if 0xff <> 255: raise TestFailed, 'hex int'
if 0377 <> 255: raise TestFailed, 'octal int'
if 2147483647 != 017777777777: raise TestFailed, 'max positive int'
if -2147483647-1 != 020000000000: raise TestFailed, 'max negative int'
# XXX -2147483648
if 037777777777 != -1: raise TestFailed, 'oct -1'
if 0xffffffff != -1: raise TestFailed, 'hex -1'
for s in '2147483648', '040000000000', '0x100000000':
x = eval(s)
except OverflowError:
raise TestFailed, 'No OverflowError on huge integer literal ' + `s`
print ' Long integers'
x = 0L
x = 0l
x = 0xffffffffffffffffL
x = 0xffffffffffffffffl
x = 077777777777777777L
x = 077777777777777777l
x = 123456789012345678901234567890L
x = 123456789012345678901234567890l
print ' Floating point'
x = 3.14
x = 314.
x = 0.314
# XXX x = 000.314
x = .314
x = 3e14
x = 3E14
x = 3e-14
x = 3e+14
x = 3.e14
x = .3e14
x = 3.1e4
print '1.2 Grammar'
print 'single_input' # NEWLINE | simple_stmt | compound_stmt NEWLINE
# XXX can't test in a script -- this rule is only used when interactive
print 'file_input' # (NEWLINE | stmt)* ENDMARKER
# Being tested as this very moment this very module
print 'expr_input' # testlist NEWLINE
# XXX Hard to test -- used only in calls to input()
print 'eval_input' # testlist ENDMARKER
x = eval('1, 0 or 1')
print 'funcdef'
### 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite
### parameters: '(' [varargslist] ')'
### varargslist: (fpdef ',')* ('+'|'*') NAME | fpdef (',' fpdef)* [',']
### fpdef: NAME | '(' fplist ')'
### fplist: fpdef (',' fpdef)* [',']
def f1(): pass
def f2(one_argument): pass
def f3(two, arguments): pass
def f4(two, (compound, (argument, list))): pass
def a1(one_arg,): pass
def a2(two, args,): pass
def v0(*rest): pass
def v1(a, *rest): pass
def v2(a, b, *rest): pass
def v3(a, (b, c), *rest): pass
### stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt
# Tested below
### simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';']
print 'simple_stmt'
x = 1; pass; del x
### small_stmt: expr_stmt | print_stmt | pass_stmt | del_stmt | flow_stmt | import_stmt
# Tested below
print 'expr_stmt' # (exprlist '=')* exprlist
1, 2, 3
x = 1
x = 1, 2, 3
x = y = z = 1, 2, 3
x, y, z = 1, 2, 3
abc = a, b, c = x, y, z = xyz = 1, 2, (3, 4)
# NB these variables are deleted below
print 'print_stmt' # 'print' (test ',')* [test]
print 1, 2, 3
print 1, 2, 3,
print 0 or 1, 0 or 1,
print 0 or 1
print 'del_stmt' # 'del' exprlist
del abc
del x, y, (z, xyz)
print 'pass_stmt' # 'pass'
print 'flow_stmt' # break_stmt | continue_stmt | return_stmt | raise_stmt
# Tested below
print 'break_stmt' # 'break'
while 1: break
print 'continue_stmt' # 'continue'
i = 1
while i: i = 0; continue
print 'return_stmt' # 'return' [testlist]
def g1(): return
def g2(): return 1
x = g2()
print 'raise_stmt' # 'raise' test [',' test]
try: raise RuntimeError, 'just testing'
except RuntimeError: pass
try: raise KeyboardInterrupt
except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
print 'import_stmt' # 'import' NAME (',' NAME)* | 'from' NAME 'import' ('*' | NAME (',' NAME)*)
import sys
import time, math
from time import sleep
from sys import *
from math import sin, cos
print 'global_stmt' # 'global' NAME (',' NAME)*
def f():
global a
global a, b
global one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
### compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | funcdef | classdef
# Tested below
print 'if_stmt' # 'if' test ':' suite ('elif' test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite]
if 1: pass
if 1: pass
else: pass
if 0: pass
elif 0: pass
if 0: pass
elif 0: pass
elif 0: pass
elif 0: pass
else: pass
print 'while_stmt' # 'while' test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
while 0: pass
while 0: pass
else: pass
print 'for_stmt' # 'for' exprlist 'in' exprlist ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
for i in 1, 2, 3: pass
for i, j, k in (): pass
else: pass
print 'try_stmt' # 'try' ':' suite (except_clause ':' suite)* ['finally' ':' suite]
### except_clause: 'except' [expr [',' expr]]
try: pass
try: 1/0
except ZeroDivisionError: pass
try: 1/0
except EOFError: pass
except TypeError, msg: pass
except RuntimeError, msg: pass
except: pass
try: pass
finally: pass
try: 1/0
except: pass
finally: pass
print 'suite' # simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT NEWLINE* (stmt NEWLINE*)+ DEDENT
if 1: pass
if 1:
if 1:
print 'test'
### and_test ('or' and_test)*
### and_test: not_test ('and' not_test)*
### not_test: 'not' not_test | comparison
if not 1: pass
if 1 and 1: pass
if 1 or 1: pass
if not not not 1: pass
if not 1 and 1 and 1: pass
if 1 and 1 or 1 and 1 and 1 or not 1 and 1: pass
print 'comparison'
### comparison: expr (comp_op expr)*
### comp_op: '<'|'>'|'=='|'>='|'<='|'<>'|'!='|'in'|'not' 'in'|'is'|'is' 'not'
if 1: pass
x = (1 == 1)
if 1 == 1: pass
if 1 != 1: pass
if 1 <> 1: pass
if 1 < 1: pass
if 1 > 1: pass
if 1 <= 1: pass
if 1 >= 1: pass
if 1 is 1: pass
if 1 is not 1: pass
if 1 in (): pass
if 1 not in (): pass
if 1 < 1 > 1 == 1 >= 1 <= 1 <> 1 in 1 not in 1 is 1 is not 1: pass
print 'binary mask ops'
x = 1 & 1
x = 1 ^ 1
x = 1 | 1
print 'shift ops'
x = 1 << 1
x = 1 >> 1
x = 1 << 1 >> 1
print 'additive ops'
x = 1
x = 1 + 1
x = 1 - 1 - 1
x = 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1
print 'multiplicative ops'
x = 1 * 1
x = 1 / 1
x = 1 % 1
x = 1 / 1 * 1 % 1
print 'unary ops'
x = +1
x = -1
x = ~1
x = ~1 ^ 1 & 1 | 1 & 1 ^ -1
x = -1*1/1 + 1*1 - ---1*1
print 'selectors'
### trailer: '(' [testlist] ')' | '[' subscript ']' | '.' NAME
### subscript: expr | [expr] ':' [expr]
import sys, time
c = sys.path[0]
x = time.time()
x = sys.modules['time'].time()
a = '01234'
c = a[0]
c = a[-1]
s = a[0:5]
s = a[:5]
s = a[0:]
s = a[:]
s = a[-5:]
s = a[:-1]
s = a[-4:-3]
print 'atoms'
### atom: '(' [testlist] ')' | '[' [testlist] ']' | '{' [dictmaker] '}' | '`' testlist '`' | NAME | NUMBER | STRING
### dictmaker: test ':' test (',' test ':' test)* [',']
x = (1)
x = (1 or 2 or 3)
x = (1 or 2 or 3, 2, 3)
x = []
x = [1]
x = [1 or 2 or 3]
x = [1 or 2 or 3, 2, 3]
x = []
x = {}
x = {'one': 1}
x = {'one': 1,}
x = {'one' or 'two': 1 or 2}
x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}
x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2,}
x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3, 'four': 4, 'five': 5, 'six': 6}
x = `x`
x = `1 or 2 or 3`
x = x
x = 'x'
x = 123
### exprlist: expr (',' expr)* [',']
### testlist: test (',' test)* [',']
# These have been exercised enough above
print 'classdef' # 'class' NAME parameters ['=' baselist] ':' suite
### baselist: atom arguments (',' atom arguments)*
### arguments: '(' [testlist] ')'
class B: pass
class C1(B): pass
class C2(B): pass
class D(C1, C2, B): pass
class C:
def meth1(self): pass
def meth2(self, arg): pass
def meth3(self, a1, a2): pass
# Python test set -- part 2, opcodes
from test_support import *
print '2. Opcodes'
print 'XXX Not yet fully implemented'
print '2.1 try inside for loop'
n = 0
for i in range(10):
n = n+i
try: 1/0
except NameError: pass
except ZeroDivisionError: pass
except TypeError: pass
finally: pass
try: pass
except: pass
try: pass
finally: pass
n = n+i
if n <> 90:
raise TestFailed, 'try inside for'
# Python test set -- part 3, built-in operations.
print '3. Operations'
print 'XXX Not yet implemented'
# Python test set -- supporting definitions.
TestFailed = 'test_support -- test failed' # Exception
def unload(name):
import sys
del sys.modules[name]
except KeyError:
def forget(modname):
import sys, os
for dirname in sys.path:
os.unlink(os.path.join(dirname, modname + '.pyc'))
except os.error:
TESTFN = '@test' # Filename used for testing
from os import unlink
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