Commit 42acf38a authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Added usage() and help() to Vrecb, and turn on -f by default.

Removed duplicate description of -r option from documentation file.
parent b8b13ee5
#! /ufs/guido/bin/sgi/python-405
#! /ufs/guido/bin/sgi/python
# Capture a continuous CMIF movie using the Indigo video library and board
# Usage:
# makemovie [-r rate] [-w width] [moviefile]
# Options:
# -r rate : capture 1 out of every 'rate' frames (default 1)
# -w width : initial window width (default interactive placement)
# -d : drop fields if needed
# -g bits : greyscale (2, 4 or 8 bits)
# -G : 2-bit greyscale dithered
# -m : monochrome dithered
# -M value : monochrome tresholded with value
# -f : Capture fields (in stead of frames)
# -n number : Capture 'number' fields (default 60)
# moviefile : here goes the movie data (default;
# the format is documented in
# Capture a CMIF movie using the Indigo video library and board in burst mode
# User interface:
......@@ -51,6 +30,38 @@ import string
import imageop
import sgi
# Usage and help functions (keep this up-to-date if you change the program!)
def usage():
print 'Usage: Vrecb [options] [moviefile]'
print 'Options:'
print '-r rate : capture 1 out of every "rate" frames', \
'(default and min 1)'
print '-w width : initial window width', \
'(default interactive placement)'
print '-d : drop fields if needed'
print '-g bits : greyscale (2, 4 or 8 bits)'
print '-G : 2-bit greyscale dithered'
print '-m : monochrome dithered'
print '-M value : monochrome tresholded with value'
print '-f : Capture fields (instead of frames)'
print '-n number : Capture this many frames (default 60)'
print 'moviefile : here goes the movie data (default'
def help():
print 'Press the left mouse button to start recording.'
print 'Recording time is determined by the -n option.'
print 'You can record as many times as you wish, but each'
print 'recording overwrites the output file(s) -- only the'
print 'last recording is kept.'
print 'Press ESC or use the window manager Quit or Close window option'
print 'to quit. If you quit before recording anything, the output'
print 'file(s) are not touched.'
# Main program
def main():
......@@ -65,12 +76,20 @@ def main():
fields = 0
number = 60
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'r:w:dg:mM:Gfn:')
except getopt.error, msg:
sys.stdout = sys.stderr
print 'Error:', msg, '\n'
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-r':
rate = string.atoi(arg)
if rate < 2:
sys.stderr.write('-r rate must be >= 2\n')
if rate < 1:
sys.stderr.write('-r rate must be >= 1\n')
elif opt == '-w':
width = string.atoi(arg)
......@@ -80,7 +99,9 @@ def main():
grey = 1
greybits = string.atoi(arg)
if not greybits in (2,4,8):
print 'Only 2, 4 or 8 bit greyscale supported'
sys.stderr.write( \
'Only 2, 4 or 8 bit greyscale supported\n')
elif opt == '-G':
grey = 1
greybits = -2
......@@ -93,9 +114,17 @@ def main():
fields = 1
elif opt == '-n':
number = string.atoi(arg)
except string.atoi_error:
sys.stdout = sys.stderr
print 'Option', opt, 'requires integer argument'
if not fields:
print '-f option assumed until Jack fixes it'
fields = 1
if args[2:]:
sys.stderr.write('usage: Vrec [options] [file]\n')
sys.stderr.write('usage: Vrecb [options] [file]\n')
if args:
......@@ -151,7 +180,7 @@ def main():
print 'Press left mouse to start recording'
while 1:
dev, val = gl.qread()
......@@ -231,6 +260,7 @@ def record(v, info, filename, mono, grey, greybits, monotreshold, fields):
vout.packfactor = (1,-2)
print 'Sorry, can only save fields at the moment'
print '(i.e. you *must* use the -f option)'
......@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ Options for Vrec:
-q queuesize Set size of the video board circular buffer. A little
experimentation with this may lead to more video being
captured, but not always.
-r rate Set video rate. A rate of 2 tries to capture every
second frame, etc.
-P frames Preallocate diskspace for 'frames' images. This may
enable you to capture more frames.
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