Commit 3e197c7a authored by Alexey Izbyshev's avatar Alexey Izbyshev Committed by Xiang Zhang

bpo-32903: Fix a memory leak in os.chdir() on Windows (GH-5801)

parent 982c7233
Fix a memory leak in os.chdir() on Windows if the current directory is set
to a UNC path.
......@@ -1529,15 +1529,15 @@ win32_wchdir(LPCWSTR path)
return FALSE;
if (wcsncmp(new_path, L"\\\\", 2) == 0 ||
wcsncmp(new_path, L"//", 2) == 0)
/* UNC path, nothing to do. */
return TRUE;
int is_unc_like_path = (wcsncmp(new_path, L"\\\\", 2) == 0 ||
wcsncmp(new_path, L"//", 2) == 0);
if (!is_unc_like_path) {
env[1] = new_path[0];
result = SetEnvironmentVariableW(env, new_path);
if (new_path != path_buf)
return result;
return result ? TRUE : FALSE;
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