Commit 447169f6 authored by Terry Jan Reedy's avatar Terry Jan Reedy

Merge with 3.4

parents 5a8bbc5f 93f3542a
......@@ -252,17 +252,16 @@ Options menu (Shell and Editor)
Configure IDLE
Open a configuration dialog. Fonts, indentation, keybindings, and color
themes may be altered. Startup Preferences may be set, and additional
help sources can be specified. Non-default user setting are saved in a
.idlerc directory in the user's home directory. Problems caused by bad user
configuration files are solved by editing or deleting one or more of the
files in .idlerc. On OS X, open the configuration dialog by selecting
Preferences in the application menu.
Configure Extensions
Open a configuration dialog for setting preferences for extensions
(discussed below). See note above about the location of user settings.
Open a configuration dialog and change preferences for the following:
fonts, indentation, keybindings, text color themes, startup windows and
size, additional help sources, and extensions (see below). On OS X,
open the configuration dialog by selecting Preferences in the application
menu. To use a new built-in color theme (IDLE Dark) with older IDLEs,
save it as a new custom theme.
Non-default user settings are saved in a .idlerc directory in the user's
home directory. Problems caused by bad user configuration files are solved
by editing or deleting one or more of the files in .idlerc.
Code Context (toggle)(Editor Window only)
Open a pane at the top of the edit window which shows the block context
......@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ menudefs = [
('options', [
('Configure _IDLE', '<<open-config-dialog>>'),
('Configure _Extensions', '<<open-config-extensions-dialog>>'),
('help', [
......@@ -191,8 +191,6 @@ class EditorWindow(object):
text.bind("<<python-docs>>", self.python_docs)
text.bind("<<about-idle>>", self.about_dialog)
text.bind("<<open-config-dialog>>", self.config_dialog)
text.bind("<<open-module>>", self.open_module)
text.bind("<<do-nothing>>", lambda event: "break")
text.bind("<<select-all>>", self.select_all)
......@@ -514,10 +512,6 @@ class EditorWindow(object):
# Synchronize with macosxSupport.overrideRootMenu.config_dialog.
def config_extensions_dialog(self, event=None):
"Handle Options 'Configure Extensions' event."
def help_dialog(self, event=None):
"Handle Help 'IDLE Help' event."
# Synchronize with macosxSupport.overrideRootMenu.help_dialog.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -266,16 +266,16 @@ access to locals and globals.</dd>
<h3> Options menu (Shell and Editor)<a class="headerlink" href="#options-menu-shell-and-editor" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
<dl class="docutils">
<dt>Configure IDLE</dt>
<dd>Open a configuration dialog. Fonts, indentation, keybindings, and color
themes may be altered. Startup Preferences may be set, and additional
help sources can be specified. Non-default user setting are saved in a
.idlerc directory in the user&#8217;s home directory. Problems caused by bad user
configuration files are solved by editing or deleting one or more of the
files in .idlerc. On OS X, open the configuration dialog by selecting
Preferences in the application menu.</dd>
<dt>Configure Extensions</dt>
<dd>Open a configuration dialog for setting preferences for extensions
(discussed below). See note above about the location of user settings.</dd>
<dd><p class="first">Open a configuration dialog and change preferences for the following:
fonts, indentation, keybindings, text color themes, startup windows and
size, additional help sources, and extensions (see below). On OS X,
open the configuration dialog by selecting Preferences in the application
menu. To use a new built-in color theme (IDLE Dark) with older IDLEs,
save it as a new custom theme.</p>
<p class="last">Non-default user settings are saved in a .idlerc directory in the user&#8217;s
home directory. Problems caused by bad user configuration files are solved
by editing or deleting one or more of the files in .idlerc.</p>
<dt>Code Context (toggle)(Editor Window only)</dt>
<dd>Open a pane at the top of the edit window which shows the block context
of the code which has scrolled above the top of the window.</dd>
......@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ are currently:</p>
The Python Software Foundation is a non-profit corporation.
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<br />
Last updated on Oct 02, 2015.
Last updated on Oct 13, 2015.
<a href="../bugs.html">Found a bug</a>?
<br />
Created using <a href="">Sphinx</a> 1.2.3.
......@@ -93,15 +93,6 @@ _class_browser_spec = {
"Double clicking on items prints a traceback for an exception "
"that is ignored."
ConfigExtensionsDialog_spec = {
'file': 'configDialog',
'kwds': {'title': 'Test Extension Configuration',
'_htest': True,},
'msg': "IDLE extensions dialog.\n"
"\n[Ok] to close the dialog.[Apply] to apply the settings and "
"and [Cancel] to revert all changes.\nRe-run the test to ensure "
"changes made have persisted."
_color_delegator_spec = {
'file': 'ColorDelegator',
......@@ -121,7 +112,8 @@ ConfigDialog_spec = {
"font face of the text in the area below it.\nIn the "
"'Highlighting' tab, try different color schemes. Clicking "
"items in the sample program should update the choices above it."
"\nIn the 'Keys' and 'General' tab, test settings of interest."
"\nIn the 'Keys', 'General' and 'Extensions' tabs, test settings"
"of interest."
"\n[Ok] to close the dialog.[Apply] to apply the settings and "
"and [Cancel] to revert all changes.\nRe-run the test to ensure "
"changes made have persisted."
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