Commit 42780247 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Substantially revised documentation for the zipfile module, partially based

on revised text from Jim Ahlstrom <>.

This closes SourceForge bug #115681.
parent 5df72f06
No related merge requests found
......@@ -11,7 +11,13 @@
The ZIP file format is a common archive and compression standard.
This module provides tools to create, read, write, append, and list a
ZIP file.
ZIP file. Any advanced use of this module will require an
understanding of the format, as defined in
\citetitle[]{PKZIP Application
This module does not currently handle ZIP files which have appended
comments, or multi-disk ZIP files.
The available attributes of this module are:
......@@ -23,36 +29,34 @@ The available attributes of this module are:
Level of printing, defaults to \code{1}.
The class for reading and writing ZIP files. See
``\citetitle{ZipFile Objects}'' (section \ref{zipfile-objects}) for
constructor details.
Class for creating ZIP archives containing Python libraries.
\begin{classdesc}{ZipInfo}{\optional{filename\optional{, date_time}}}
Class used the represent infomation about a member of an archive.
Instances of this class are returned by the \method{getinfo()} and
\method{listinfo()} methods of \class{ZipFile} objects. Most users
of the \module{zipfile} module will not need to create these, but
only use those created by this module.
\var{filename} should be the full name of the archive member, and
\var{date_time} should be a tuple containing six fields which
describe the time of the last modification to the file; the fields
are described in section \ref{zipinfo-objects}, ``ZipInfo Objects.''
Returns true if \var{path} is a valid ZIP file based on its magic
number, otherwise returns false. This module does not currently
handle ZIP files which have appended comments.
Return \code{(\var{year}, \var{month}, \var{day})} for a ZIP date
Return \code{(\var{hour}, \var{minute}, \var{second})} for a ZIP
time code.
\begin{funcdesc}{date2zip}{year, month, day}
Return a ZIP date code.
\begin{funcdesc}{time2zip}{hour, minute, second}
Return a ZIP time code.
The numeric constant (\code{0}) for an uncompressed archive member.
......@@ -86,9 +90,11 @@ The available attributes of this module are:
it. If \var{filename} does not refer to a ZIP file, then a new ZIP
archive is appended to the file. This is meant for adding a ZIP
archive to another file, such as \file{python.exe}. Using
cat >> python.exe
also works, and at least \program{WinZip} can read such files.
\var{compression} is the ZIP compression method to use when writing
the archive, and should be \constant{ZIP_STORED} or
......@@ -97,34 +103,18 @@ cat >> python.exe
XXX explain the "extra" string for the ZIP format
A read-only dictionary whose keys are the names in the archive, and
whose values are tuples as follows:
\lineii{0}{File data seek offset}
\lineii{1}{ZIP file "extra" data as a string}
\lineii{2}{ZIP file bit flags}
\lineii{3}{ZIP file compression type}
\lineii{4}{File modification time in DOS format}
\lineii{5}{File modification date in DOS format}
\lineii{6}{The CRC-32 of the uncompressed data}
\lineii{7}{The compressed size of the file}
\lineii{8}{The uncompressed size of the file}
The class ZipFile has these methods:
Return a list of archive members by name.
Return a list of names in the archive. Equivalent to
Return a list containing a \class{ZipInfo} object for each member of
the archive. The objects are in the same order as their entries in
the actual ZIP file on disk if an existing archive was opened.
Print a table of contents for the archive to stdout.
Print a table of contents for the archive to \code{sys.stdout}.
......@@ -132,29 +122,53 @@ The class ZipFile has these methods:
open for read or append.
\begin{methoddesc}{writestr}{bytes, arcname, year, month, day, hour,
minute, second\optional{, extra}}
Read all the files in the archive and check their CRC's. Return the
name of the first bad file, or else return \code{None}.
\begin{methoddesc}{writestr}{bytes, arcname, year, month, day,
hour, minute, second}
Write the string \var{bytes} and the other data to the archive, and
give the archive member the name \var{arcname}. \var{extra} is the
ZIP extra data string. The archive must be opened with mode
\code{'w'} or \code{'a'}.
give the archive member the name \var{arcname}. The archive must be
opened with mode \code{'w'} or \code{'a'}.
\begin{methoddesc}{write}{filename, arcname\optional{, extra}}
\begin{methoddesc}{write}{filename, arcname}
Write the file named \var{filename} to the archive, giving it the
archive name \var{arcname}. \var{extra} is the ZIP extra data
string. The archive must be open with mode \code{'w'} or
archive name \var{arcname}. The archive must be open with mode
\code{'w'} or \code{'a'}.
Close the archive file. You must call \method{close()} before
exiting your program or essential records will not be written.
\begin{methoddesc}{writepy}{pathname\optional{, basename}}
The following data attribute is also available:
The level of debug output to use. This may be set from \code{0}
(the default, no output) to \code{3} (the most output). Debugging
information is written to \code{sys.stdout}.
\subsection{PyZipFile Objects \label{pyzipfile-objects}}
The \class{PyZipFile} constructor takes the same parameters as the
\class{ZipFile} constructor. Instances have one method in addition to
those of \class{ZipFile} objects.
\begin{methoddesc}[PyZipFile]{writepy}{pathname\optional{, basename}}
Search for files \file{*.py} and add the corresponding file to the
archive. The corresponding file is a \file{*.pyo} file if
available, else a \file{*.pyc} file, compiling if necessary. If the
pathname is a file, the filename must end with \file{.py}, and just
the (corresponding \file{*.py[oc]}) file is added at the top level
the (corresponding \file{*.py[co]}) file is added at the top level
(no path information). If it is a directory, and the directory is
not a package directory, then all the files \file{*.py[oc]} are
not a package directory, then all the files \file{*.py[co]} are
added at the top level. If the directory is a package directory,
then all \file{*.py[oc]} are added under the package name as a file
path, and if any subdirectories are package directories, all of
......@@ -171,7 +185,97 @@ The class ZipFile has these methods:
Close the archive file. You must call \method{close()} before
exiting your program or essential records will not be written.
\subsection{ZipInfo Objects \label{zipinfo-objects}}
Instances of the \class{ZipInfo} class are returned by the
\method{getinfo()} and \method{listinfo()} methods of
\class{ZipFile} objects. Each object stores information about a
single member of the ZIP archive.
Instances have the following attributes:
Name of the file in the archive.
The time and date of the last modification to to the archive
member. This is a tuple of six values:
\lineii{1}{Month (one-based)}
\lineii{2}{Day of month (one-based)}
\lineii{3}{Hours (zero-based)}
\lineii{4}{Minutes (zero-based)}
\lineii{5}{Seconds (zero-based)}
Type of compression for the archive member.
Comment for the individual archive member.
Expansion field data. The
\citetitle[]{PKZIP Application
Note} contains some comments on the internal structure of the data
contained in this string.
System which created ZIP archive.
PKZIP version which created ZIP archive.
PKZIP version needed to extract archive.
Must be zero.
ZIP flag bits.
Volume number of file header.
Internal attributes.
External file attributes.
Byte offset to the file header.
Byte offset to the start of the file data.
CRC-32 of the uncompressed file.
Size of the compressed data.
Size of the uncompressed file.
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